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Altair Uploader
joined Nov 30, 2016

Both Teppu and Hanakaku have absolutely borked senses of pacing. Fair warning for both of 'em.
But... It's not over yet!

joined Apr 20, 2013

So Nina is a bag full of shit but at least it can be used as fertilizer and is not the harem isekai anime kind of shit.
Thanks for the hard work on this series!!! It was great... The enemies were too bad (starting the first chapter, you can see there were 4 more bosses) to be good and I think that affected the manga sales, there's one chapter left, right? still, I feel like this is a good ending.

joined Aug 10, 2015

Well that went completely not the way I thought it would. Nina seemed the type that would, for sure, rig things in her favor... but actually, looking back, she wouldn't, just from being cocky. So it makes sense.

There was honestly very little this manga could do to disappoint me though, lol. Might not be breaking the mold but overall I love it. I do really wish it went on further, for at least another fight or two, but ah well... Guess ending sooner than later will keep it from dragging on like many do, too.

Damn this was good.

joined May 30, 2013

Cool. I like this. Could have had more Yuri, but Hana and Fu-Chan's reunion was nice.

joined Apr 22, 2014

As someone who likes sports manga and anime, I am loving the fact that this is a sports manga with a female main character that ISN'T just an obvious excuse for producing wanking material. They're few and far between.

joined Jul 29, 2017


(Sorry—I just may not get many more chances to do this.)

joined Jun 23, 2017

I still wish for more, and that was good : The universe is pretty cool (that n°1 fighter seems fatally sexy), the art is really, really pretty : cute when it needs to be and action-y during the fight. And the story is pretty inspiring, or perhaps it resonates with me a lot.

I'll remember it more than the majority of the things I've read here, that's above average :D

last edited at Jun 6, 2018 8:26AM

joined Mar 16, 2018

MY GIRLLLLLL! I figured things would probably turn out this way so I wasn't too surprised but damn was it still hella emotional.It's a shame that this is almost at an end

joined Jun 30, 2016

Hell yes!! Hana is the best! on your face Nina piece of shit! for been all cocky this is all you get!

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

It looks like Nina will be too despondent to continue bullying Fu-chan - and might worry Hana will give her bad publicity now. Plus, Fu-chan will want to stand up for herself more. The girl that got her into MMA probably won't get Hana, it'll probably be Fu-chan that has her heart.

(sorry not sorry)

joined Jul 29, 2017

Just saw a new chapter of this elsewhere. I’m not sure ‘fight’ is the word Koharu-chan is actually looking for.

joined Apr 20, 2013

Blastaar posted:

Just saw a new chapter of this elsewhere. I’m not sure ‘fight’ is the word Koharu-chan is actually looking for.

Is the only word she could relate it for now, she's just a monkey after all... They need a lot of time haha, well, they're soul mates anyway!

But yeah, great ending and the teasing was super strong

joined Jun 30, 2016

Ohhh man! it was awesome! Hana really is the one! little hamster will beat your ass! hahaha! I hope there is a sequel in the future.

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

Confession in the Land Where Girls Fight instead of ##### Kiss.

joined Mar 28, 2015

Canceled isn't it?

joined May 30, 2013

I saw the chapter titled confession without a Yuri tag. As I read I thought it was just a mistake since Koharu was being so shy. But then the confession came and I was......

joined Sep 30, 2017

I don´t give a tiny frog ass what others have to say! When Koharu says "I want to fight you" she clearly meant "I love you!"

Or for those a little more perverted than the others, just replace the word "Fight" for "Fuck"...

joined Aug 16, 2014

"I have no interest in guys" - Random competitor beaten down in one panel confirmed for gay

joined Apr 20, 2013

That happy face of Koharu is so ... weird XD but cute? in an abstract way!
IT doesn't feel like and ending but it certainly works an axed series, because it doesn't feel rushed, was it really axed?

joined Jan 11, 2018

I don´t give a tiny frog ass what others have to say! When Koharu says "I want to fight you" she clearly meant "I love you!"

Or for those a little more perverted than the others, just replace the word "Fight" for "Fuck"...

Love is a battlefield.

joined Jul 22, 2014

Why did the manga ended? If its released in the West would there be a sequel?

joined Mar 28, 2015

I found it less interesting than Teppu. And a lot less realistic too. No wonder it ended earlier. The characters weren't even that interesting, compared to Natsuo or Sanae.

Also, one of the main problems in women amateur MMA is to find opponents in the same weight class than you.

When you look at you can clearly see that the other woman weight a lot more. How can they be opponents?

As for the MC, she should be around 90lbs (and I'm being generous). If you believe that Hanaka is in the same weight class than the monster woman and Koharu, I have bridge to sell you. She would be punched into next week in a matter of seconds.

At least, in Teppu, the author factored that in. When you write a sports manga, at least make an effort to document yourself.

joined Aug 10, 2015

Maaaaaaan this is bittersweet.... It technically ended well, but I so want to see more of this world, clearly had a lot planned for it.


Still, overall I really, really enjoyed this.

joined Apr 23, 2016

it ended pretty abruptly and wasn't as good as teppu, but i think that it accomplished its main goal of portraying a huge underdog victory pretty well. the fight with nina had me super engaged. i think of it as a glittering crown jewel on an otherwise unremarkable crown.

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

Looking back, is it Subtext ? The way she went to the mat for Fu-chan, plus the confession scene, etc?

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