Forum › Bloom Into You discussion

joined Oct 26, 2018

If you look at the panel with the "but" then go back to the last scene with Touko and Sayaka, it should be obvious what it's referring to, unless the translation is just extraordinarily bad or something. The cafe scene makes it seem like Sayaka has something juicy to say, but she's really just repeating the same things she was thinking earlier.

Actually, I just looked at the translation for the cafe part, and it's pretty bad. Sayaka says, "Previously, even if I confessed, she didn't have the leeway to consider it, but I think she's started to change a lot recently. Perhaps now... But..." I have no idea how it got mangled so badly.

joined Apr 17, 2015

I don't know if Sayaka's gonna confess, but it might be better if she did at this point. Both to allow herself to move on, and maybe to shake up Touko just enough. At least I think Sayaka's strong enough to take the rejection.

joined Feb 18, 2015

I was a bit ticked that they were having Yuu use first names in the manga. If I reacall, Touko starts calling Yuu by her first name in staid of her sir name fairly quickly, and Sayaka and Touko always use first names, but having Yuu call both of the sempais by their first names is just wrong... (Strangely they all call Maki by his sir name, I presume... At least I always figured that was his sir name.)

joined Oct 22, 2018

I was a bit ticked that they were having Yuu use first names in the manga. If I reacall, Touko starts calling Yuu by her first name in staid of her sir name fairly quickly, and Sayaka and Touko always use first names, but having Yuu call both of the sempais by their first names is just wrong... (Strangely they all call Maki by his sir name, I presume... At least I always figured that was his sir name.)

Both the nerdy and the dickish ones of my numerous inner selves want to insult you for your bad spelling... barely contains his laughter

joined Jun 20, 2013

They totally mess up the latest chapter (36) xD

joined Sep 3, 2016

There is like 7 PAGES missing... WTF

joined Jun 30, 2016

Oh boy Sayaka enters the ring?!

joined Apr 21, 2018

Sorry but i dont really understand this Chapter. o.O Is the Mangaka now streching this Manga or why is it not focusing on the Main Chars anymore? im not Interessted in the Side Characters,,,,,,,,,,

last edited at Nov 5, 2018 3:18PM

joined Dec 11, 2017

Sorry but i dont really understand this Chapter. o.O Is the Mangaka now streching this Manga or why is it not focusing on the Main Chars anymore? im not Interessted in the Side Characters,,,,,,,,,,

Sayaka is one of the central cast and has been the focus of chapters before. She's Touko's best friend, is in love with her, and is Yuu's principle rival I don't think it's a diversion to focus on her POV for a chapter.

Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

Whoever scans it. Name pages 01, 02, 03 etc. instead of 1, 2, 3. They are out of order.

last edited at Nov 5, 2018 3:24PM

joined Oct 27, 2018

Sorry but i dont really understand this Chapter. o.O Is the Mangaka now streching this Manga or why is it not focusing on the Main Chars anymore? im not Interessted in the Side Characters,,,,,,,,,,

Sayaka is one of the central cast and has been the focus of chapters before. She's Touko's best friend, is in love with her, and is Yuu's principle rival I don't think it's a diversion to focus on her POV for a chapter.

I like it this way, it helps to bridge the gap between You and Touko's falling out, rather than jumping right into the resolution like a lot of other manga would do.

joined Apr 21, 2018

But FOR ME the Mangaka is stretching it now to much......

joined Nov 29, 2016

There's some missing pages i think? Maybe

joined Feb 18, 2015

I was a bit ticked that they were having Yuu use first names in the manga. If I recall, Touko starts calling Yuu by her first name in staid of her sir name fairly quickly, and Sayaka and Touko always use first names, but having Yuu call both of the sempais by their first names is just wrong... (Strangely they all call Maki by his sir name, I presume... At least I always figured that was his sir name.)

Both the nerdy and the dickish ones of my numerous inner selves want to insult you for your bad spelling... barely contains his laughter

Well... congratulations on being a nerdy dick... what we ALL aspire to be in life. Loser!

The order of the pages in the chapter is wrong, other than that it's an interesting chapter. Not what I was expecting... It almost seems like filler, except that Sayaka's inner thoughts have ALWAYS been important in the story. It sets up the potential for her to confess, but somehow I feel she still feels that Touko wouldn't be receptive and she'll end up stuck where she is, or, more likely, decide to confess right around the time that Touko and Yuu finally get together and back off.

last edited at Nov 5, 2018 3:42PM

joined Nov 29, 2016

Sorry but i dont really understand this Chapter. o.O Is the Mangaka now streching this Manga or why is it not focusing on the Main Chars anymore? im not Interessted in the Side Characters,,,,,,,,,,

Sayaka is one of the central cast and has been the focus of chapters before. She's Touko's best friend, is in love with her, and is Yuu's principle rival I don't think it's a diversion to focus on her POV for a chapter.

I like it this way, it helps to bridge the gap between You and Touko's falling out, rather than jumping right into the resolution like a lot of other manga would do.

It's building that gay suspense, my dude.

joined Dec 11, 2017

So there have already been some good discussions of this. Here's my perspective on Sayaka. I think Sayaka knows that Touko has had a crush on Yuu. I think she doesn't know how Yuu feels about Touko. She asked her about it and didn't get an answer. She knows that Yuu respects and cares about Touko, but she doesn't know to what extent.

She's also aware that something has gone wrong. She might actually suspect that -Touko- confessed and got shot down. Either way, I agree with the perspective that she's picked up that Touko is closer to a place where she could accept someone's affections.

I wonder if Sayaka confessing would screw Touko up at this point. I mean, she's already feeling guilty as hell because she accidentally forced Yuu to bury and hide her feelings. How do you think she'd feel if she finds out it was happening to Sayaka too? And then she has to deal with having to turn one of them down while accepting the other? I don't think she could do it. She'd feel too guilty about Sayaka to court Yuu properly at that point, although I could be wrong.

I think the most likely course of events at this point would be that Touko admits her feelings for Yuu to Sayaka first, and Sayaka gives her the push back towards Yuu. I could see Sayaka confessing after that point, for closure, but if she confessed before Touko has made a decision, it'd turn the whole thing into a quagmire.

last edited at Nov 5, 2018 3:41PM

joined Dec 11, 2017

But FOR ME the Mangaka is stretching it now to much......

It is ONE chapter focusing on THE MOST IMPORTANT side character.

Patience. You must learn patience!

(Edit: What's more, the resolution of Sayaka's personal arc is going to be integral, one way or another, to what Touko decides to do with Yuu. This is not stretching anything, this is build-up.

last edited at Nov 5, 2018 3:44PM

joined May 2, 2018

Assuming the translation reproduces the original tone accurately (and I have no reason to think it doesn't), Sayaka's "I had decided what to do if that day ever came... but that day is already here" IMO means that she will not stick to her earlier decision, so no confession.

last edited at Nov 5, 2018 3:52PM

joined Sep 21, 2015

Truck-san is coming...

joined Feb 18, 2015

So there have already been some good discussions of this. Here's my perspective on Sayaka. I think Sayaka knows that Touko has had a crush on Yuu. I think she doesn't know how Yuu feels about Touko. She asked her about it and didn't get an answer. She knows that Yuu respects and cares about Touko, but she doesn't know to what extent.

Yeah, I had almost forgotten that Sayaka asked Yuu if she loved Touko, but then didn't really let her answer by telling her that she does. It's almost like she didn't need to hear the answer or just needed to tell Yuu how she felt and Yuu's feelings were entirely secondary.

joined Feb 3, 2013

sayaka best girl

joined Mar 9, 2013

But FOR ME the Mangaka is stretching it now to much......

That sounds like a you problem.

joined Jul 29, 2017

I think the most likely course of events at this point would be that Touko admits her feelings for Yuu to Sayaka first, and Sayaka gives her the push back towards Yuu.

Not that we’re putting it to a vote or winning any valuable and exciting prizes for correct predictions, but this is pretty much my call too.

It’s the most logical way to stay true to Sayaka’s character while not throwing the whole story off the rails.

Anyway, Tea-Shop-sama clearly needs a smart, sharp-eyed assistant to help her grow the business; Sayaka is a natural for the “part-time manager trainee” spot, wink-wink-nudge-nudge.

joined Sep 14, 2014

But FOR ME the Mangaka is stretching it now to much......

That sounds like a you problem.

Ya, seems a bit selfish. This story is one of the most well-paced and consistent with previous material kind of yuri manga
I've ever read on this site. Every chapter moves the story along in some sense. This chapter shows that Sayaka is noticing it's probably the best time to confess. The author is laying the foundation for Sayaka's confidence and motivation to confess. If we suddenly got a chapter where Sayaka confesses, people would complain that it'd seem to abrupt and out of nowhere. Once Touko is confronted by another confession, she'll have to make up her mind about Yuu, Sayaka and herself.

Snapdragon beans
joined Oct 27, 2018

Sayaka is so cute in her glasses.

I'm hoping for the same outcome that Heavensrun is hoping for.

last edited at Nov 5, 2018 4:43PM

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