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joined Aug 25, 2023

:,D maybe tianli can be shipped with the bestie happy ending for everyone

Do you mean Yunduo or Sixi?

joined May 10, 2021

Man that whole scene with Xiaoen, Yunduo and Xingyuan was so damn amazing!
Great chapter, thanks a lot for the translation!

joined Sep 10, 2022

Xingyuan putting on a master class in how to defuse the situation for Xiaoen. Creates blunt and obvious distance between this "friend." Then communicates before she's even asked to share. Clearly, she still doesn't like this "old friend," who is also clearly barking up the wrong tree now.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Thanks, that hurt...

joined Mar 4, 2018

"I was eavesdropping." Big respect for instant honesty.

joined Sep 21, 2023

"I was eavesdropping." Big respect for instant honesty.

The blunt candid honesty of someone so childlike they don't know self-consciousness? 9_9

The end of the chapter puzzled me a lil' bit. Xingyuan talks about Tianli then has these ugly memories of confessing to a girl who goes homophobic and rejects her in disgust. Is that girl supposed to be Tianli? Or are we to guess that XY is being flooded by lotsa bad memories from different times?

joined May 26, 2020

That ending should come with a PTSD trigger warning.

joined Jan 19, 2015

Ah she made me slap my screen in an atttempt to slap some sense into her.

joined Aug 19, 2015

The way I'm interpreting it is she was close friends with Tianli. When she was outed, Tianli followed the crowd and claimed she was gross. Coming from a friend, that's probably why she feels so down because she didn't have a comrade anywhere.

Based on Tiangli's expression though, it looked like she caved to the peer pressure at the time and didn't actually mean it. Still those are the words she said and this is the repercussion. Now that she's grown up a bit and maybe feels more comfortable detaching from that peer pressure, she's reaching out because she regrets what she said.

joined May 10, 2021

Mmhh I wonder how big of a "historical liability" Tianli was, and will be.
Yunduo brutal honestly was amazing, she knows this girl could be trouble for Xiaoen.
Also Xiaoen being herself, as usual. A total dork.
Thanks for the chapter!

joined Aug 4, 2018

Confirmed: Tianli is the bitch who screwed up Xingyuan's life.
Because of her loose lips everyone found out Xingyuan is a lesbian. Her schoolmates, her family, the school authorities, all were horrified and fell on her like a ton of bricks. Xingyuan left the city and started travelling from town to town, and one day she came to Peach Town -- and that's where MDL starts.

last edited at Jan 21, 2024 1:14PM

joined Aug 16, 2018

I lol'ed at the pinnacle of sloppiness that is Xiaoen in the last panels, sprawled on the sofa, texting. Poor parents, that's not what you want to see when you look at your unmarried 27-year-old daughter. (⁀ ᗢ⁀)

joined Dec 20, 2018

Some good advice and some dirty thoughts. ^_^

joined Apr 10, 2023

Lol Xingyuan falling for that bait at the end of the chapter. Xiaoen really is being remarkably confident with this arc, huh?

joined Jan 30, 2017

So she really likes older girls? Based.

joined Jan 16, 2023

So Xingyuan's one for three on her ideal type then. Since Xiaoen is sweet, but she's not exactly what you think when people say onee-san/jiejie type and she is most certainly not mature. Love works in funny ways though and I can't blame her for falling for Xiaoen.
The real problem is that it seems obvious Tianli has a sort of crush on her which definitely motivated the outing.

joined Apr 27, 2021

So Xingyuan's one for three on her ideal type then. Since Xiaoen is sweet, but she's not exactly what you think when people say onee-san/jiejie type and she is most certainly not mature. Love works in funny ways though and I can't blame her for falling for Xiaoen.

Mu Xiaoen is a strange blend of manic pixie dream girl, charismatic community leader and perverted old geezer. Definitely an intriguing enough blend to catch (and then keep) the attention of any hurt and confused gay girl on the run.

last edited at Feb 11, 2024 7:01AM

joined Dec 20, 2018

Well, nothing bad so far in their past, but something must have happened to cause this rift between them. Maybe Tianli's crush fell for Xingyuan instead?

joined Jul 29, 2017

Well, nothing bad so far in their past, but something must have happened to cause this rift between them. Maybe Tianli's crush fell for Xingyuan instead?

I thought Xingyuan’s “You don’t have to take it [the secret of her sexual preference] that seriously” line was notable. It suggests that Tianli later outs her for some reason but perhaps without anticipating what the full consequences turn out to be.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Well, nothing bad so far in their past, but something must have happened to cause this rift between them. Maybe Tianli's crush fell for Xingyuan instead?

I thought Xingyuan’s “You don’t have to take it [the secret of her sexual preference] that seriously” line was notable. It suggests that Tianli later outs her for some reason but perhaps without anticipating what the full consequences turn out to be.

That, too. She hasn't done so yet, so I don't think she would do it without any reason at all, but this could certainly play part in her decision to eventually do so, for example exactly to explain why her crush would not be able to get Xingyuan to go out with him instead.

joined Sep 27, 2017

I'm not ready for the chapters focusing on the past to get to the painful reveal of what happened, and I'm guessing we're going to see more homophobia soon. Very much uncomfy times ahead, so I hope there's also some present day hugs or something mixed in...

joined Dec 11, 2017

Well, nothing bad so far in their past, but something must have happened to cause this rift between them. Maybe Tianli's crush fell for Xingyuan instead?

From the way she's acting in the flashback and in the present, I'd say odds are greater that Tianli fell for Xingyuan. She might out her, for some reason or another, or by accident, perhaps, but all we actually know is that she said she thinks being gay is gross. It could be something as simple as "the subject came up, Tianli said something terrible to fit in, Xingyuan overheard it (or was even caught in the conversation) and was hurt by it." Time will tell, there's a lot of possible directions this could take.

joined Dec 23, 2018

I also think Tianli fell for Xingyuan. It's already obvious in this chapter, according to her reactions after testing Xingyuan asking would she fell for her if she is so kind to Xingyuan. Xingyuan friendzoned her.

And we have also: "Don't worry girl, you are not my type, you are too childish for me!" - but I think Tianli already feel something for Xingyuan. It's not about her bruised and challenged ego, "convincing" her to start to feel something more than friendship.
I don't think that she intentionally wanted to harm Xianyuan, outing her.
Possibly she was hurt and tried to talk with someone, and accidentally slipped.
It could be: "a friend started liking the girl" (talking about herself, and someone connected it with Xingyuan, not knowing that Tianli was "the friend").
I don't think Tianli is revengeful or intentionally malicious character.

last edited at Feb 11, 2024 6:59PM

joined Dec 23, 2018

I'm also shipping Tianlii and Yunduo

joined Dec 11, 2017

I'm also shipping Tianlii and Yunduo

Not me. I get why, Yunduo's pain is super relatable and I'd love to see her happy, but there just isn't anything there at this stage, and I'm not a fan of "pair the spares."

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