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joined Jan 11, 2018

I was about half way through when it hit me way the art looked so familiar, it was the author of Gamma. Nice to see more work by them.

last edited at Apr 3, 2018 7:33PM

joined Mar 7, 2017

this was nice, though idk about anyone else, but the sex part felt a tiny bit out of place

still great tho.

joined Sep 8, 2016

This was really cute!
Since it was a sex story from Ogina-sensei, I expected a lot more mind break, but that was so loving and wholesome. Nice change of pace.

joined Jan 4, 2014

this was nice, though idk about anyone else, but the sex part felt a tiny bit out of place

still great tho.

Agree. If it ended with the first panel of page 20 (the kiss), it would still be perfectly fine. The sex scene almost feels like an afterthought along the lines of: "oh darn, forgot this should be R18, better quickly add something". Disturbs the flow more than adding to it in my opinion.

joined Mar 21, 2016

this was nice, though idk about anyone else, but the sex part felt a tiny bit out of place

still great tho.

Agree. If it ended with the first panel of page 20 (the kiss), it would still be perfectly fine. The sex scene almost feels like an afterthought along the lines of: "oh darn, forgot this should be R18, better quickly add something". Disturbs the flow more than adding to it in my opinion.

yup, the author must've forgotten about that lmfao

joined May 24, 2015

The sex felt a little out of place, what with the story of an off-track model student getting back on track after reconciling with their best friend turned lover (one of my fav tropes btw).
Then BAM, smash-cut to them about to do it. Maybe a little context would be nice, like model student-chan saying "I don't want to go home yet" and her friend inviting her to a "sleepover"
Plus the sex scene's art and dialogue seemed very stilted. Quite surreal comparing it to the rest of the work
Eh, all in all it was quite a nice read!
On another note, I feel we need a "best friend" tag. We have childhood friend but nothing for best or extremely close friend. I love the feeling of one girl wondering if it's weird to fall in love with someone whom they've gotten to know so well and the ecstacy of knowing they feel the same way

Okami Uploader
joined Aug 1, 2013

"D'you ever shlick?"

I don't think I've heard that one before

joined Sep 30, 2017

That's one of the most useless censorship I've ever seen in my life.

joined Jul 18, 2013

"D'you ever shlick?"

I don't think I've heard that one before

I'm glad someone else pointed it out lol, I was thinking the same thing!

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

Miho needs a new bra or I am blind. It seemed like her boobs grew three sizes too big when her shirt and bra were removed.

joined Jan 22, 2015

That's one of the most useless censorship I've ever seen in my life.

I seriously did not notice the attempt at censoring until I read your comment and went back to look for it.

joined Dec 11, 2017

Yeah, this definitely escalated a bit too quickly. It's very cute and wholesome for the whole duration, and then WHOOP OKAY WE'RE BANGING NOW.

I kind of feel like if this wanted to be porny, they should've just gotten sexytimes at the end of the date, with her going home and resolving to work harder at the end.

joined Nov 14, 2016

That's one of the most useless censorship I've ever seen in my life.

I was going to post the same. If that's all artists need to do to comply the law, then it's a pretty useless law.

The manga was very cute by the way, but I also agree with the other people that the sex scene wasn't really necessary.

last edited at Apr 3, 2018 9:12PM

joined Sep 8, 2016

That's one of the most useless censorship I've ever seen in my life.

That’s just an eclipse dude.

Parnifia the Bastard
joined Aug 4, 2014

You know, I was just thinking earlier today how much I wanted to see Gamma get licensed in English. And the first part of this was pretty similar to the romance in Gamma.
The sex, though, makes me really glad Gamma never got explicit, because I think it may just have turned out like this (completely superfluous).

joined May 7, 2017

you know, story setting doesn't gave any room for sex but when it comes about Ogino you gotta meet that quota, right? Not that I disliked, but it was an ok story until NSFW

joined May 24, 2015

♫ A girl walked up to her very best friend
And she said to her friend, that very best friend
"Hey!" bum bum bum
"D'you ever schlick?"♫
That's the tune I hear in my head every time I read that phrase now. Thank @Okami, now I can never take that scene seriously anymore.

last edited at Apr 3, 2018 10:10PM

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Miho needs a new bra or I am blind. It seemed like her boobs grew three sizes too big when her shirt and bra were removed.

Given it's Ogino they probably think that Saki is an AA-cup.

Norainhere Uploader
joined Jun 27, 2014

Despite the sex scene coming out of nowhere, as well as the inconsistent font styles and sizes (which is more of a scanlator thing than the fault of the story itself), this was quite a nice one-shot. I like the lack of any real angst, despite the premise of "childhood friend confesses and MC runs away", and it manages to be quite sweet even after the sex scene with the closing lines.

joined Jul 12, 2016

Anyone else notice the age gap couple from on the 3rd page, bottom panel? Neat Easter egg.

last edited at Apr 4, 2018 12:31AM

joined Dec 16, 2014

At page 5, on the top right... What the hell is that skirt length. Omfg

joined Dec 4, 2015
  • See Ogino-sensei's art on Danbooru
  • Enters Dynasty, see new doujin by Ogino-sensei
  • "Ah~ that's why"
  • Click
  • Imediatly remembers Gamma and all the emotions came back
  • Tfw you read the doujin with watering eyes...

Anyway, my pained heart aside, that was a pretty cute doujin.
I'll also agree with the general opinion, not in a complainous way, of course (specially with those "useless eclipses").

Random Wanderer
joined Dec 3, 2016

Pointless censoring. Why even bother if that's all you have to do?

joined Dec 23, 2017

I thought I was the only one bothered by the size of Miho’s breasts in the sex scene lol. Their size in the ‘story’ segment wasn’t even close to the ‘sex’ segment. Oh well.

joined May 3, 2017

Ogino's work is visually great most of the time but I gotta say his sex scenes are way too over the top. Gamma's a great example of what he can do when he isn't trying so hard to make a story into a hentai.

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