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Forum › Bright and Cheery Amnesia discussion

joined Nov 14, 2016

This chapter was so adorable.
It's great to see the story progressing too.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Also Arisa's mom seems cool, she's okay with pretty much anything her daughter does as long as she cleans down there and marries someone with a job. I look forward to seeing her.

joined Aug 22, 2016

Arisa will drink during the reception and then just dom Mari with all she’s got

joined Aug 7, 2017

Also Arisa's mom seems cool, she's okay with pretty much anything her daughter does as long as she cleans down there and marries someone with a job. I look forward to seeing her.

Reminds me of m k's Jewels comic, where the couple eventually came out to their parents at the ripe age of 27, and the tomboy's mom turns out to not only be A-OK with her daughter being a lesbian, she knew said daughter was a lesbian all along despite said girl-now-woman having trying to hide it (evidently she sucked at that, at least towards her family).

joined Jul 29, 2017

Yeah, that one where her parents react to her telling them she married a woman by offering to pay for a proper wedding ceremony. That was heartwarming.

I believe there's no way that Arisa's mom didn't know about them dating already. Arisa has definitely told her everything about how amazing and sexy her girlfriend is, both before and after the amnesia. She is not subtle.

last edited at May 14, 2018 8:47PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

Reminds me of m k's Jewels comic, where the couple eventually came out to their parents at the ripe age of 27, and the tomboy's mom turns out to not only be A-OK with her daughter being a lesbian, she knew said daughter was a lesbian all along despite said girl-now-woman having trying to hide it (evidently she sucked at that, at least towards her family).

Reminds me of an IRL coming-out story I once read about. Woman decides to come clean to her family and start with her sister, they meet at a café. Conversation in a nutshell:
Woman: "...sis, I need to tell you something."
Sister: (looking goncerned) "Are you pregnant?"
Woman: "Wha- NO! I'm gay!"
Sister: (relieved) "Oh, okay. Yeah we kinda figured actually."

Relatives can be embarassingly perceptive.

Putting that aside, is it just me or is Arisa's default mood "hyper"?

joined Dec 11, 2017

RE the Norway gag: It's basically a way of rendering the fact that she's literally saying "NO WAY" in Engrish (i.e. ノーウェー, or noowee / noh-weh), rather than using the native Japanese equivalent of the English phrase (e.g. いやだ, iyada).

She said うそっ

Yeah, うそ (the actual word, っ just indicates that the last sound is elongated) is another word in Japanese for "No way!", though it literally means "lie" (as a noun).

That isn't the point. You said "Norway" is supposed to render the fact that she said "no way" in engrish, but she DIDN'T. She said "Uso!" which is the japanese word for "lie", and when spoken by itself, means "It's not true!" or possibly "You're kidding!" (depending on the context) If the point of Norway is to represent engrish spoken "no way", then it shouldn't be used here. (and honesty it shouldn't be used at all, because that's a really stupid way to represent that idea.)

You're also incorrect about っ. As pointed out, A small っ means a glottal stop, an abrupt cutting-off of the vowel sound preceeding it. A larger っ is just the letter "tsu" and is pronounced as such. You might be confusing it with う, which extends an "O" vowel sound.

I have never seen a sequence of っ's used to represent a lengthening of a vowel sound. That is literally the opposite of what every japanese language reference I've ever seen says about the use of the character. I'm afraid I've gotta go with "Pics or GTFO" on that one. I could -maybe- see it used to indicate that someone was cut off violently in mid vowe-gkh!

Stan Miller Staff
Cyan Steam (Stan Miller)
joined May 25, 2017

It's a joke I picked up from another series I'm doing, Hinamatsuri. There, end of story.
I did it cause I was in a fun mood at the time.

last edited at May 15, 2018 12:47AM

Urashi C. Pin
joined Jun 17, 2014

It's a joke I picked up from another series I'm doing, Hinamatsuri. There, end of story.
I did it cause I was in a fun mood at the time.

i love the whole norway thing and i love hinamatsuri. lol

last edited at May 15, 2018 1:16AM

joined Feb 14, 2016

Bless this series for continuing to spread the good news of ladies in suits

Lomographic Colored Past
joined Dec 29, 2016

Are they going abroad to get married? Since I know that it's not yet legal in Japan to have same-sex marriage, though, some part of Japan recognized official partnership but it does not really cover the whole benefits and legal concepts of marriage. Nevertheless, I think Japan is moving forward and it's a good sign.

joined Sep 23, 2017

It's a joke I picked up from another series I'm doing, Hinamatsuri. There, end of story.
I did it cause I was in a fun mood at the time.

Call me old-fashioned, but translations should generally strive to be as true to the source as possible, with any localisation being restricted to idioms or wordplay or the like.
It seems kinda disrespectful towards the source material, and readers, to modify it in such a way that it is less faithful to the original's meaning and intent.

joined Aug 7, 2017

It's a joke I picked up from another series I'm doing, Hinamatsuri. There, end of story.
I did it cause I was in a fun mood at the time.

Call me old-fashioned, but translations should generally strive to be as true to the source as possible, with any localisation being restricted to idioms or wordplay or the like.
It seems kinda disrespectful towards the source material, and readers, to modify it in such a way that it is less faithful to the original's meaning and intent.

And some people harp on me for being obsessed with faithfulness in accuracy of doujinshi translations (looking at you, Risette; what you did with just a few panels of Confusion mode AR is inexcusable). Chill dude, you're making mountains out of molehills.

joined Sep 23, 2017

It's a joke I picked up from another series I'm doing, Hinamatsuri. There, end of story.
I did it cause I was in a fun mood at the time.

Call me old-fashioned, but translations should generally strive to be as true to the source as possible, with any localisation being restricted to idioms or wordplay or the like.
It seems kinda disrespectful towards the source material, and readers, to modify it in such a way that it is less faithful to the original's meaning and intent.

And some people harp on me for being obsessed with faithfulness in accuracy of doujinshi translations (looking at you, Risette; what you did with just a few panels of Confusion mode AR is inexcusable). Chill dude, you're making mountains out of molehills.

Alternative suggestion: a proven failing to accurately translate foreign media for a new audience unnecessarily introduces ambiguity and distrust as to the reliability and authenticity of the translated material.
Which is likely to put at least some people off, because they can no longer rely upon what they're viewing as being an accurate representation of the original work.
Which is bad, if the intent is to share said original work with that wider audience.

Perhaps, rather than insult me and imply I am "obsessed" and "making mountains out of molehills", you could take your own advice, and "chill". Especially if you have nothing actually substantive to add.
(Sidenote: Also not a dude.)

Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

Stan made silly pun. It didn't affect the tone of the story or changed plot. It didn't mischaracterize the character (it is silly comedy about getting amnesia from being too happy for crying out load). Everyone got it. You are overreacting.

If it was like My Little Kitten, where you had blatant rewrites, then I would understand your complains. Btw. some people still defended that translation and one of the reason given was "because it was funny". Here it is a comedy manga and adding a silly 1 time pun affects nothing. Is it faithful? No. Does it matter in the long run. No. So calm down. It's not like Stan plan to add stuff like that all the time on every possible occasion to "mess with original material" or anything.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Alternative suggestion: a proven failing to accurately translate foreign media for a new audience unnecessarily introduces ambiguity and distrust as to the reliability and authenticity of the translated material.
Which is likely to put at least some people off, because they can no longer rely upon what they're viewing as being an accurate representation of the original work.
Which is bad, if the intent is to share said original work with that wider audience.

How does this apply 21 chapters into an established series, given that almost all new readers are going to start at the beginning.

Plus, it's a scanlation appearing on a scanlation site. The vast majority of the audience is going to be people who are already manga fans and familiar with the amateur/volunteer nature of scanlation. So who is this "wider audience" you're talking about?

I can see you objecting on purity grounds, but this "new audience" thing is a non-starter.

joined Apr 20, 2013

And no one was insulting you... Btw I'm not even a native english speaker but I got the joke, it was a funny touch, if you want to see something really bad you should heard some liberties that the official english dubs or sub would take sometimes.
I once had to help with fansubbing, with yuru yuri... You know how hard was to translate Ayano's puns so the people in spanish would laugh too?! lol alternatively all fansubs could fill the pages with translation notes, but that would be really boring like we're making a study instead of enjoying a comedy.

Back on topic with the manga, Mari san could've seriously got mad in this chapter, I mean, I WOULD! like "YOU GOT TO TALK TO ME ABOUT STUFF LIKE THIS BEFORE YOU DO IT!" but I guess it doesn't fit the manga's mood.

last edited at May 15, 2018 11:03AM

joined Jun 27, 2017

Back on topic with the manga, Mari san could've seriously got mad in this chapter, I mean, I WOULD! like "YOU GOT TO TALK TO ME ABOUT STUFF LIKE THIS BEFORE YOU DO IT!" but I guess it doesn't fit the manga's mood.

Ya, I had a similar impression. Just felt a bit disrespectful, practically dismissing her partner's concerns and wishes ... buuuut, like you, I then decided it's just comedy, so whatever. ^^

joined Jun 12, 2015

I also can't wait for their wedding.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Mari got mad, but she also knows that Arisa does things like this all the time.

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

It's a joke I picked up from another series I'm doing, Hinamatsuri. There, end of story.
I did it cause I was in a fun mood at the time.

I liked it!

joined Mar 3, 2017

Trust me, Mari, none of us can wait either!!!

joined Dec 19, 2011

Back on topic with the manga, Mari san could've seriously got mad in this chapter, I mean, I WOULD! like "YOU GOT TO TALK TO ME ABOUT STUFF LIKE THIS BEFORE YOU DO IT!" but I guess it doesn't fit the manga's mood.

Ya, I had a similar impression. Just felt a bit disrespectful, practically dismissing her partner's concerns and wishes ... buuuut, like you, I then decided it's just comedy, so whatever. ^^

She should ask her partner before telling her own parents? I understand wanting to keep it secret from her partners friends and family, and that requiring asking her first, but I think she at least has the right to tell her OWN PARENTS about her relationship.

If my SO wants me to lie to her parents, fine. It's her parents. But I will NOT lie to my own parents and frankly I don't think my SO has any right dictate my relationship with my parents.

joined Feb 3, 2013

Back on topic with the manga, Mari san could've seriously got mad in this chapter, I mean, I WOULD! like "YOU GOT TO TALK TO ME ABOUT STUFF LIKE THIS BEFORE YOU DO IT!" but I guess it doesn't fit the manga's mood.

Ya, I had a similar impression. Just felt a bit disrespectful, practically dismissing her partner's concerns and wishes ... buuuut, like you, I then decided it's just comedy, so whatever. ^^

She should ask her partner before telling her own parents? I understand wanting to keep it secret from her partners friends and family, and that requiring asking her first, but I think she at least has the right to tell her OWN PARENTS about her relationship.

If my SO wants me to lie to her parents, fine. It's her parents. But I will NOT lie to my own parents and frankly I don't think my SO has any right dictate my relationship with my parents.

Yeah ... but you're not under Japanese society pressure or standards when saying that.

joined Jun 27, 2017

Yeah ... but you're not under Japanese society pressure or standards when saying that.

Also, they are already living together. Naturally, anyone she's coming out to will know that whoever she lives with is gay, too. So essentially you are forcing her to come out whether she wants to or not - that can and should be handled more delicately than "those are my parents so it's none of your business". You know, the entire pesky "I'm in a relationship so I actually have to talk about things with my partner" stuff ^^

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