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Forum › Walk Wit Me discussion

joined Jul 14, 2012

holy shiet, that's deep. that's beautiful. that's sad.

i find it amazing how mc is describing everything around her - my first thought was 'how sad it is that somewhere in the world are so many people like her, with natural born talent and some kind of fragility, never getting a chance to use it in the full potential because of their social position or place of birth'

can't wait to read the rest of it

joined Sep 21, 2014

Shit okay, that was.. Idk. I was kinda on the edge the entire time, afraid of some kind of tragedy befalling them, separating them. I felt this growing unease while reading, it's difficult to explain. It was dark and made me feel nervous, I thought that something terrible was gonna happen for sure

On a side note, "Walk Wit Me"? Is it a reference for something? Seems like it was intentionally spelled that way.. or?

joined Jul 19, 2015

Hey, I bet they got ran over by a train.

joined Jun 13, 2015

A quick Google search tells me there are several songs by various African-American artists by that name, though I doubt that's it since there are no black characters so far. I think the use of "wit" is just supposed to imply a sense of poverty and uneducated-ness, whether that's inner-city ghettos or rural coal towns.
I must say, this story is so American it's pretty incredible a Japanese mangaka can depict it so powerfully. Haven't seen anything like that since Stone Ocean...

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I must say, this story is so American it's pretty incredible a Japanese mangaka can depict it so powerfully. Haven't seen anything like that since Stone Ocean...

I'll be honest it comes off as more British to me. Lot of coal-mining there in the post-war period, and they'd be more likely to call Russia "easterners" than Americans would.

joined Dec 30, 2014

Every line is heavy, weighed down by the soot she speaks of so often. I love this, foreign settings done competently by japanese mangaka are one of my favorite things. It's like I'm reading a book written in the time period. Good on the translators.

last edited at Jun 21, 2016 6:40PM

joined Jun 2, 2016

I'm feeling emotionally overwhelmed.

joined Mar 6, 2012

That was only part 1 .. They are not in the safe zone yet D:

joined Feb 28, 2015

I felt like I've read a novel. It was very western

joined May 19, 2015

I'm in love with this.

joined Feb 14, 2016

I am excited for more

joined Sep 19, 2015

I must say, this story is so American it's pretty incredible a Japanese mangaka can depict it so powerfully. Haven't seen anything like that since Stone Ocean...

I'll be honest it comes off as more British to me. Lot of coal-mining there in the post-war period, and they'd be more likely to call Russia "easterners" than Americans would.

At first, I was looking at architecture for clues, but thankfully there was something easier. I'm not an expert in 20th century newspapers, but I'm not sure a British front page would read "Pitt Beats Trojans 20 to 14", "(Bob?) Turley Today in Third Game of Series", and what might be "Teamsters Elect..." Of course, we never know if the author just put random english text in there, but I'm inclined to believe this guy put serious effort into depicting a specific time period. Whatever the case, the themes covered seem applicable throughout the world (and throughout time).

joined May 26, 2011

This felt really surreal to read, I'm very interested in the next part(s) to see where things go.. deep with so many emotions, and lovely. The sketchy art fits the feel of this really well too.

joined Feb 23, 2014

So when does one of them die?
Like I dont mean to be a downer but it's pretty clear one of them is going to die and then maybe the other for a "reunited in death" type deal with the way it's going now.

joined Jan 30, 2013

all of this negativity hahahaha you guys made my day xD

joined Apr 27, 2013

Well, that was different. Rather poetic feel

Not sure if everything we're seeing is real. Some worrying imagery on pages 11 and 12

joined Feb 14, 2013

I love how most of us don't expect this to end well.

joined Jan 18, 2016

I have a strong feeling that at least one of Marly, Wendy, or the world they walk is not what they appear to be.

joined Jan 22, 2015

I have a strong feeling that at least one of Marly, Wendy, or the world they walk is not what they appear to be.

As do I.

joined Aug 1, 2011

This was amazing. I wish there were more manga like this, if not in tone and setting, then in level of writing and art. It feels more serious and highbrow than a lot of stuff.

Unfortunately, it does feel like something really tragic is going to happen and it's going to be because of one of them and entirely avoidable.

I find it interesting that the manga has a fairly strong judeochristian motif with references to the church and the sabath, but the two main characters seem to have set themselves up as some sort of pagans. It's a pretty cool distinction to make and they're pretty reasonable about it.

last edited at Jun 21, 2016 10:22PM

joined Aug 16, 2014

It's interesting how they talk about the Soviet Union, and how smart the characters think they are. I imagine they'd be shattered if they saw what it was actually like.

joined May 28, 2012

..............I missed Romeo's Blue Skies.

joined Dec 15, 2015

Seeing the drama tag; it's pretty obvious it is gonna end badly, but I'm prepared so I guess it's fine.

The art is really beautiful though, and I like the setting. We need more stories like this.

last edited at Jun 21, 2016 11:19PM

joined Sep 21, 2014

omg this isnt a one shot there's more, im so scared rn

joined Feb 14, 2016

It's interesting how they talk about the Soviet Union, and how smart the characters think they are. I imagine they'd be shattered if they saw what it was actually like.

Well, it wasn't an uncommon attiude for the time. Granted, Homer Hickam would be in probably the next town over working on his own rockets; it's not as though rocket science is too advanced for a country bumpkin ;)

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