I don't think complaining at this point is "just for sake of complaining" or being salty with the pacing.. Chapter 65. we re already in chapter 65. And No-rae and Seol-a are still on the friend-zone stage. The heck? Isn't FF only slated for 100 chapters? The story's momentum is up. down, up, down. I don't know. It seems that Ssamba can't keep the tension building. There were so many times. It felt like Seol-a will confess already and then on the next chapter. It seems all the momentum and tension that was build up is already lost.
It wouldn't be accurate to categorize No-rae and Seol-a's relationship as to still being in the "friend-zone stage". I'd personally argue that they've never really been in the friend zone stage, because that would imply that one was intentionally trying to repress any romantic progression in the relationship due to the fact that they didn't see the other as a potential romantic interest. Being friends and being in the friend zone are two different things.
The best expression to describe their relationship, even more so after Seol-a realized her feelings, would be "썸타는 시이다"/"They're doing/in a 'ssome' relationship". There's no real English equivalent for that phrase, but it's essentially used to describe two people who like each other and flirt/whatnot, but they're not in a relationship.
FF is a slice of life manhwa. I don't expect Ssamba to reveal every detail of every character's life, especially if it isn't necessary. What, were people expecting Seol-a to suddenly confess to No-rae and suddenly progress their relationship the night they slept in No-rae's room? Or that they'd kiss and confess to each other because of the sexual tension? If it's a detail that Ssamba chose to skip, it's because it wasn't necessary for the story's development.
It literally says in FF's description that it's the story of the "ssome" of two girls who get closer without realizing it. Genres include romance, slice of life, and drama. I don't expect FF to suddenly deviate from what the author is advertising it to be.
personally I don't want FF to come to the point where our two heroine could offer more story content (than the teasing and flirting) but can't anymore because of the remaining limited chapters.
And there we go. You don't enjoy FF's slow pace because it's not something that you personally want. You're expecting it to be something different than what it's always been/what the author has been doing for the past year. Would it be nice if we had faster development and more exploration into No-rae/Seol-a's relationship after they're officially together? Yeah sure. But it's not an expectation that I'm needlessly pushing onto Ssamba, because if that isn't the story that they're trying to tell, I'm more than okay with that.