I really liked those extra bits - and the manga overall - though I thought the elementary school angst stuff could have all been cut - it wasn't what the story was about.
And As for the person a few posts back in mentioning Sakura trick - since when was that het porn yuri?? It was for fans of yuri clearly! Not straight guys who just get off on lesbians - they are not gonna like Sakura trick, which is about their romance and just has kissing! Sure it's not a great story or high art yuri lol - but it is pure yuri for yuri fans, just of simpler and comedic nature!
It also WAS using the kisses as part of its appeal but that was still appealing to yuri fans not hentai fans who do not normally watch yuri! Also, it was the first ever anime to feature LOTS of yuri kissing - EVER - and you have a problem with that?? It broke new ground for a yuri anime. There are precious few other shows with even 1 real yuri kiss! And just because there are better more quality serious yuri manga out there they could do, does NOT detract from it at all.