A girl? Could this be a sign of yuri?
We're pathetic. I had the same thought. Clutch at any straw :)
eh, honestly, I think even objectively this is a pretty safe bet. This is the artist that did Nanashi no Asterism. They like to bring the gay to the table.
Nonetheless I am still rooting for tearful childlike girl who was in love with boy-sempai to have such a strong love that it overcomes the boundaries of gender.
Or, alternately, she's the only gay girl she knows of at the school and thinks this is a good prospect for a girlfriend.
Bonus: yuri is the lazy option - no birth control no pregnancy etc. Of course, long term, sempai may want to marry and stay home while a man earns a living so crying girl should emphasize how much hard work keeping house is.
The lazy option is never date anyone at all. ;p
Unless you have somebody that wants to take care of you.