Forum › Shimanami Tasogare discussion

joined May 28, 2013

I think Tasuku meant to compliment him, and help calm him down, but neglected the severity of the situation. A big misunderstanding.

joined Dec 24, 2015

Is no one going to talk about that HERO who tried to save the fish?

joined Aug 18, 2016

These characters are 11 and, what, 15? You can't expect adult-level critical thinking and impulse control at that age. Both of these kids are unsure of themselves and behaving in a self-centered way... it's not a recipe for likeable characters, but it is pretty realistic.

Anyway, I'm also liking this more than I thought I would. The art is fantastic; I love the scenes where we go into the character's mindscape.

Is Anonymous a ghost/supernatural in any way, or is that just an effect of Tasuku's point of view? Right now I'm leaning toward the second interpretation, the author might just want to leave it ambiguous though.

(EDIT: especially since we see similar 'sparkles' coming from Misora as we saw from Anonymous before... I don't know if that means anything, but it's something I noticed when re-reading the current chapter)

last edited at Oct 27, 2016 7:25PM

joined Aug 18, 2016

Is no one going to talk about that HERO who tried to save the fish?

Obvious metaphor is obvious, but yeah, I was pissed off that nobody seemed to care about the goldfish. :I

Wasn't the hero the senpai that MC had a crush on, too?

joined Sep 12, 2012

Tchaikovsky goes pretty well with this one, I should say. Pathetique during ch.9 gave me some good goosebumps. Pieces just happened to coincide with my reading speed as well, so when the old man put one playing I did as well.

Great art on this one. I like some noses for a change.

joined Feb 28, 2013

Is no one going to talk about that HERO who tried to save the fish?

Obvious metaphor is obvious, but yeah, I was pissed off that nobody seemed to care about the goldfish. :I

Wasn't the hero the senpai that MC had a crush on, too?

Yeah, that's him.

Nice little callback to the "So, do you like goldfish?" line from earlier.

EDIT: Aaaaand, it kinda looks like senpai has a think for our MC.

last edited at Oct 27, 2016 8:57PM

joined Jan 20, 2016

Those crocs. XD

joined Apr 23, 2016

tasuku should've handled it better, but it was forgivable because he is still a high schooler. misora's anger was justified and i totally get that they're literally a prepubescent child, but if someone said those things to me when i was in such a delicate place about my sexual orientation, i don't think i could forgive them, child or not. just reading those pages felt like getting punched in the chest. i don't hate misora and i want to see them develop as a character but wow does that leave such a bad taste in my mouth. either tasuku has suddenly become very secure with his gay identity or he is just a really forgiving person because he seems pretty unaffected by the insults.

anyways the art in this series is fucking amazing and i've been waiting for it to appear on dynasty. when that city hall dude appeared for the first time i immediately recognized him as tsubaki's dad, just from the similarities of their profile view. and the dialogues and visual metaphors are beautiful, reading this series always takes my breath away.

joined Mar 28, 2015

That cityhall guy is exactly the type of people I hate. People who can spout offensive lines when they think they are considerate. People who affect to not mind gays and show the world how tolerant they are, but who gossip anyway. And if their own kids get involved it can only be a mistake and they should be cured. Or they got contaminated by the gay virus. And they would be first in line with the pitchfork.

If someone were to come to them and complain about the lounge and the gays, they wouldn't call them on it. They would ask the lounge people to not make waves, to be more discreet. They'd think they are being considerate you know.

Btw, Tsubaki isn't a sempai who noticed Tasuku. He's a member of the same commitee and in another class. They are in the same year.

last edited at Oct 28, 2016 3:34AM

joined Jan 19, 2015

yeeesss I'm so glad that this is getting uploaded here

last edited at Oct 28, 2016 11:38AM

joined Feb 28, 2015

Tasuku is in high-school you know, he is not 30. I think no one is at fault, they experience things hard for people at their age. Its normal for them to get sentimental.

joined Nov 16, 2013

Doesn't mean he wants to be a girl. He just wants to look like one. Look like his sisters.

joined Feb 11, 2014

I think he just enjoy wearing girl's clothes.

That's another thing that kinda annoyed me, Tasuku trying to fit him in some nice little box with a stamp on it. Misora obviously doesn't know what he wants himself and I think it's fine that way. He'll figure things out in his own time, no need to rush him with some label.

joined Sep 16, 2014

i think misora got mad at tasuku because /he/ was the reason they went out with misora in girl's clothes in the first place. the groping wouldnt have happened if tasuku didnt ask in the first place.

aaand, is nobody seriously gonna mention how mr. crush got all crazy about the goldfish? i was totally blindsided by that. i thought he was going to help out by breaking up the fight. turns out he cares more about the goldfish. made me lol

joined Jan 4, 2014

Really liking this one. The vibe seems similar to some of Shimura Takako's work, in particular Hourou Musuko, unsurprisingly.

joined Feb 15, 2016

Wrote something to try explaining why this is good without giving away secrets:

BOY is it damn good, though.

joined Jul 11, 2017

This is really an amazing series... it goes really deep. I love it so much. Just waiting for the next chapter. It talks about sexuality and gender, as well as the idea of wanting to look like a girl but not be one. I appreciated how it talked about LGBTQA+ themes while taking them seriously. The characters were well done and the thoughts that were portrayed in this series really made me think.

last edited at Jul 12, 2017 11:11AM

joined Jan 18, 2016

Wow, a gay man's romantic feelings treated with sensitivity in a manga. Another magical chapter.

last edited at Nov 21, 2017 10:26PM

joined Apr 20, 2013

I'm starting to read this, 5 chapters so far... is hard to read but beautiful too

joined Mar 28, 2015

Oooh... an FTM character that doesn't look like a trap. So rare.

joined Sep 12, 2014

I was a little hesitant to start reading this but man am I glad I did! I think this is the first time I've read a manga about LGBT characters who all feel so realistic.You can really tell that the author is either LGBT themself or has at least done their research, which is pretty damn rare in manga that deal with these kinds of themes.

joined Oct 18, 2017

Wow! Like this...

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

Lesbian sidecouple would be a good band name.

joined Aug 7, 2016

I was a little hesitant to start reading this but man am I glad I did! I think this is the first time I've read a manga about LGBT characters who all feel so realistic.You can really tell that the author is either LGBT themself or has at least done their research, which is pretty damn rare in manga that deal with these kinds of themes.

Yeah, the mangaka is x-gender and asexual.

joined Nov 25, 2016

Thanks for the update. Glad I read it. It's amazing, I love it, from the story and art, everything.

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