I reposted this here from my tumblr (http://ieeheh.tumblr.com/post/140579064154/ff-65-thoughts-before-translation)
Sleep deprivation has been killing me, but somehow I just couldn’t fall back to sleep no matter how much I tried. So here I am ranting to you in words that I might not even understand myself. Please tolerate me T T
I LOVED everything in this chapter even without understanding most of the conversations. But I think we all got a gist of it thanks to cipp’s brief summary
1) Seol-a didn’t hang out even once with Min-jeong during break. That fact speaks for itself. Seol-a’s mind has been so occupied with No-rae it’s not even funny anymore. And she can’t talk about openly about it to her best friend. Imagine how hard and unbearable it is for someone with Seol-a’s personality.
2) Seeing other couple made Seol-a imagined herself being close and intimate with No-rae. The yearning of closeness with someone you’re in love with is the same for everyone. I just sympathize so much with Seol-a on this. It hurts when what you want dearly keeps swirling around in front of you but you can’t touch it. Gosh, the feel.
3) Seol-a recalled the memories of her past relationships and how she got intimate quite quickly with other men. I’m slightly bisexual so I can’t feel the frustration of seeing her with another man from other readers. But I understand where you’re coming from. And I think those incidents and the difference of how Seol-a acted then and now just made what she has for No-rae even more special in my opinion. Seol-a treasures No-rae, and both of them hesitate because they are afraid of damaging or ruining what they currently have.
1,2, and 3: Ssamba never explicitly talked about the unacceptance of homosexuality and the uneasiness of falling in love with the same gender, but the issue was always carefully and subtly portrayed through moments like this. And I appreciate it all the more. It makes it so much easier for an heterosexual to pick up this series and get drawn into the story because our love is the same, the fluttering feelings of falling in love with another human being were the same. At the same time the homophobia issue wasn’t being entirely ignored of swept under the rug. And thus it creates an understanding bridge for others connect with our LGBT community. I just think it’s wonderful of how Ssamba does it.
4) No-rae is getting drunk and our about-to-explode-any-moment Seol-a is entirely sober. Wow… why is no one FUCKING EXCITED about this like I am? haha.**