Forum › Throw Away the Suit Together discussion

joined Jun 21, 2021

with all the social anxiety this manga gave me all along, and the way this chapter was going I was really afraid they were going to die,

for real, when i saw the page with the footprints at the beach i half expected the next panel to be just their shoes in the sand, the end D:

joined Sep 28, 2011

Oh God, she's gonna get run over by a truck now, isn't she?!

joined Aug 21, 2017

Good ending? Bad ending? Who can say?

Either way, a wonderful ride. Thank you for scanlating.

joined Oct 6, 2015

I was really scared, I though they're gonna do something dark, turns out they just sexed it up.

joined Aug 23, 2022

This is not like in real life? Right?

joined Aug 30, 2020

I'm glad they're still going on, but this ending was very bittersweet at best. It kinda stings.

joined Jan 20, 2021

What a real manga. Life must go on. Keep what makes you happy close.

Will be interesting to reread this in 10 years

joined Sep 1, 2017

I know starting out making your own way, in life can be rough. However this almost felt like a comedy sketch about bad actors trying to play dramatic roles but end up going way over the top with their performances.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Yeah, I really hated the ending. Really, really hated it. No doubt it's realistic to some extent, but it's not like anyone needs to tell us that, especially in a way that comes down to "just submit". Loved so much about this manga, but it took me where I had no interest in going. Bleh.

joined Jun 25, 2022

I wouldn't have minded if this ended like KitaKawa, but at the same time I don't mind the ending we did get.

last edited at Aug 5, 2023 12:51AM

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

You know, I've read het manga where someone goes to an island to find themselves, find love and experience the slower pace of life, and they're always cheerful, so I guess adding to my annoyance is this feeling like we're back to the days where only yuri girls can't have nice things.

joined Jun 27, 2018

Well that was kinda sudden

joined Sep 2, 2014

I'm sad.
I maybe buy the manga to support the author, but I'm kinda disappointed and sad that with this ending the story pretty much went nowhere, everything went back to square one, like a loop.

I like realistic plots/stories but with this one I really wanted a stupid cute happy ending, they get jobs in aquariums or something and live happily like two old ladies in an island forgotten by god

joined Mar 18, 2023

I wonder if the series was axed. The ending does not make much sense, as if the move to the island has never taken place. Nothing has changed. I also do not know what the mangaka is trying to tell us with this plot.

joined Jan 30, 2017

I'm just glad it was a happy ending.

joined May 8, 2017

Life do be like that sometimes.

Amazing Despair
joined May 12, 2019

Honestly, this is such a huge letdown. "Just keep putting up with things" is the absolutely worst thing you could tell people. Especially since we all keep getting forced to put up with so many things already, and yet all we ever get is Joker types like this asshole mangaka casually passing on the abuse to the next generation , making sure that all they ever know is fucking suffering through life like a mindless drone. I don't care about them still being together anymore, I disagree with this whole story so much it's hard to describe. I did not put trust in this only to be slapped in the face

joined Sep 11, 2021

not sure what happened in this one, kinda seems like it just ended out of nowhere

a few characters were introduced and some plots were started but faded from reality. did it just get cut or the author got bored

joined Aug 16, 2018

Yeah, I really hated the ending. Really, really hated it. No doubt it's realistic to some extent, but it's not like anyone needs to tell us that, especially in a way that comes down to "just submit".

The message, in the end, turned out to be something like: "It's easier to live off part-time jobs in Tokyo than in the boondocks."

Which I suspect is something everyone and their uncle knew already.

There's a fuckton of otaku guys in Tokyo who work small part-time jobs and make enough to pay for food, rent, manga, doujinshi, anime merchandise, whatever shit they want. So yeah, we know it's feasible. Otoh on a sparsely populated island it's obviously gonna be more difficult to find a conventient arubaito. They lucked out when they were hired at that diving place; they ran out of luck after that.

So yeah, it's realistic, but... damn, I wish they had toned down the angst. ( ͡ಠ ʖ̯ ͡ಠ)

(And what the hell has the marriage certificate to do with their problems, anyway? It's not because of that that couldn't get jobs. Was it really necessary to tear it up?)

joined Dec 8, 2022

It's not like the depicted outcome is unrealistic on an individual level, but I really hate the overall message this ending seems to convey. It feels like the definition of capitalist realism: 'Modern work culture might leave you depressed and drained, but any attempt to break free will only lead to failure, so you'll just have to submit to the status quo and never try to change anything.'

joined Sep 15, 2020

Honestly, people are saying this is too realistic, but considering this is based in Japan, I’m just glad it didn’t end with the Japan type of being realistic with them not being able to deal with things anymore and breaking up and being coerced to marrying guys to no longer deal exuberant stress and mental toil of entering the work force that tends to favor men because women are destined to just be housewives to the working man.

From what I heard of what was going on with the author, I feel like the author’s personal life just made this series too painful to keep writing so they just wanted it to end because it was starting to affect them personally too.

joined Feb 11, 2014

Those girls couldn't catch a break, uh... Can't say I like the ending or even can see it as "happy" in any way. Sure, they're still together, have renewed... Well, I want to say determination but it feels more like they resigned themselves to living a crappy life full of hardship in Tokyo.
Realistic, sure, but if I want to be reminded how crappy life can be, I just need to get out and open my eyes. I read mangas for a bit of escapism. ><
Chapter title feels like a lie as well, should have been "back to where we began".

At this point, tbh, I'd rather have them living and working appart for a couple years, then go back together on the island to live there a much more relaxed life. Would have made for a more satisfying ending than this one.

joined May 8, 2017

From what I heard, I feel like the author’s personal life just made this series too painful to keep writing so they just wanted it to end because it was starting to affect them personally too

All of us here acting like we're surprised it's autobiographical

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Yuri Project
joined Mar 3, 2022

Honestly, this is such a huge letdown. "Just keep putting up with things" is the absolutely worst thing you could tell people.

Lots of people have repeated this sentiment but I really don’t think that this story has a message, at least I did not interpret it that way. This story, overall, is intended to depict failure — it’s a story about failure. There’s no moral communicated, it’s just two people who made decisions that seemed reasonable at the time but turned out to have bad consequences. But that’s fine, since it’s made quite clear by the story that they had no way of knowing.

Another way of putting it, it’s art without hope. I will acknowledge that this genre is controversial in and of itself, but personally I think that it can be very enjoyable and empowering to read in its own way.

The sense of betrayal is justified. I do think it’s funny though.

joined Jul 4, 2021

This was like a weird pod person ending. The characters feel like people who are almost, but not quite, perfect copies of the people we knew before.

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