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Forum › I Saw Some Yuri discussion

joined Sep 14, 2014

"autobiographical" ahahahaha, what an experience

joined Dec 14, 2014

Based Tamamusi.

But are those other two some sort of real-life Kase-san and Yamada?

joined Sep 28, 2011

Man, this whole "sex is not pure" thing going on in Japan is such a strange thing. Sex is not inherently dirty or wrong. Might be a cultural thing

joined Feb 9, 2016

I hope that Tamamusi wasnt actually tricked into believing kissing was "purer" they are not kids anymore.
Dont let them make you feel bad, Tamamusi san!

HaxtonFale Uploader
joined Jul 28, 2011

Both Yamada and Kase-san at least want to move further, I can't remember if they actually did. Volume 3 (Okinawa trip, I think it was) shows their relationship isn't exactly platonic.

joined May 11, 2015

Both Yamada and Kase-san at least want to move further, I can't remember if they actually did. Volume 3 (Okinawa trip, I think it was) shows their relationship isn't exactly platonic.

maybe you should taker a look at cherry blossoms chapters

last edited at Apr 22, 2018 3:45PM

joined Sep 11, 2014

Both Yamada and Kase-san at least want to move further, I can't remember if they actually did. Volume 3 (Okinawa trip, I think it was) shows their relationship isn't exactly platonic.

They banged at the end of the manga!

last edited at Apr 22, 2018 3:46PM

joined Jul 29, 2017

Both Yamada and Kase-san at least want to move further, I can't remember if they actually did. Volume 3 (Okinawa trip, I think it was) shows their relationship isn't exactly platonic.

maybe you should taker a look at cherry blossoms chapters

When the scene cuts from topless kissing to drifting cherry blossoms, we can feel confident that what was to be done has been done.

I don't think "purity" per se was ever an issue in Kase-san; Yamada just took an extremely long time prepping for the final exam.

joined Aug 16, 2014

So what they're saying here is that Tamamusi is a rampant Handholder And the two other women never hold hands, only have hardcore lesbian sex for hours on end?

joined Sep 30, 2017

Er... That's cute, Tamamusi, but you know... Sex is good too once in a while...

joined Sep 1, 2017

Yuri stories from actual lesbians (or at least bisexual) are the best. They just feel more honest.

joined May 1, 2013

I feel like this explains the Bright and Cheery Amnesiac (and Yamada, from Kase-san, among others), where this weird ambivalence towards sex both drives the entire plot and is held up as some kind of goal.

It's like, For chrissake, just fuck your girlfriend.

joined Jun 30, 2016

Ohhh nice to know!

HaxtonFale Uploader
joined Jul 28, 2011

Both Yamada and Kase-san at least want to move further, I can't remember if they actually did. Volume 3 (Okinawa trip, I think it was) shows their relationship isn't exactly platonic.

maybe you should taker a look at cherry blossoms chapters

As I said, I couldn't remember. Thanks for reminding me!

joined Mar 3, 2017

And so, a Yuri God was born.

joined Apr 28, 2016

Purity-san being a bit of a bitch in that last panel...

joined Jul 19, 2015

By going beyond kissing they mean holding hands.

joined Jun 22, 2013

So when's Tamasui going to write about the "dangerous liaison" she had with her senpai?

joined Jun 23, 2017

Sex is not inherently dirty or wrong. Might be a cultural thing

Well, it's a christian thing as well. Sex is still demonised in some way, or perhaps some behaviour linked to it in the west.

joined Apr 28, 2016

The interesting part (at least from a western perspective) is that traditional Japanese society has very similar attitudes regarding the "impurity" of sex despite institutional religion having a much weaker influence on their culture.

joined Dec 11, 2017

I'm dubious as to whether this is actually autobiographical? Unless there's some external info that says so somewhere, couldn't this just be a story written from a first person perspective?

joined Mar 21, 2016

back then, I was so ignorant about the concept of yuri. what a wasted life.

holy shit , it's so relatable to me XD

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

It seems very specific and embarrassing. I like how her classmates are "ask her, she's the LESBIAN!" and she's like "wait, I found about the whole thing by watching YOU TWO making out" and they're all "We had a Pure, Story S, Romantic Two-girl friendship, a practice romance for dating boys and getting married later!" It's like this one anecdote has the whole of yuri from the 70s till now in it. Well, if it was the 70s Tamamusi would die tragically.

I see that only one of the pair is there now, though. the scriptwriter wasn't the other part of the kissing.

last edited at Apr 22, 2018 8:22PM

joined Sep 27, 2017

I feel like this explains the Bright and Cheery Amnesiac (and Yamada, from Kase-san, among others), where this weird ambivalence towards sex both drives the entire plot and is held up as some kind of goal.

It's like, For chrissake, just fuck your girlfriend.

This comment doesn't make any sense. For starters Kase and Yamada have had sex, plus the series is still ongoing, so how is that an end goal? Maybe if you're talking about the first part of the series, but I'm talking about the series as a whole. Also some people don't have sex right away when they enter a relationship and it can take awhile for people to build up to that. I'm someone that's not comfortable having sex with my partner right away and I prefer to take my time building up to it. I don't see how in anyway this is wrong. Also Kase and Yamada starts off with them in high school and it's their first time having sex if I remember correctly, so I think the build up is perfectly normal and the pay off is in my opinion very satisfying. If I wanted the characters to just have sex I'd go read a hentai doujin, but I read manga specifically for the build up and romance, which I think makes the sex better and actually an important part of the story. Also with Bright and Cheery Amnesia they literally state early on that they've had sex numerous times in the past, then the amnesia happened and they're rebuilding their relationship back to the spot where they're comfortable having sex again, plus the idea there is that their rolls have somewhat reversed. Which is in my opinion a really fun dynamic between them.

I understand we live in a day and age where many people are convinced that sex is the most in important part of a relationship, if you're not having sex right now something is wrong with you, that's what someone's friends might say or the pop culture media they're consuming with the likes of music and tv. There's also people that are just comfortable having sex after the first or second date, which is of course fine. However there's nothing wrong with going slow and at your own pace.

last edited at Apr 22, 2018 8:38PM

joined Dec 21, 2015

"We had a Pure, Story S, Romantic Two-girl friendship, a practice romance for dating boys and getting married later!" It's like this one anecdote has the whole of yuri from the 70s till now in it. Well, if it was the 70s Tamamusi would die tragically.

Oh yea, Tamamusi wouldn't survive in that kind of era.

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