Forum › My Sister and Giant: A young lady is reborn in another world discussion

joined Jun 3, 2020

I prefer the zettai ryōiki technique most.

Zettai ryōiki is a superpower??????

Do they mean it in the same way people jokingly claim that "big boobs" is the Most Common Superpower?

they probably mean it closer to its original use in evangelion as an absolute territory defense field

Actually, the AT-Field from Evangelion stands for Absolute Terror Field. No idea where Absolute Territory came from.

joined Dec 13, 2020

I prefer the zettai ryōiki technique most.

Zettai ryōiki is a superpower??????

Do they mean it in the same way people jokingly claim that "big boobs" is the Most Common Superpower?

they probably mean it closer to its original use in evangelion as an absolute territory defense field

Actually, the AT-Field from Evangelion stands for Absolute Terror Field. No idea where Absolute Territory came from.

There's a good article on the subject here:ōiki

It appears that the Evangelion anime's "Absolute Terror Field" was called "Zettai Kyōfu Ryōiki" in Japanese, and shortened to "Zettai Ryōiki" in the manga.

"Zettai Ryōiki" can be translated as Absolute Field or Absolute Territory.

Then the Japanese otaku started calling that the bare skin that a girl shows in the gap between her skirt and overknee socks, lol.

joined Nov 23, 2014

Why are all these fantasy isekai always so fucking violent these days? Like no shade against anyone enjoying this particular story, it seems fairly interesting from the chapters I checked out, but I know people who equate the level of brutality in a story to its level of quality and I just don't get it.

joined Feb 25, 2014

Why are all these fantasy isekai always so fucking violent these days? Like no shade against anyone enjoying this particular story, it seems fairly interesting from the chapters I checked out, but I know people who equate the level of brutality in a story to its level of quality and I just don't get it.

It doesn't have to be fantasy isekai where violence can be depicted beautifully; for me I appreciate the amount of artistic effort in depicting human movements anthromorphsized to giant levels (ala Attack on Titan). And to do it well, mixed with "till yuri pulls us apart", is very much a unique take on the genre.

beeeeeeeg shovel

Why does this manga go so unreasonably hard!?!??!

joined Oct 14, 2014

Why are all these fantasy isekai always so fucking violent these days? Like no shade against anyone enjoying this particular story, it seems fairly interesting from the chapters I checked out, but I know people who equate the level of brutality in a story to its level of quality and I just don't get it.

It's cool here but it sucks absolute ass in Roll Over and Die. The difference is how gratuitous it is - this manga is actually fairly tame and most of the "brutality" comes from the art depicting characters' mental/emotional states. ROAD (I forgot the JP title, sorry) decides "yeah people have pulsating spiral gore and the climax of the first part inexplicably involves sky womb gore" for no real reason other than to be gross and traumatize the characters. Not to mention that ROAD isn't even an isekai LOL

Also from what I can tell, none of the other Big Yuri Isekai do this? Like, Menou's story has a fair deal of gore at first, but it actually lightens up as you continue. MagiRevo is completely bereft because Piero Karasu is a massive nerd and unconcerned with edge despite the pen name. The VRMMO types are firmly planted in the realm of moe, and so on.

I am a bit peeved about how indigenous American aesthetics have been copped for the "savage, bad giants," but it seems that the author mostly just didn't even slightly think about optics. People who don't live in proximity to certain issues will fail to understand how subversion of the concept is an issue.

last edited at Aug 4, 2023 11:32AM

joined Mar 23, 2021

Hinako is absolutely deranged but incredibly based

joined Jan 20, 2021

Finally. Attack on titan but good

joined May 3, 2022

I seriously thought those “Apostles’ cleaners” or whatever would be giving trouble to our cast but dang they are just there to showcase the actual damage the characters could do without their armor and defence. Elis seems hella op but there also seems to be another one from her clan? This manga is unexpectedly bomb. I’m loving it so far.

joined Oct 14, 2014

I seriously thought those “Apostles’ cleaners” or whatever would be giving trouble to our cast but dang they are just there to showcase the actual damage the characters could do without their armor and defence. Elis seems hella op but there also seems to be another one from her clan? This manga is unexpectedly bomb. I’m loving it so far.

I think the other one is the/a previous giant god, or perhaps one of the gods the ancient giants warred with. Which would explain the cave mural depicting the white giant god and the fact that Elis's clan rejected her in spite of the demon girl (name evades me rn) seeming to believe that the "whitest giant" should be a respected name

joined Jul 7, 2020

how does this go so hard man

joined Jul 7, 2020

joined Jul 24, 2023

The art, history and drama i love it!!!

joined Aug 1, 2011

I am a bit peeved about how indigenous American aesthetics have been copped for the "savage, bad giants," but it seems that the author mostly just didn't even slightly think about optics. People who don't live in proximity to certain issues will fail to understand how subversion of the concept is an issue.

I'm a bit torn on this. On one hand, there definitely seems to be an issue where some of the ideas and design choices in the manga are ... not great. You brought up the use of indigenous aesthetics for "savage, bad giants", but there was also the line in chapter 11 where she says "Those who hold no beliefs, have no dogma or creed to follow, are in capable of treating other people as human beings!" which is incredibly similar to lines used by some religious groups to demonize atheists and agnostics in the real world.

On the other hand, there seems to be some suggestions that the main characters are unreliable narrators and that their views may not be correct. For example, with the giants, when they go to the giant settlement, and we see things from Elis's point of view, it looks like the giants are looking down on them. However, towards the end of the chapter it's revealed that Sonin actually holds a good amount of respect for Hinako and he was angry with Elis because she was the one effectively insulting Hinako.

Overall, the problematic portrayals are still the primary ones, while the counter points are conveyed via minor scenes and implications. So, I'm not really sure how to feel about that. There does seem to be a lot more going on in the background, which might change things, but these topics could probably have been handled more deftly.

joined Oct 14, 2014

I'm a bit torn on this. On one hand, there definitely seems to be an issue where some of the ideas and design choices in the manga are ... not great. You brought up the use of indigenous aesthetics for "savage, bad giants", but there was also the line in chapter 11 where she says "Those who hold no beliefs, have no dogma or creed to follow, are in capable of treating other people as human beings!" which is incredibly similar to lines used by some religious groups to demonize atheists and agnostics in the real world.

Japanese media is generally not very into the idea of religion, as evidenced by fighting god a lot. I think there's supposed to be nuance in this statement, since Hinako herself more or less describes herself as agnostic, although she might not realize it. A belief is a value, and I think she fails to understand that the other chick prioritizing herself counts as one. Also like, it doesn't look like the other chick is gonna die/be defeated unless the manga's ending within six chapters, so an ideological battleground could be in the works.

joined Jun 12, 2019

That giant girl has some yandere in her and no one should wanna be on the bad end of that. She's a fucking badass

joined Oct 22, 2021

That giant girl has some yandere in her and no one should wanna be on the bad end of that. She's a fucking badass

Frankly it feels like the main party can be summed up as ‘oops, all yanderes’.

Unrelated, I love that the world tree is a fucking defunct space elevator.

joined Jun 27, 2022

Oh finally made it here, this one is really good, dark but not too dark, edgy but not too edgy. Interesting setting and gives you all through out an uncanny feeling that something terrible can happen any moment.

Great food for dark fantasy isekai, Yuri fans without the dumbass harem.

joined Jun 27, 2022

Great story so far and really good characters, too. I'm excited for more updates. The only downside is that there's been three other girls who look similar to the antagonist and it has confused me a few times

I feel you, it's hard to differentiate Carla from Hidako at times with the close ups.

joined Jul 28, 2019

I'm a bit torn on this. On one hand, there definitely seems to be an issue where some of the ideas and design choices in the manga are ... not great. You brought up the use of indigenous aesthetics for "savage, bad giants", but there was also the line in chapter 11 where she says "Those who hold no beliefs, have no dogma or creed to follow, are in capable of treating other people as human beings!" which is incredibly similar to lines used by some religious groups to demonize atheists and agnostics in the real world.

Japanese media is generally not very into the idea of religion, as evidenced by fighting god a lot. I think there's supposed to be nuance in this statement, since Hinako herself more or less describes herself as agnostic, although she might not realize it. A belief is a value, and I think she fails to understand that the other chick prioritizing herself counts as one. Also like, it doesn't look like the other chick is gonna die/be defeated unless the manga's ending within six chapters, so an ideological battleground could be in the works.

On the topic of fighting god, there's a video essay about why Japanese media has that theme so often. Big beefy 1.5 hours but it pulls a lot of the history of Japan around the topic.

In regards to the manga, I can't figure out where I've seen this artist's work before. The eye and face style is triggering some memory in me that I can't manifest.

last edited at Aug 5, 2023 9:22AM

joined Jul 7, 2020

I've been thinking about the cheat skills we saw in ch6 a little because the premise of a world that is hostile to these cheats (that just like the high elf said, are normally the protagonists' one way tickets to an easy life) are so subversive and interesting.

I think matter transmission, space manipulation, and boundary sever would be optimal to grab based on what we've seen so far. They all have immense unique utility in combat, allow you to escape from shitty situations, and reasonable constraints I've thought about (somewhat limited range or limited usage) don't diminish their conceptual strength. Some stuff seems strong, like mind control or body modification, but if the former is detectable, resistable, or doesn't have a permanent uptime, I feel like that would quickly diminish its value, and the world probably would have counterplay to the latter in the form of tracking spells to nullify disguises. Some just aren't that unique or useful given the presence of similar chemicals or magic, like corrosion or freezing. Some are useful enough but you'd need to play your cards extra carefully to make sure you aren't detected and exploited, like clairvoyance, analysis, telepathy, or precognition, because those do not leave you with any escapes.

Anyway, I hope that 'god' has its goals and allegiances revealed at some point, or this cheat skill dilemma is explored more; what the high elf said about otherworlders being gifts from god to them caught my eye. He seems like the kind of guy to know what he's talking about, at least lore-wise. That seems rather odd too, that 'god' eould only help their world by sending offerings from another. And you'd think that those insane cheats like the judgement cut were not made to be exploited by the denizens of this world, but it is hard to not be kind of worried about it. I wonder if something like that will happen to Junko?

last edited at Aug 5, 2023 11:47PM

joined Oct 22, 2020

I really respect that the author went "I'm going to put everything I like in this story, even when it shouldn't go together" and now we have the cutest giantess schoolgirl romance with mecha alien elf monsters and spaceships and dissertations on humanity and stuff

joined Oct 22, 2020

Frankly it feels like the main party can be summed up as ‘oops, all yanderes’.

Ooooo that's probably why I love this so much.

Unrelated, I love that the world tree is a fucking defunct space elevator.

I LOVED THAT! It's such a subtle thing too, unless you're familiar with what you're looking at, since it was not even commented on, unlike the spaceship

joined Sep 8, 2017

I am a bit peeved about how indigenous American aesthetics have been copped for the "savage, bad giants," but it seems that the author mostly just didn't even slightly think about optics. People who don't live in proximity to certain issues will fail to understand how subversion of the concept is an issue.

I do agree that the author probably didn’t even think about any of this cuz they’re Japanese and just saw the Native American aesthetic as “cool” and “tribal”. But I wouldn’t even say that the giants depicted in this manga are “savage” or “evil” or anything. They’re civilized enough to form their own societies and coexists with others through stuff like trade. Despite what some humans believe, they don’t just rampage around and kill everything in sight. And, though we’ve seen some bad eggs in the form of Elis’ original clan and some of the giants of the quarry, that’s more just an example of this author showing that “some people are bad” than “this whole race is bad”. Just like how a lot of humans in this series are awful, but there are also lots of decent folk too. Sure, it’d be a problem is the author just depicted all the giants as dumb and violent and made them stereotypes. But I haven’t seen anything like that yet. This really isn’t anything different than like a DM of a DnD campaign giving Dwarves Scottish accents and stuff.

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