Forum › A Lying Bride's Case for Same-Sex Marriage discussion

joined Jan 22, 2017

I hope that lesbian friend will show up a bit more, she was cute.

joined Jul 15, 2016

I hope that lesbian friend will show up a bit more, she was cute.

More importantly, she is based, which is IMO the most attractive trait in an Adult life Drama.

joined May 3, 2022

Dang, I was hoping Rei would see Gotou’s rejected job applications and take pity/love her more to see her struggling and accept that the girl would be with her for a lot long more. But of course, this is Kodama Naoko we’re talking about.

joined Dec 16, 2021

In this pace, they will bang before divorced

joined Aug 4, 2018

Fuck yeah, spoon-feed me that drama. I can't wait!

Yeaaah Naoko-samaaa~~~! You're my idol, I'll follow you fore~ver! ♡ ♡ ♡

joined May 26, 2020

Just in my corner. Waiting for the other shoe to drop...

joined May 28, 2011

ch4, pg 16, "we're we're"

joined Apr 25, 2020

wow, this has evolved a lot!! I think the breaking point was when Rei rejected Gotou's physical approach, establishing a limit and reassuring her autonomy and worth. I liked that part and the resolve from her not to be just a married woman's lesbian fling, not usual on kodama naoko's works. I think so far this is probably the most "mature" story she's put out, maybe kodama naoko is actually evolving and getting better, the characters have more depth too, all to the detriment of my previous comment shiting on this lol. Will stick around and see if this develops into something good

joined Oct 19, 2022

Interesting. I've seen two different versions of the opening page and the translators, it seems, didn't understand the text in the same way.

This version goes:

"She's my ex-coworker and a married woman."
"And she's running from her family troubles."
"Other than that, I don't know a single thing about her."
And then Gotou comments to that: "Well... you never asked, did you?"
Making a point that communication is important and that the mc needs to ask the questions she has, if she want to get answers.

The other version offers a variant interpretation. The first two lines are pretty much identical. But then they jump to the next line on the left and translate it as:

"You probably want to ask why, did you?"

And then they translate the bottom-most line as:

"Well, for now, that's all you need to know about her."

I wonder if this is because the ambiguity of the Japanese text?

joined Apr 16, 2022

In this pace, they will bang before divorced

God I hope so, isn't that why we're all here

(Great chapter! I could've used a trigger warning for the job search scenes though that was extremely painful.)

joined Apr 25, 2020

Depressing as fuck also please don't tell me this got axed, first good Kodama Naoko series

Poor gotou really

joined May 24, 2014

Let her go and go on with your life. And that's that.

joined May 3, 2014

wow, this has evolved a lot!! I think the breaking point was when Rei rejected Gotou's physical approach, establishing a limit and reassuring her autonomy and worth. I liked that part and the resolve from her not to be just a married woman's lesbian fling, not usual on kodama naoko's works. I think so far this is probably the most "mature" story she's put out, maybe kodama naoko is actually evolving and getting better, the characters have more depth too, all to the detriment of my previous comment shiting on this lol. Will stick around and see if this develops into something good

damn so the people just enjoy almost anything as long as it’s garbage drama about scumbag people, NOW Kodama stories had become more “mature” >.> maybe i will actualy give Kodama an chance? cuz up untill now i just read comments every time there is an Kodama story cuz i really I’m not a fan of how bad the writing is about scumbags in relationships.

i guess it’s in humans nature to watch a dumpster fire burn and see how shit crushes and burn's to ashes, but that doesn’t mean kodama writing stories had anything else going for them, it always made me feel like ugh trying to read her stories

last edited at May 7, 2024 3:34AM

joined Apr 26, 2017

Depressing as fuck also please don't tell me this got axed, first good Kodama Naoko series

Poor gotou really

volume 1 just came out so like its still going

joined Jan 30, 2017

Let her go and go on with your life. And that's that.

But where's the fun in that? I want lesbodrama!

joined Nov 13, 2022

Sigh... misunderstandings because people refuse to be open and vulnerable. Lack of communication, sigh.

joined Feb 20, 2023

Sigh... misunderstandings because people refuse to be open and vulnerable. Lack of communication, sigh.

Some conversations aren't simple to have. What is the one woman supposed to say? "I know I'm married but I like you too?" It'd just come across as stringing her along. The wife needs to decide what to do about her relationship with her husband before realistically starting another.

joined Apr 10, 2023

Yeah this situation isn't really one Rei can navigate in any "successful" way, with the best course of action probably to just cut hope and seek a girlfriend who isn't currently married to a man but sleeping on her couch. If any different outcome happens it pretty much entirely has to be because Gotou made it happen.

joined Apr 25, 2020

wow, this has evolved a lot!! I think the breaking point was when Rei rejected Gotou's physical approach, establishing a limit and reassuring her autonomy and worth. I liked that part and the resolve from her not to be just a married woman's lesbian fling, not usual on kodama naoko's works. I think so far this is probably the most "mature" story she's put out, maybe kodama naoko is actually evolving and getting better, the characters have more depth too, all to the detriment of my previous comment shiting on this lol. Will stick around and see if this develops into something good

damn so the people just enjoy almost anything as long as it’s garbage drama about scumbag people, NOW Kodama stories had become more “mature” >.> maybe i will actualy give Kodama an chance? cuz up untill now i just read comments every time there is an Kodama story cuz i really I’m not a fan of how bad the writing is about scumbags in relationships.

i guess it’s in humans nature to watch a dumpster fire burn and see how shit crushes and burn's to ashes, but that doesn’t mean kodama writing stories had anything else going for them, it always made me feel like ugh trying to read her stories

maybe you should read it before saying shit you know? Since you app seem to only read comments about it instead of reading the actual thing, you are nothing else than a simple poser reproducing other people's opinions

joined Feb 25, 2023

Sigh... misunderstandings because people refuse to be open and vulnerable. Lack of communication, sigh.

What in our MC's characterization suggests that she's the kind of person who would be open about her homosexuality? Let alone to someone who she thinks is using her for it.

joined May 26, 2020

I can understand that she's trying to figure herself out, but message TO ALL SRAIGHT GIRLS: Do NOT drag your lesbian friends into your BS! Sorry, seeing the MC get jerked around like this brings up a lot of things I DON'T want to remember...

joined Aug 6, 2015

Not really a fan. The married woman comes across as selfish here. She just wants to he loved but also doesn't want to end her marriage. If she loves her, then she should dump her husband. If she doesn't and just wants to feel loved by someone, then try to work things out with your husband. Even if her husband is a dick at least she tried, and can now divorce him without any doubt.

joined Oct 25, 2023

Sigh I can't believe I fell into reading another Kodama work. At least this time the characters feel more realistic and the manga looks like it won't go on for much longer. Seems we'll find out what's really going on with Gatou and then resolve it in the span of a few chapters.
Of course there'll be a hefty helping of angst dumped on us along the way.

joined Oct 11, 2022
joined Feb 25, 2023

Oh man, that really sucks. Hopefully it still sticks the landing, this is good enough that I reread all the previous chapters every time a new chapter was translated.

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