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Image Comments 20 Mar 07:00
joined Jul 21, 2014

Yuzu: Bra Inspector.

Image Comments 20 Mar 06:55
joined Jul 21, 2014

Excuse us! We are having our "sisterly" bath bonding time!

Citrus discussion 14 Mar 00:07
joined Jul 21, 2014

I guess they would rather have Saburo Uta introduce a new character to force another love triangle rather than see Mei and Yuzu resolving one of the main plot of the story.

Rather than introducing a new 3rd wheel or coming up with Yet Another Arranged Marriage plot, the author could simply explore the dynamics of their relationship. That doesn't mean it can't be dramatic (example from centuries ago: KareKano). The impression I have so far is that Yuzu and Mei are together out of lust and some weird co-dependency (Yuzu being the rescuer and Mei the emotionally unavailable counterpart). And not because they are 2 people who love talking to each other and doing things together, and that naturally have challenges to overcome. Like, didn't Mei even tell Harumin that she doesn't know what to talk about with Yuzu? That's a hint right there that something ain't right...So yeah they are crazy for each other, but not sure if the reasons for their attraction are healthy/good enough to justify the relationship being long-term. If this is a romance drama, Saburouta is supposed to convince us of that, but I must say I am not convinced yet.

If the 2nd arranged marriage plot was introduced in the context of them being a solid couple, reactions would have been more positive. Instead, the way it happened it's hard to not think Yuzu needs to cut her losses and date someone else she clicks with. If the manga jumps from them barely knowing how to go on dates and being shy about making out, to suddenly Mei throwing her inheritance to the wind and riding into the sunset with Yuzu with no proper development it's going to be the worst ending ever.

===> That is an interesting observation and went with it blindly until now. I often wonder how emotional attachment with females work when presented these red flags. Questions asked as to what's my attraction to this person? Why am I drawned to her when we have nothing in common or we constantly argue?

A few months ago I started to see this person who just broken with her girlfriend (soul mate) a red flag. Things were going well until she got that phone call from her "soulmate ex" and I knew from the last email that was it. Makes me wonder that she believes in this soul mate and destiny has been set then why did they break up...I don't know hard to convey in words of what I'm trying to get across..perhaps one of those that perplexed me vs belief systems, etc..

Not implying that Mei and Yuzu were soul mates and destined to be together against all odds. Just a very good point to the observation thought provoking.

Citrus discussion 13 Mar 23:53
joined Jul 21, 2014

Oh, guys. Came back to read this after so long and had my heart broken by the last chapter. The suffering is 2 hard 4 my heart I.

I'm with you on that Citrus reader. Totally speechless.

Citrus discussion 13 Mar 23:47
joined Jul 21, 2014

Wow, that ending on Chapter 36 (Yay! I finally caught up). Left me speechless and heartbroken for Yuzu. Is this the broken happy/sad ending? After all those chapters. Finally Mei has put her thoughts down on paper.

Honestly, I don't know to react besides the norm as tho I really feel Yuzu's heart completely obliterated into the void. Just wow....

Matsuri, I can imagine is steamed when she found out or put the last piece of puzzle together.

Alright, I need some fresh air. Damn.

Image Comments 13 Mar 23:31
joined Jul 21, 2014

Ahh young love and betrayal. Nice smooth flow.

joined Jul 21, 2014

April Fools is hilarious, no matter how many times i read it, it still makes me lol so hard xD
I concur and cheers me up on my darkest days of life.

joined Jul 21, 2014

I wish I was rich. I already got the horny and lesbian part down.

Hehe, I concur. I like the girl with the glasses tho.

joined Jul 21, 2014

Oh nose, not the Jenga! Oh, bless this one, had a good ton of giggles. MadoHomu doujins by Maitake and Rikugo makes me very happy.

I concur with the gigglets on this one.

joined Jul 21, 2014

Forget mahjong. Jenga is the true game of lesbians.

LMAO! I live on the edge and play both booyah!

Lily Love discussion 27 May 22:33
joined Jul 21, 2014

Now, we need hot & steamy Ice and Ploy.

Indeed. Skipped that part after the bed sharing

joined Jul 21, 2014

He's a Chef Zombie/Merman after all =)

joined Jul 21, 2014

have your cake and eat it too



joined Jul 21, 2014

I like this, because it's such a "normal" insecurity. I look at my girlfriend daily and can't help but wonder "why am I so lucky?" or "why did she pick someone like me?".

I really liked Yuka's cake analogy as well.

Me 2 the cake analogy, sorry cannot relate to the girlfriend part as these days it has been great disappoints for me.

joined Jul 21, 2014

I wouldn't go so far as to call everyone on the forums broken... ^^

It's just an impression I got from reading through the comments in this thread. I only recall a single person here claiming they don't have any broken parts in their head. :D

LOL...welp I'm Beautifully Broken I will admit that with an elastic heart!

joined Jul 21, 2014

I read the manga and i admit this is serious thing that if she kept doing this, she will...lead herself into actual suicide. And i bet you are having similar experiences with her dont want to lead yourself into that kind of dangerous things.

I admit, there are some part i relate to her and there are some part i dont. That's why, if you want to read this, i will be grateful.

The first thing i read about her opinion about "real job" and her family's opinion about job too, i can think only about "being grateful." i just hope that her family is feeling grateful to her, that at least she has job, no matter how society look down the part-time job. It's not like she is doing criminal that will led her into jail. It's better that she can grow with her pace, rather than limiting her growth with "society opinion."

And i think both her and her parents are very demanding. Her parents demanding her to do as "proper" daugher, and she demanding herself to do as "proper" person. Without seeing their good value of themselves, without seeing their sprouth of growth, but they only see their weakness as problem, i think they will suffering for the long time, until they realized themselves.

"if her daughter have real job, will they happy, or thinking she should gain promotion? If her daughter finally get promotion, will they happy, or thinking she should gain upper position? Or married with boss? Or having genius grandchildren? Etc and so forth?"

"when they finally happy?"

No matter how i look their perspective, i feel like sad. It's like society of japan limiting their younger generation's freedom to grow their talent and creativity with their "shame" as moral. When the parents are no longer in the world, how can children live on this harsh world? I thought japan is the manufacture country with creative mind. My country is even poor with people hardly get part time job. Even they are happy if they get part time job, just like she did. At least they can feed their wife and children.

And about the sexual based on "hug", i know that japan allowed porn long time ago, but i really think sexual pleasure is always short term pleasure and long term suffering. Sexual is no different than drugs that will give you short term pleasure but long term pain, but at least sexual will not make you dead, unlike drugs. No matter how you tried to correct them, in the end, you will end up suffering, it is fortunate that you still didnt commit some criminal. But sexual based romance, it is the most pleasurable thing than mere sexual and you still be happy together even without needing sex.

I only suggest to go some religion you can trust. I thought zen is the original religion in japan. I am reading buddha's teaching and their content is good too, so i suggest you to research about them.

I will not suggest you to attend religious group to make you a foolish blind-faith that turning into terrorists as you can see in news. But at least, you will form some social and will make you serve good action and moral to society, because it will help you to relieve your mentality from the problems of society.

Or just come to indonesia, the country with 6 religion available with strict moral value.

Very good points

Or just come to indonesia, the country with 6 religion available with strict moral value
Fire, Three Veils, I Can't Think Straight, World Unseen are just some of good examples.

joined Jul 21, 2014

It's kind of cool. Her lesbian experience was for real, not a teaser to sell the book. The manga style relaxes the seriousness of the situation by not using "creepy grim-dark" art to tell the story and gives it almost a sit-com feel that allows me to understand. Many people experience serious issues, but her story telling abilities work on this. That's why this is flying off the shelves. and is #7 on's non fiction list.

Nice..wish I had a hard copy to carry this around for a constant daily reminder.

joined Jul 21, 2014

I can relate so much to this it's kinda weird, don't know if I will read it all

Same here and went through it with a grain of salt perspective.
You're Dead right 'past me'. My motto not just another useless new year's resolution but a permanent one.

joined Jul 21, 2014

My new eye candy: Haru Shishio ( Japanese version of Velma on Scooby Doo)..
Like the one shot manga!

joined Jul 21, 2014

It's very cute >~< I can't wait for new chapter.
Anyway it made me wonder if gay people have amnesia in real life, they will turn straight or still be gay.

Indeed it was and made my day. Good question..I think I will ask that when I come across one. Patiently waiting for more of this one -shot.

Besides, the person with amnesia what she feels inside doesn't change who they are? Probably more confused or slight change.

joined Jul 21, 2014

I feel like Fiona does and the statement Fiona made has become my motto because it seems like my life.
"My freezing finger tips began bit by bit, to shiver. I told myself, as I felt the chill pricking me, if you get use to the cold.

It will eventually become your resting temperature.
You should abandon your warmth."

joined Jul 21, 2014

Embrace the yuritism. There is only one path in life. That is Yuri. Yuri is life. We breath Yuri. We sleep, Yuri. We dream, Yuri. Yuri will one day conquer the entire world. Hurray for Yuri. Hurray for Yuri.

Yuri. Yuri. Yuri. Yuri. Yuri. Yuri. Yuri. Yuri. Yuri. Yuri. Yuri. Yuri. Yuri. Yuri. Yuri. Yuri. Yuri. Yuri. Yuri. Yuri. Yuri. Yuri. Yuri. Yuri. Yuri. Yuri. Yuri. Yuri. Yuri. Yuri. Yuri. Yuri. Yuri.

End of summary. Thanks for reading.

Thank you merry go around!

joined Jul 21, 2014

Any yuri that isn't about highschool girls immediately shoots to the top of my list.

joined Jul 21, 2014

Aww so fluffy and heart pulling.

joined Jul 21, 2014

When in doubt of someones identity, grab breasts.
Got it.

Yep my first instincts as well