Forum › The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy At All discussion

joined May 7, 2022

So Aya is definitely gay and into butches, but hasn’t realised it yet, right? Cause that’s the implication I’m getting from this. I’d bet any previous “older guys” types she was interested in were actually butch women and she just didn’t realise.

Yes. This.
She’s into butches and doesn’t know yet. And her gay awakening is her androgynous classmate, what a beautiful thing

joined Mar 23, 2022

I really hope this gets serialized soon

joined Jun 19, 2014

I used to really want a tragus piercing but was scared I wouldn't be able to wear my earphones. Taking care of cartilage piercings is so much work. Too bad she's not got a lot of friends, Mitsuki is definitely a cool girl.

And wow two gay girls in the same class, what a dream come true. I love to see (future) couples with very distinct and opposite styles. Its so cute.

joined May 5, 2022

I’m not even all that disappointed that there’s no update, to be honest, Arai Sumiko’s art is just that amazing to look at … can’t wait to see more <3

joined Feb 4, 2022

Ahhh, i appreciate the character descriptions!! It says that Aya also gets flustered with at-school Mitsuki, riiight? Or am i reading that wrong

joined Feb 17, 2013

I do hope the 'misunderstanding' thing ends soon.

joined Mar 8, 2022

What about a character bio for the uncle?

joined Apr 20, 2013

Now you made me really curious about her best friend, what kind of person would it be?? O.O

Oooooooooooooooooooooooohhhh the middle picture in sport bra, let's leave the lewd aside, with just the pose and her face is already lady killer, my god

joined Apr 16, 2020

It says that Aya also gets flustered with at-school Mitsuki, riiight? Or am i reading that wrong

Right, school and shop Mitsuki give off the same pheromones after all.

her tattoo is apparently temporary. (The “She might change it” made me think that, I mean… how the heck can you cover this soundwave tattoo and make it look like something other than idk a blur in your wrist??)

Most likely it's not, tattoo artists are quite creative in "changing" tattoos

So Aya is definitely gay and into butches, but hasn’t realised it yet, right? Cause that’s the implication I’m getting from this. I’d bet any previous “older guys” types she was interested in were actually butch women and she just didn’t realise.

Or she simply needs to have a type in men in order to belong--comphet

last edited at Jun 12, 2022 10:28AM

joined Mar 8, 2016

how the heck can you cover this soundwave tattoo and make it look like something other than idk a blur in your wrist??)

Tattoo covering works differently than you might think. My wife had this regrettable tattoo of a creepy jester on her leg that an amazing artist covered and turned into a beautiful bird on a lotus flower. Absolutely no sign of the original, even if you are looking for it. Good artists can work wonders, and something simple like this that's just a single black line? Easy peasy.

I was legit mashing the next button thinking "there's supposed to be four pages every week right?!" Love this series!

last edited at Jun 12, 2022 10:28AM

joined Jan 15, 2021

People were talking about her voice, but honestly I think the reality is that Mitsuki doesn't talk enough to Aya at school for Aya to really have evidence to piece together "hey, record shop boy sounds a lot like that girl from my class."

The way I see it, we needn't analyze too deeply. It's like debating why doesn't Lois Lane ever realize that Superman sounds just like Clark Kent.

My father explained that to me as a child (a looong time ago), it's the fact that Lois Lane is a feather-headed idiot (he used FAR harsher language). For proof of this you only needed to read the comics to see her get warned, usually by Superman himself, to stay away from something/one and she would run straight to him/her/it and get into trouble, then have to be saved by Superman. Over, and over, and over.

joined Aug 4, 2018

Now you made me really curious about her best friend, what kind of person would it be?? O.O

I knew you too would lock on to that, haha. Talk about a Chekhov's gun.

joined Oct 30, 2021

she is totally into the "older guy" types

Ooooh now everything makes sense XD its not that she doesnt show interest in men but in men of her age or that act immature

last edited at Jun 12, 2022 12:15PM

joined Jan 2, 2022

Is it just me or are the labels for the left and right ear reversed? Don't you usually refer to people's ears based on how they are oriented on the person?

joined Aug 30, 2020

People were talking about her voice, but honestly I think the reality is that Mitsuki doesn't talk enough to Aya at school for Aya to really have evidence to piece together "hey, record shop boy sounds a lot like that girl from my class."

The way I see it, we needn't analyze too deeply. It's like debating why doesn't Lois Lane ever realize that Superman sounds just like Clark Kent.

I mean, they did actually address that in the 1978 Superman movie - there's a change in the way he speaks and his body language when Clark Kent becomes Superman. It's neat to watch in motion though.

I imagine it's a similar deal for Mitsuki, hence why the times where Aya feels like "She seems like the guy at the record store" Mitsuki's doing something that's uncharacteristic of how she usually acts.

The difference in postures that Mitsuki has in the character profiles between "at school" and "at her part time job" seem to show that she has a different atmosphere/feel/aura (whatever you like to call it) at each place and so helping the perception of her being two different people.

Yeah, it's a fantastic way to get the point across. Particularly with all her piercings in and her style leaving her particularly androgynous compared to her high school "persona" could make it difficult to correlate them except when she breaks character.

joined May 7, 2022

Is it just me or are the labels for the left and right ear reversed? Don't you usually refer to people's ears based on how they are oriented on the person?

The ear with the tragus piercing is the left one, the same side as the wrist tattoo.

last edited at Jun 12, 2022 1:49PM

Kirin-kun Uploader
Rehashed Scans
joined Mar 21, 2021

Is it just me or are the labels for the left and right ear reversed? Don't you usually refer to people's ears based on how they are oriented on the person?

Actually, you're right.

The author mixed up right and left.

afk fixed it a few moments ago and corrected the author's mistake.

joined May 2, 2018

The Twitter post seems to say these illustrations predate the manga itself? So rather than a mistake it might be just things changing along the way.

joined Mar 28, 2015

uncertain posted:

The Twitter post seems to say these illustrations predate the manga itself? So rather than a mistake it might be just things changing along the way.

No. If you look at the twitter post, the ears are incorrectly labeled.

Not because of the piercings, but because of the shape.

joined Aug 16, 2018

People were talking about her voice, but honestly I think the reality is that Mitsuki doesn't talk enough to Aya at school for Aya to really have evidence to piece together "hey, record shop boy sounds a lot like that girl from my class."

The way I see it, we needn't analyze too deeply. It's like debating why doesn't Lois Lane ever realize that Superman sounds just like Clark Kent.

I mean, they did actually address that in the 1978 Superman movie - there's a change in the way he speaks and his body language when Clark Kent becomes Superman. It's neat to watch in motion though.

I imagine it's a similar deal for Mitsuki, hence why the times where Aya feels like "She seems like the guy at the record store" Mitsuki's doing something that's uncharacteristic of how she usually acts.

The difference in postures that Mitsuki has in the character profiles between "at school" and "at her part time job" seem to show that she has a different atmosphere/feel/aura (whatever you like to call it) at each place and so helping the perception of her being two different people.

Yeah, it's a fantastic way to get the point across. Particularly with all her piercings in and her style leaving her particularly androgynous compared to her high school "persona" could make it difficult to correlate them except when she breaks character.

The illustrations do drive the point across, hm? Hunched forward, doesn't know where to put her hands, knees touching... contrast with her store persona that totally says cool, confident and in charge.

joined Apr 20, 2013

Nene posted:

Now you made me really curious about her best friend, what kind of person would it be?? O.O

I knew you too would lock on to that, haha. Talk about a Chekhov's gun.

I mean this artist never disappointing when it comes to designs so I'm veeery excited!! future character crush incoming! oh, wait we don't know if it's a girl or not, I mean, most likely but we will see I guess, as for the interaction with the story... hmmmmmmmmm, who knows! a triangle seems unlikely at this point.

joined Jul 6, 2020

Aya: wow i finally fell for a guy now i can talk about love gossip with my friends!

the "guy":

last edited at Jun 12, 2022 4:03PM

joined May 7, 2022

Aya: wow i finally fell for a guy now i can talk about love gossip with my friends!

the "guy":

plot twist: the friends are going to the record shop to check out the "guy" without aya knowing, look at work mitsuki and go like "sweetie... this is a butch" the next day.

La duchesse de Pecquigny
joined Jun 7, 2021

Now you made me really curious about her best friend, what kind of person would it be?? O.O

I knew you too would lock on to that, haha. Talk about a Chekhov's gun.

I mean this artist never disappointing when it comes to designs so I'm veeery excited!! future character crush incoming! oh, wait we don't know if it's a girl or not, I mean, most likely but we will see I guess, as for the interaction with the story... hmmmmmmmmm, who knows! a triangle seems unlikely at this point.

Childhood friend?
Only friend?
Calling it now: LOVE RIVAL! ! ! ◣‿◢

last edited at Jun 12, 2022 4:59PM

joined Dec 13, 2020

Childhood friend?
Only friend?

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