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joined Oct 19, 2016

What did the black haired doctor put into her pocket? I don't recall Wei Wei having brought in anything small that is of importance. Is that doctor lady trying to oust Wei or in love with her? I don't get why she gets so suspicious.

joined Dec 3, 2015

The main character WeiWei, reminds me of Hannah Hart. Does anyone realize it???

last edited at Oct 30, 2016 1:10PM

joined Feb 7, 2013

She is a human too, just because she is a doctor doesn't mean she will behave like a saint with infinite wisdom...

Besides, she is an ophthalmologist, not a psychiatrist specialized in treating self-harming teens.


joined Apr 20, 2013

I thought this could be the end, but then that ghost (like the one from The Shutter) shows up... Being rejected wasn't all, there's a lot of darkness in her past! what are those pills?!

last edited at Nov 3, 2016 2:57AM

joined May 26, 2011

Whoa. If not for all the mystery surrounding various things the ending of this chapter almost felt like an ending it kind of startled me.

So we got a time skip of some sort, I assume Wei and Ding are a couple now.. that's nice. I can't wait to see what else pops up this series has me so intrigued.

A little sad Wei cut her hair... it was so mature and cute before .........but she went with the 'cool beauty' look so I suppose it's still pretty good.

joined Sep 21, 2014

Fuck this is pretty beautifully drawn.
A+ graphic novel quality work
The way it's drawn, the panels, the angles, I feel like I'm watching an actual, live action movie sometimes

I can actually understand why the girl was winding the doctor up telling those lies. She's making a point. When you're a "troubled kid", responsible adults with qualifications have this tendency to put you in a category and listen mostly to what they want to hear that will fit you neatly in a pigeonhole so they can do the generic help that fits the category. They want to make you a solved problem so they can feel professionally successful, and they want you to stay in your box of "patient to be helped appropriately" while they do it. They want everyone to stick to their assigned roles. My daughter suffers from depression and I've seen them doing it with her and I've seen her contempt for it as these people who aren't as smart as she is try to predict everything about her from some script they're parroting.

Hm, that's interesting. I've never given it much thought, I just remember feeling really annoyed. I think I relate to your daughter.
Anyways I think it explains the character's behavior/possible mindset pretty well

joined Nov 23, 2014
joined Dec 14, 2014

Great chapter. I'm really looking forward to both actual flashbacks and the future development.

joined Jun 12, 2015

Aha. So doctor Lu and Wei had a thing in the past. And there's still more.

joined Jan 18, 2016

The art is sooooooo pretty

joined Apr 16, 2014

Same thoughts, @Dayominator.

joined Sep 21, 2015

Car number not allowed some days? Uh, streets must be really crowded in that place to add that system... (I don't need to tell just how polluted must be the air then...).

joined Mar 12, 2014

ahhh wei and lu had a past together, huh. Welp nothings gonna come out of those two, seeing as it looks like Lu is married now. That's a shame.

joined Jul 15, 2016

Car number not allowed some days? Uh, streets must be really crowded in that place to add that system... (I don't need to tell just how polluted must be the air then...).

Skyrin posted a link to Wikipedia on that topic a few posts earlier. :-)

joined Feb 2, 2013

then there isn't anyone who understand the last page of this chapter...
i think she saw a pregnancy test, that the girl has bought and hidden in the sweet's bag (not a bad ending, but an halloween's joke ! )
by the way, i expected some horror yuri for halloween...

last edited at Nov 3, 2016 7:20AM

joined Aug 11, 2015

ahhh wei and lu had a past together, huh. Welp nothings gonna come out of those two, seeing as it looks like Lu is married now. That's a shame.

It looked like Lu deciding to get married is what killed their relationship, from her talking about giving up everything and touching her ring when she left.

joined Sep 6, 2016


joined Apr 20, 2013

kiby posted:

ahhh wei and lu had a past together, huh. Welp nothings gonna come out of those two, seeing as it looks like Lu is married now. That's a shame.

It looked like Lu deciding to get married is what killed their relationship, from her talking about giving up everything and touching her ring when she left.

Not exactly that, is not the marriage but being married with a woman wasn't an option, I guess that would mean losing her heritage from the parents... And the heritage was the clinic or position (just guessing).

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

I'm kinda bummed the getting together bits weren't shown properly. I guess they weren't necessary for the plot, but it still would've been awfully interesting considering their starting point (and where they seem to be now)?? The texts were super cute, tho. "Beloved Ding Ye," after they'd only barely met!

Really interested to see where we go from here.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

then there isn't anyone who understand the last page of this chapter...
i think she saw a pregnancy test, that the girl has bought and hidden in the sweet's bag (not a bad ending, but an halloween's joke ! )
by the way, i expected some horror yuri for halloween...

I'm kind of confused by the whole last section of the chapter, frankly. I think it's probably a flashback to when she and that woman were first an item, but I am neither sure nor certain; I don't see any convention (black borders, some kind of transition, etc) being used to make me sure of that and while the art is gorgeous it doesn't for me convey individuality hard enough to make me clear on whether someone is "younger person A" or "someone completely different".
Plus I'm not totally sure what the point of the flashback is if it's a flashback, so that makes me uncertain about what's going on (not saying it's pointless, just that I don't currently grok it).

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Purple Library Guy
I can actually understand why the girl was winding the doctor up telling those lies. She's making a point. When you're a "troubled kid", responsible adults with qualifications have this tendency to put you in a category and listen mostly to what they want to hear that will fit you neatly in a pigeonhole so they can do the generic help that fits the category. They want to make you a solved problem so they can feel professionally successful, and they want you to stay in your box of "patient to be helped appropriately" while they do it. They want everyone to stick to their assigned roles. My daughter suffers from depression and I've seen them doing it with her and I've seen her contempt for it as these people who aren't as smart as she is try to predict everything about her from some script they're parroting.

So the girl was like "Here. Here's one of the stories you expect to hear so you can file me away. Here's another. Yeah, those were both lies--now would you bloody look at ME already and stop hiding behind your 'professionalism'?!"
And it worked. So I don't think people should just be writing her behaviour off as "immature".

Hi. So I've seen you in a few discussions. Thank you for being so fucking rational and intelligent all the time :D
Have you ever done any philosophy?

Well, gosh. Uh, I've done a few Phil courses, and now and then I'll read a bit or a piece, but you couldn't say I had a serious background in it.

joined Dec 18, 2013

What did I just read?

joined Feb 7, 2014

then there isn't anyone who understand the last page of this chapter...
i think she saw a pregnancy test, that the girl has bought and hidden in the sweet's bag (not a bad ending, but an halloween's joke ! )
by the way, i expected some horror yuri for halloween...

I'm kind of confused by the whole last section of the chapter, frankly. I think it's probably a flashback to when she and that woman were first an item, but I am neither sure nor certain; I don't see any convention (black borders, some kind of transition, etc) being used to make me sure of that and while the art is gorgeous it doesn't for me convey individuality hard enough to make me clear on whether someone is "younger person A" or "someone completely different".
Plus I'm not totally sure what the point of the flashback is if it's a flashback, so that makes me uncertain about what's going on (not saying it's pointless, just that I don't currently grok it).

But you see I think Dr. Wei is still traumatized about her past , in psychiatry are well known that the patients turn to have a relapses even when they feel ok, when things turn to be wonderfull is when we are more prone to have a episode, I know this cause i have some mental issues too hahaha. So the flashbacks are a signal about a future relapse , something's gonna happen in the next chap

joined May 20, 2013

It's just a guess, but the last page could also mean Wei Wei's past, heartbroken self appeared before her to scare her with the possibility of Ding Yi (her new 16-year-old lover) may also betray her like Si Chen did (at around the same age?).

last edited at Nov 3, 2016 3:51PM

joined Aug 22, 2016

I believe that the medications are either anti-depressants, anti-psychotics, or both. Whatever happened in the past must have been extremely traumatic for Dr. Wei. Enough so where she probably had psychiatric treatment in the past and is now experiencing vivid flashbacks and visual-psychosis triggered by her relationship with Ding Yi. Wei's interest in her isn't due to an interest in minors specifically, but by being with a minor it allows Wei to relive the past and believe she can make up for what she was denied.

last edited at Nov 3, 2016 5:02PM

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