Note that majority of inmates who committed violent crimes are psychologically sane, AKA - 'normal' people. The fact that others call these inmates "crazy" is to deny the fact that such healthy minded just like themselves can committed such ugly acts. Such as the fact almost every mass shooting are committed by someone with guns. But only one, which is recently in a certain college in USA, is related to mental disorder.
She killed an innocent person for their house. I doubt anyone who finds a boy in their boss's locker would leave him there (assuming she did leave him there). Blackmailing everyone who threatens her? More reasonable than most, but that is on the fence of rational depending on who you ask and how much moral fiber they have.
Not true, "yet." What we know from the story so far is that there is a skeleton in her closet. What we do not know is: was she really the murderer, and who is the skeleton and how is it relates to her. While we know she is capable of doing anything, it does not mean that she has indeed done it. It could be the loli who is the murderer but lost memory, and MC is trying cover it so the loli can remain innocent and loving her, etc.
Blackmailing people who threatened her is a very good justification for her action. It is as good as stabbing a guy who hold a gun over your head. The fact she is blackmailing is so she can keep low profile and avoid any involvement with law enforcers because of a skeleton in her closet.
PS: Ha x10, Hollywood.
PSS: Guess what? Sociopaths and serial killers can use rational reasoning and I'd say they are pretty disturbed.
Yeah, you learned that is how serial killers work from Hollywood and other media. From psych text book, I know these type of people are impulsive. They do because of a certain emotion rather than reason and rationalization. The recent mass shooting with mental disturbed is because he was being rejected by people around him for so long, the anger builds up and he "exploded."
Logic isn't always reasonable, kids.
PSSS: I said my piece on the matter, so I doubt I'll even be back to continue this. Agree to disagree if you feel strongly on the subject.
It's not really "agree to disagree" when you criticized me by calling me "a kid" like that. Using Agree to disagree in this situation is pretty much a hit and run. You come up to me with your criticism and ran away to block yourself from any counter argument, and that is a cowardice move.
What I tried to do was to give you some second thought so you do not quickly jump conclusion about the main character who may not be mentally disturbed like you believed her to be and so that you can stay open minded just in case you wish to continue reading this series.
last edited at Dec 25, 2015 5:07PM