The key to not letting the bottom person come up on the armbar is to not initiate "falling" into the armbar. So many people, even higher belts, known the armbar as "mount-spin-fall", which is an overt simplification that only encourages loose armbars and thus giving up top position. The key to a tight armbar is to pinch the knees and secure the arm against the body. Only once secured should one give up mount and finish the armbar. The fall is not a part of securing the lock, it's just the motion for the finish. Falling into an armbar without securing the arm and pinching the knees will only lead to loose armbars and failed armbars.
Also, if Hana had finished her triangle by angling to the side and squeezing with her quads, not only could she have had a tighter hold, but the opponent now can no longer just frame out of the triangle through sheer force. By angling out and entangling the free arm or one of Nina's legs with her arms, Nina will no longer be able to produce any viable frames. This is the way Ryan Hall teaches the triangle, and I think it's a much better triangle finish. This finish has been used a lot recently, although people still finish the triangle by hugging the head sometimes.
last edited at Apr 11, 2018 9:27PM