Forum › I Don’t Know the Melting Point of Sugar Glass discussion

joined Feb 10, 2013

So sweet! :D

joined Aug 18, 2015

So Fluffy :3

joined Feb 28, 2015

It made feel ease

joined Feb 28, 2013

I like this, because it's such a "normal" insecurity. I look at my girlfriend daily and can't help but wonder "why am I so lucky?" or "why did she pick someone like me?".

I really liked Yuka's cake analogy as well.

joined Nov 23, 2014

This author draws the most adorable smiles.

joined Aug 11, 2014

So... I kinda read it like Satoko was basically right about Yuka not actually being in love with her, but rather than her wanting to be nice to a friend or doing it out of obligation or whatever, it's that Yuka wanted to feel loved? Or that she was moved by Satoko's feelings and wanted to hold on to them? That's not a terrible place to start a relationship, and it certainly doesn't seem like Yuka's against being with a girl, but I don't know if it's terribly reassuring for the kind of insecurities Satoko has. In that case, I can see her worrying about whether anyone else would do just as well if they also confessed to Yuka, or if Yuka might find someone she actively wants to be with instead of just passively appreciating Satoko's feelings.

But that seems a little incongruously pessimistic and uncertain for the seemingly bright and cozy tone at the ending, so I don't know if that's actually what the author was going for. Not sure what to make of it.

joined Feb 17, 2013

^ Not sure I read it like that - I thought her saying she likes the unique slice with santa on top, she wants to keep it all to herself and be the only one to taste it - was her saying she wanted Satoko all to herself too so it was ok for her to make her hers.

Anyways I liked it :)

joined Nov 2, 2013

have your cake and eat it too

joined Mar 30, 2015

What great potential for a backstory! It could describe how Satoko started to fall for Yuka, how she perceived this, and her initial personal reaction. Think of the emotions, the rationalizing, the details!

joined Apr 23, 2015

That was just nice.

joined Mar 24, 2011

have your cake and eat it too


joined Jul 21, 2014

I like this, because it's such a "normal" insecurity. I look at my girlfriend daily and can't help but wonder "why am I so lucky?" or "why did she pick someone like me?".

I really liked Yuka's cake analogy as well.

Me 2 the cake analogy, sorry cannot relate to the girlfriend part as these days it has been great disappoints for me.

joined Jul 21, 2014

have your cake and eat it too



joined Jan 19, 2014

Nnnnnnnaaaaaaaawwwwwwwww =w= this is just freakin adriable >//3//<

joined Jul 1, 2014

Saccharin sweet.

joined May 17, 2015

Whoops! They completely forgot to story!

joined Jan 8, 2014

So... I kinda read it like Satoko was basically right about Yuka not actually being in love with her, but rather than her wanting to be nice to a friend or doing it out of obligation or whatever, it's that Yuka wanted to feel loved? Or that she was moved by Satoko's feelings and wanted to hold on to them? That's not a terrible place to start a relationship, and it certainly doesn't seem like Yuka's against being with a girl, but I don't know if it's terribly reassuring for the kind of insecurities Satoko has. In that case, I can see her worrying about whether anyone else would do just as well if they also confessed to Yuka, or if Yuka might find someone she actively wants to be with instead of just passively appreciating Satoko's feelings.

But that seems a little incongruously pessimistic and uncertain for the seemingly bright and cozy tone at the ending, so I don't know if that's actually what the author was going for. Not sure what to make of it.

So I read more in between the lines...remember her big problem was that her best friend that she started to like knew her so well that she knew she liked her that way, so she notices when she acts strange, and then trys to re-assure her with the love umbrella...that doesn't work so she clumsily confessed by way of metaphor, and ahem an invitation to taste her since they're alone ^_^ (so lewd <3 )
And the clumsy scarf, and hand holding followed by a happy go lucky kiss at the end is a reflection of their intimacy after becoming true lovers(i mean they have been dating a month already)
But maybe im reading too much into it o.O heh ;)

joined Mar 8, 2016

This is totally Nanoha and Fate. Lel. Made my day. Haa.

joined Jan 27, 2016


Too cute

joined Oct 4, 2016

BTW, if you're curious: 300F / 150C, approximately. Or so the Internet informs me.

joined Apr 20, 2013

Ruequi posted:

This is totally Nanoha and Fate. Lel. Made my day. Haa.

Now I can't see it any other way!

Malibu Uploader
joined Jan 25, 2016

Awww I spied trouble, but everything turned out okay!

joined May 19, 2016

amid stories with lots of dramas, i love this kind of story once in a while

La Aoi Beau Chico
joined Oct 9, 2016

Real interesting

joined Mar 27, 2015

This is totally Nanoha and Fate. Lel. Made my day. Haa.

yes i think my eyes don't deceive me!

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