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joined Sep 28, 2011

yall remeber this

yea thats how we want it


joined Dec 11, 2017

Thing is, when you read a manga chapter by chapter, a lot of times the pacing can seem slow and frustrating, and the cliffhangers gimmicky, but when you read the same story in a trade in one batch, it flows pretty well. This cliffhanger is kind of BS and I don't expect a solid payoff, but it's also the kind of thing that would just pass uneventfully in a collected trade. That's the consequence you face of reading a story piecemeal. Getting upset about it is just going to stress you out.

I assume either Uta's going to chicken out or get interrupted. Best case scenario is that Kaoru clues in -anyway-, and starts processing what it means on her own.

As for why we haven't gotten the backstory, it hasn't been directly relevant yet. I suspect that at some point, we'll get a major confrontation between Kaoru and Reiichi, or Kaoru and Risako, (or Kaoru and both) and then we'll get a flashback arc that fills in the gaps. I also expect that when this happens, people will gripe endlessly about it, but once it's done and read in quick succession, it'll flow pretty well. ;p

Also, to those who are angry at the fact that Reiichi is cheating with Risako, I'm not going to make excuses for his behavior, I think it's definitely bad, but some things to keep in mind for perspective: He seems to have married Kaoru partly out of pity or guilt of some sort, and he seems at least partly aware of Uta's feelings for Kaoru, and he does honestly seem like he's a caring brother.

He might have a lot of complicated, conflicting feelings about their whole situation, which might make running for comfort into the arms of his ex a pretty tempting retreat from it all. He honestly -doesn't- seem like a cliche jerk, so I wouldn't write off the notion that there might be some more complex characterization there, although he is still definitely being a dumbass jerk right now.

joined Jul 29, 2017

As for why we haven't gotten the backstory, it hasn't been directly relevant yet. I suspect that at some point, we'll get a major confrontation between Kaoru and Reiichi, or Kaoru and Risako, (or Kaoru and both) and then we'll get a flashback arc that fills in the gaps.

That's true for some values of "directly relevant," but, as you say here, the story is basically asking us to hang fire on judging Reiichi's actions and motivations until some unspecified future time, and we've already had several major postponed confrontations that would have clarified his behavior.

He may have understandable reasons for his behavior and he may not, but (in my view) that uncertainty doesn't make him an interesting character, just a vague one. It's true that he isn't shown to be evil or malicious (yet), just unreliable and ineffectual.

The story has built up to several big moments:

  • Reiichi is about to ask Uta something that's on his mind, then he does that "It's nothing--never mind" thing.

  • Kaoru spots Reiichi with another woman somewhere other than where he said he would be, but when she is about to confront him she slips and falls.

  • Kaoru demands a heart-to-heart talk that's interrupted by a phone call, then he blows her off.

Now Uta is about to reveal the central point of the entire story, and . . . ?

Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

Blastaar posted:

Now Uta is about to reveal the central point of the entire story, and . . . ?

She won't because the drama must go on.

joined Jan 10, 2017

The story has built up to several big moments:

  • Reiichi is about to ask Uta something that's on his mind, then he does that "It's nothing--never mind" thing.

  • Kaoru spots Reiichi with another woman somewhere other than where he said he would be, but when she is about to confront him she slips and falls.

  • Kaoru demands a heart-to-heart talk that's interrupted by a phone call, then he blows her off.

Now Uta is about to reveal the central point of the entire story, and . . . ?

This crap drives me nuts. It's the kind of thing that can separate a really really good story from just an okay one--ACTUALLY ADDRESSING THE ISSUES. Instead of dragging them out. It's the sign of a poor storytelling when all they can do is drag them out. A good storyteller will GIVE YOU ALL THE JUICY BITS and then do interesting things with them. I hesitate to crap all over this manga, because I really like the set up, the tone, the art, yadda yadda, but this can be so much better than it is right now.

joined Dec 27, 2014

Well I'm definitely looking forward to the next ch

Nishi Zuki Mai
joined Aug 21, 2017

F, for ch 14

joined Jul 17, 2015

Just to clarify--on page 26, Uta doesn't actually say the words in the top left panel, right? So Kaoru is unaware that she's attracted to a woman.

joined Mar 22, 2014


Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

Holy fuck next chapter is amazing! Maybe this manga will manage to redeem itself?

joined Jan 25, 2016

Holy fuck next chapter is amazing! Maybe this manga will manage to redeem itself?

where did you read it

Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

Tazzr posted:

Holy fuck next chapter is amazing! Maybe this manga will manage to redeem itself?

where did you read it

I only glanced over raws.

joined Jan 25, 2016

Tazzr posted:

Holy fuck next chapter is amazing! Maybe this manga will manage to redeem itself?

where did you read it

I only glanced over raws.

ah can i have a link?

last edited at May 21, 2018 9:01PM

joined Mar 22, 2014

Holy fuck next chapter is amazing! Maybe this manga will manage to redeem itself?


Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

Tazzr posted:

Tazzr posted:

Holy fuck next chapter is amazing! Maybe this manga will manage to redeem itself?

where did you read it

I only glanced over raws.

ah can i have a link?

Important part is in text, so idk if you will get anything from it though

joined Jan 7, 2014

Boy that's kinda gay

joined Sep 28, 2011


joined Jun 23, 2017

So like... Uta did kiss Kaoru and Kaoru was aware of that the whole time? Or I don't remember the whole story that well?

And, like the cheating of her husband, Kaoru decided to turn a blind-eye to the whole thing until Uta confessed falling in love with an older a person; which then forced to admit that it really happened?

last edited at May 29, 2018 12:43PM

joined Sep 16, 2017

Wuah!!! So, she already knows that Uta love her??

Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

Klice posted:

So like... Uta did kiss Kaoru and Kaoru was aware of that the whole time? Or I don't remember the whole story that well?

And, like the cheating of her husband, Kaoru decided to turn a blind-eye to the whole thing until Uta confessed falling in love with an older a person; which then forced to admit that it really happened?

No. The way I understand it is that. After this Uta confessed her love to Karou. But of course it was awkward, so probably either Uta said to forgot about it or one of them changed topic and they carried on with it. Kaoru was probably completely taken by surprise and had no idea how to react. So they spend the rest of trip, come home, went sleep, went back to their routine. After few days, we get that morning scene. Kaoru is thinking who the person Uta could love be. Gives few "typical" scenarios, but then stops and thinks "who the fuck I'm kidding. She just said it was me." So I read it more as them trying to act as if entire thing didn't happen, while Kaoru is trying to figure how she feels about it in her head and only now is slowly coming to realization what it actually means.

EDIT/ You can see that Karou wanted to say "I was sure you will buy luck charm for love" but hold back and how awkward their talk about Uta's wanting to move out to not "cause problems" and Kaoru saying she don't have to hurry was.

last edited at May 29, 2018 1:05PM

joined Feb 9, 2015

This manga needs super aaaangst tag.

joined Nov 14, 2016

There is so much angst but I can see this story having a satisfying ending in the future, it all depends on what the brother does now.
Also what's with the random Lakitu?

joined Mar 6, 2012

Why does it feel like we're missing stuff from the ending of chapter 14 and the start of 15?
We might go back to it next time.. But feels off reading it like that. Then again.. Maybe i missed something

joined Mar 28, 2015

I feel a discrepancy here. She hypothesizes on the person Uta likes, then states she knows Uta likes her?

Even if she confessed at the hotel, Kaoru shouldn't wonder who "that person" is.

joined May 25, 2018

Why is this manga such a pain in the ass. Could the author be any more ambiguous than this?
You found out? Do something about it... Why the need for drama? The whole family is shit. Kaoru is shit, Uta is shit, possibly cheating dude is shit. I fail to understand their mentality.

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