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joined Dec 15, 2015

I think everyone's brain is at least a little bit broken. :-)

There's nothing wrong with having our brains broken though. We wouldn't be able to enjoy the stuff on Dynasty otherwise ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

joined Jul 15, 2016

There's nothing wrong with having our brains broken though.

Yup. You break a leg, you may get a limp -- you go through some crap, you get a slightly broken brain.

well a few hours she tweeted a bit about her parents complaining about the stuff she wrote about in her manga, it was pretty interesting, if incredibly long, either way it seems manga work and stuff has at least stabilized her life somewhat. I swear she's turning out to be one of my favourite artists/all round people XD.

That's good to hear. I wonder how it feels, to suddenly gain a fandom after so many years of effective isolation. :D I hope she can seize this opportunity to take control of her life and turn it into something she enjoys in a long run.

joined Aug 22, 2016

feels good to not have a mental illness

anyone know how the mangaka is doing atm? hope she's well

Can only assume they're doing as well as anyone else with mental illnesses...

...managing, somehow.

last edited at Aug 23, 2016 6:48PM

joined Apr 20, 2013

Hmmm you would think the parents would show more compassion now but they complained...

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Hmmm you would think the parents would show more compassion now but they complained...

It's often hard for people who don't have mental illness to understand and empathize with those that do. Which is why personal stories like this and I Do Not Have An Eating Disorder, which I mentioned earlier, are so necessary, because they actually communicate something of an experience that's hard to communicate.

Add on top that there's a stigma in Japan against even talking about mental illness, and a lot of people (there and in the west) find denial a much easier route.

joined Feb 18, 2015

I think the Depressing as fuck tag is pretty accurate...

joined Aug 19, 2012

this was kinda boring

joined Jun 12, 2012

inb4 'this is totally me!'

Most of us can relate to some bits of her experience so far (the lack of self-esteem, feeling of hopelessness, etc.) it's nothing too unusual. However, her situation started to appear more seemingly fucked around the middle of the chapter.

The first few pages didn't really evoke much pity from me, but holy hell the self-harming and her baffling eating disorder(my god, page 15-19). If this really is an experience from the mangaka's life I have a CONSIDERABLE amount of sympathy for her. I hope she's doing well now.

joined Jan 4, 2014

Ineptify posted:

Anyone can teach me how to buy a book on amazon Japan and ship overseas? As much as I don't understand Japanese, but I thought to myself that I should buy this book :x

I bought my copy from

You can just purchase it on like any other item:

Switch the language to English in the upper right hand corner and create a new account (amazon Japan is not linked with .com or, so you cannot use your existing one). The rest is just the standard routine. Be aware that they tend to automatically send express (at least to Europe), which is great with regards to speed, but does bump the shipping cost a bit. Still quite humane compared to many other companies though.

joined Dec 13, 2013

Honestly, if you or anyone you know acts like this, see a specialist.

Seconded. A buddy of mine even just checked himself into the emergency room in a similar situation. They won't just tell you to get rest.

True. I had episodes like that before (involving self-harm and stuff) and they would send me to the psychiatric section right away after putting me in suicide watch. But maybe in Japan is different.

joined May 4, 2013

I'll one day muster the courage to read this, I swear.

joined Apr 20, 2013

Aaah the second chapter is up in bato ...
Here we go...

joined Jun 11, 2015

As a psych undergrad, this is really enticing! Genre such as this is always worth a dime a page!
This isn't a subject to come surprising from Japan as it's one of the countries suffering higher depression and Suicide rates (not as alluring as we make it out to be, perhaps?).
(Although they did break-free; rates dropped lower than the past 18 years by the end of 2015).
This author is really commendable, however, for her narrative skills and for overcoming the throes she might have encountered publishing this. But cannot say anything more until the next chapters. ^^

joined Apr 20, 2013

Is out!

I love the analogies, how she draws the things she feels like spikes in the ground when you don't feel right or a shadow behind you when you don't want to acknowledge yourself, I love how you can help yourself to understand/give shape to your own feelings when you write them down or draw them (and is not a way of escaping like cutting yourself), I love when she says "is this about me?" just reading a book because those were my words, those are your words too of the readers who like me, were able to understand what's she is going through and say "This is it!" "this is how I feel!" And I love how she broke in tears when that guy gave him words of encouragements like overflowing joy

My own true feelings are like noise or static in the back of my head and I push them down and ignore them to keep doing what I have to do for living, and they keep losing shape and I don't even know how to face them anymore... (I'm doing a long pause after writing that, my mind suddenly went blank).

Anyway I hope more people like me would give a chance to this manga, then maybe they will understand more about themselves like I did because this isn't just a manga to feel bad about the mc and angry at her parents.

Lastly, I didn't know you could feel so broken at the point that words and thoughts wouldn't make sense anymore... When you can't even read.

last edited at Aug 28, 2016 3:05PM

joined Mar 28, 2015

Well, this manga is a mixed bag for me.

Some things I relate to so much that I have the feeling to see myself like page 30 of chapter 2, but some other things are alien to my personality or history, so I feel puzzled by her lines of thoughts.

But I can tell that loneliness is a real thing. Just a friend calling you or texting you, because they haven't heard of you in a while, can make you cry of relief that, indeed, you are not completely alone.

joined Feb 2, 2013

I like it because it talks about real shit but also there should be a tag that says trigger imo.

joined Mar 28, 2016

"Fukken saved." That's totally me

joined Oct 15, 2013

I kinda... don't care about whats going on in this manga.
Anyone knows whats ahead? Is there Yuri in this? if so from which chapter?

joined Nov 18, 2014

Am i the only one just waiting for the lesbian sex?

joined Apr 20, 2013

Really... if you just want the nsfw part you could read any doujin in this site with much better drawings and without plot

last edited at Aug 28, 2016 3:38PM

joined May 26, 2011

The author poured everything she had into writing this, sharing all her experiences and anxieties and how much she was really suffering through years of her life.. I'll admit I was interested in this series because of the 'yuri' tag and knew nothing about it prior to reading, but I also find it extremely disrespectful towards the author to just be sitting around waiting for sex to happen.. this isn't a hentai series and I can't really see it being a happy yuri series along the way, so maybe you're better off looking somewhere else.

I can't speak for the entire series because I've only read these two chapters.. but shrug. it seems best read if you're actually interested in the author's life and where she goes from here while trying to get to a point where she's happy with her life and herself.

joined Dec 15, 2015

Was gonna say something like that but @Dayominator was faster. If you want a NSFW work that badly, there are plenty on the reader. The author must have overcome a lot to have the courage to write this story and deal with her own problems; messages like that really are disrespectful.

joined Feb 23, 2014

I kinda... don't care about whats going on in this manga.
Anyone knows whats ahead? Is there Yuri in this? if so from which chapter?

This manga is kinda hard to understand for anyone who hasn't gone through depression, as someone who suffers from it a lot I think this manga is a masterpiece so far.
But the Yuri here isn't really the point.

last edited at Aug 28, 2016 3:48PM

joined Oct 15, 2013

I kinda... don't care about whats going on in this manga.
Anyone knows whats ahead? Is there Yuri in this? if so from which chapter?

This manga is kinda hard to understand for anyone who hasn't gone through depression, as someone who suffers from it a lot I think this manga is a masterpiece so far.
But the Yuri here isn't really the point.

Ppl go through things. I've experience shit myself, and still am. I've had family members who have gone through hard things, stuff much harder to cope with than what is going on in the manga.
Either way, it does not mean that I will automatically care for this.

Was just asking if yuri happens at any point and when, in case anyone knows, cuz I don't have much interest on this as it is. Unless yuri comes into the mix.

joined Jan 20, 2014

I understand a little how the author feel T_T it's just frustrating those situations, so much

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