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joined Nov 23, 2014

Yeah, but it invalidates the statement "she probably does not truly care about Yuni".

She's in pain too, even though she hides it well.

Truly the biggest character flaw of both Fuuko and Nanase is liking Yuni.

joined Jun 27, 2022

Gotta say I laughed out loud when fuuko was kissing Yuni in front of nanase and yuni was like "hey, not now.." XD they are both such cunts lmao

joined Aug 4, 2018

The two things that stand out in chapter 15.5 are:
First, the Japanese readers were eagerly and impatiently waiting for some serious CHEATING!!! Which finally happens in chapter 11. I'm endlessly amused by how different they are from the readers here, haha.
Second, Fuuko is honestly and sincerely in love with Yuni! Her thoughts while Yuni leaves the hotel room make it plain. The author is right, this is something major! I admit it: all this time, I suspected she had a secret agenda of some kind. I'm sorry I misjudged you, Fuu-chan!

last edited at Mar 25, 2023 9:52PM

joined Sep 20, 2022

You just lost your bet. Or your ass, to me. Ha ha ha ha

joined Oct 20, 2017

Finally, in chapter 11, they had serious cheating action. I could have glossed over the details of that part of the story, but I knew I couldn't escape from the explicit representation of "she cheated on her", so I drew it clearly,

She is braver than the troops for not running away from this important mission O7

joined Dec 10, 2020

Wait whoa, im probs going blind but... wheres chapter 8-15????

joined Jan 1, 2022

Wait whoa, im probs going blind but... wheres chapter 8-15????

They're on mangadex. Unfortunately it's only a shitty machine translation though.

Nanase is a good girl, but a terrible girlfriend, She has her priorities all over the place. And its not just the fact that she puts the club above everything else, but she's also quick to turn her back to Yuni for anything. She will leave her in the middle of a conversation if someone from her club calls her. She constantly keeps her at an arm's distance "so they won't find out we're dating", but acts way closer with her other friends, and isn't bothered by skinship, except when it's with Yuni. She doesn't act like a girlfriend, she barely acts like a friend with her lol.

Fuuko is a witch who decided to take advantage of a girl in a clearly vulnerable emotional state, by purposely being everything her girlfriend isn't. She's smart and cunning as hell, she knows what Yuni isn't getting from Nanase and is quick to provide it to fill that void. Her intention from the beginning was to destroy a relationship that she knew was falling apart (from reading twitter), to "save" Hinayu from her oh so very bad girlfriend she always tweeted about. Her goal was to steal Yuni for herself all along.

Yuni is an absolute cunt. Her feelings about Nanase are 100% justified for the most part, but she takes action in the worst possible ways. It's okay to be angry if yout gf stood you up to go play volleyball, it's fine to be upset if she runs away every time she's called by someone else, it's completely understandable to be jealous if she acts close to everyone except you. But god damn she can't help being the absolute worst person in this manga. The kiss and piercing in the manga cafe can be blamed on Fuuko for playing the right cards to manipulate a vulnerable heartbroken girl, but everything after the manga cafe has been her fault and only hers. No money for the train to osaka? She could ask her parents, but compensated dating seems to be a better option in her eyes (because she wanted to date Fuuko). She's in a hotel with Fuuko? She told her to go sleep, but Yuni still went out of her way to have sex with her even after being rejected once. Fuuko didn't do anything this time lol. Nanase's friend confronted her? It was the perfect time for some reflection on her actions, but she went full denial mode and got violent because she didn't want to hear the truth.
She's only been taking advantage of Fuuko as a source of comfort and sex and taking advantage of Nanase as her "girlfriend" but can't be assed to choose one or the other, so she decides to just hurt both at the same time.

God damn I cant wait to see how her life is ruined from here on

Great comment. Both Nanase and Fuuko deserve better than Yuni. Hope she ends up alone.

joined Feb 10, 2022

I love Fuuko. She's danm crazy assertive smart, and I like that.
Sorry for Natsume but since the beginning she was asking to be cheated on.
Yuni is adorable but easy to trick.

Not a fan of ntr but this one it's really good maybe cause there isn't a dude as a third wheeler. Anyway I wonder what will happen next... will they break up? Will natsume ran away again? Will natsume make Yuni choose one of them? Will Fuuko say it was a joke? Will Natsume start a war in which Yuni would be the prize? Will Natsume try to be a better girlfriend? Will there be a 3some?? Man! I love this manga lmao
Hopefully this manga doesn't get axed so that Kiyoko can finish the manga as she intended to be. I'm somehow sure that Natsume will end up with Yuki, and Yuni will end up entangled in Fuuko's arms.

joined Aug 11, 2019

I'm sure this will be the dumbest question's to ask. Out of all the girl's at there school that fuuko could have dated. Why did she choose yuni? Is it because she love's yuni or is it for some other reason?

joined Oct 25, 2014

I'm sure this will be the dumbest question's to ask. Out of all the girl's at there school that fuuko could have dated. Why did she choose yuni? Is it because she love's yuni or is it for some other reason?

Wasn't it simply because she knew that Yuni was gay? Fuuko had already experienced an unrequited love for a straight girl. I'm sure she didn't want to go through that shit again so when she found out Yuni was gay (through her social media) it was like a gift from heaven, I would assume.

joined Aug 12, 2018

I'm sure this will be the dumbest question's to ask. Out of all the girl's at there school that fuuko could have dated. Why did she choose yuni? Is it because she love's yuni or is it for some other reason?

She knew Yuni was a lesbian from twitter, plus let's be real, Yuni is an awful person but she's insanely cute and super hot ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

Fuko's personal dilemma is all about not being "number one" in the eyes of the girl she loved.

Now she tells Yuni she's fine with being her "second girlfriend / side chick" but that's not true. She's not fine with it at all. She wants to be Yuni's "number one." And we see she can get really jealous when Yuni is thinking about Nanase or talking about her. So I don't think polyamory is an option here.

It was me who mentioned POTENTIAL poly ending few times (which is not my personal preference because it's just a status quo, now everything out at the open).
I completely agree with you with this, about Fuuko. Only Yuni could be "poly in development", but I think that she is caught in the situation and developed affections for both other characters, but Nanase and Fuuko have no chemistry at all. They would only share the same girl, and all stays the same, no shift, no development, just meh

I am really still completely open for any possibility for the ending, but my personal preference (and most logical according to the story), is splitting into two matching couples and finish this catastrophe of mismatch between Yuni and Nanase. I think Fuuko deserves to get the girl she likes.

In chapter 10 there are two pics of Yuni with Fuuko, and Yuni with Nanase.
We see the proof about greater chemistry between Yuni and Fuuko.
Yuni even cropped a photo asking Nanase "do I look cute?", and it's from the pic with Fuuko touching her and Yuni is blushing (ha, ha, what a subtle cuck spice!)

last edited at Mar 26, 2023 3:44AM

joined Oct 2, 2021

Fuuko, fuko Yuni off and get with 101 Dalmatians chick
And for the poly route add Nanase's little cutie sidekick.

last edited at Mar 26, 2023 8:48AM

joined Aug 11, 2019

@Kazu-kun I was thinking if fuuko had someone she once loved but i wasnt sure, and I forgot about how she found out about yuni. I hate it when i forget stuff. Thank's for the reminder.

@FuzzFactory I thought fuuko found out about yuni by following her around, but social media is a good way to find people.

last edited at Mar 26, 2023 4:31AM

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

I was waiting for that extra 15.5 translation, and I'm glad I was right from the beginning, about Fuuko truly loving Yuni
I was having a faith in Fuuko from the beginning and I' not disappointed.

Quoting a part of my comment from 03 Feb 00:37 :

She said multiple times that she LOVES Asahina.
It means all stared by finding her venting account by accident, sharing same interest in girls.
At first she follows it without knowing who is behind. From a detail that she knows about 3rd month anniversary (I think so, there is a panel with exact month but I'm not sure)
At least 3 months backwards she was developing her genuine feelings for an unknown girl.
She had a lot of time to see how previously happy girl becomes unhappy.
And after finding out who the girl is, she decides to step in, already tired from falling in love with straight girls. Because she knows Asahina is attracted to girls, and she takes her chance.

It's true, Asahina is already taken, but from her venting account Fuuko sees that relationship is not healthy. So her motives to interfere are not despicable, I can say almost noble, even if she looks like homewrecker if you look from another perspective about "ruining one established couple"
But what if that couple is already "ruined"? (actually going nowhere related only to each other)
And she is just accelerating them to face reality, interfering and fighting for the girl she loves. (I really expect that her feelings are true, not lies)

More than enough reasons to root for Fuuko.

last edited at Mar 26, 2023 4:33AM

joined Mar 18, 2023

this manga was a doomed one from the very beginning as a story with cheating as its main focus can never truly resolve itself into a happy ending without its creator forging an illogical narrative in order to facilitate their frail fantasy.

though it does make me interested in how high the fall from grace will be considering its apparent popularity.

joined Jul 4, 2022

Just a mountain of bad decisions here.

joined Nov 23, 2014

I was waiting for that extra 15.5 translation, and I'm glad I was right from the beginning, about Fuuko truly loving Yuni
I was having a faith in Fuuko from the beginning and I' not disappointed.

Man earlier you kept insisting that breaking up an established relationship if you start fancying someone else is morally questionable actually. However you also keep insisting that Fuuko is "noble" for very assertively inserting herself into said relationship, potentially forcing the very same breakup. I just can't keep up with this equation at all to be honest.


(ha, ha, what a subtle cuck spice!)

what the fuck, like seriously xD

joined Jun 1, 2020

I was waiting for that extra 15.5 translation, and I'm glad I was right from the beginning, about Fuuko truly loving Yuni
I was having a faith in Fuuko from the beginning and I' not disappointed.

Man earlier you kept insisting that breaking up an established relationship if you start fancying someone else is morally questionable actually. However you also keep insisting that Fuuko is "noble" for very assertively inserting herself into said relationship, potentially forcing the very same breakup. I just can't keep up with this equation at all to be honest.


(ha, ha, what a subtle cuck spice!)

what the fuck, like seriously xD

I honestly think some of their thoughts get lost in translation somewhere between their mind and the written text. Perhaps ESL or something along those lines is at fault. I kinda get where they're coming from in some of their angles, specifically the questionable nobility displayed by Fuuka, but something definitely doesn't wholly come across to us.

In any case, I think there's a bit more evidence now that, if nothing else, Fuuka's attachment to Yuni is sincere. What form her attachment takes is a bit vaguer (I somehow never realized that vaguer is the correct form. thanks Grammarly. this is not a sponsored comment), is it love or another form of emotional dependency, or "porque no los dos" and all. The origins of her attachment are still a bit shrouded as well, I mean, yeah, she's been following her venting account for a long while even before realizing it's hers, but is it just that?

I also don't necessarily agree with saying that Fuuka is a villain. Main antagonistic force/main source of conflict? Yeah, sure, but not in a villainous way. Not until she starts ojou-sama laughing over all these plebs or something like that. But seriously, I don't think she simply revels in the chaos she causes, I think that there's a good deal of sincerity in her demeanor and in her actions that is more nuanced compared to the shit-stirrer role she seems to embrace.

And I will also say, again, that Nanase was directly confronted by Yuni with how terrible of a girlfriend she is, and has multiple times explicitly and in no uncertain terms vowed to do better, and then proceeded to do absolutely fucking nothing. I agree that Yuni has plenty of issues and that she often deflects and runs away instead of, you know, quite literally anything else, but she is not just a coward, or in other words, saying that she's a coward completely undersells how deep her issues are and how tight their grasp on her is.

Unrelatedly, this is not a complaint or a request, but I do hope that the remaining chapters get a more coherent treatment at some point, just so that there's a consistent understanding of everything that's happened.

last edited at Mar 26, 2023 8:14AM

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

I was waiting for that extra 15.5 translation, and I'm glad I was right from the beginning, about Fuuko truly loving Yuni
I was having a faith in Fuuko from the beginning and I' not disappointed.

Man earlier you kept insisting that breaking up an established relationship if you start fancying someone else is morally questionable actually. However you also keep insisting that Fuuko is "noble" for very assertively inserting herself into said relationship, potentially forcing the very same breakup. I just can't keep up with this equation at all to be honest.

Well, I am against moral hypocrisy (read this comment from yesterday):

I was talking about moral hypocrisy of people who are constantly changing partners justifying themselves by leaving people behind with excuse "There's someone else but I did not cheat on you"


And all those comments of mine and quotes are on account to Yuni, because people say she should just break up and she is justified and all is fine. It's not so simple situation.

and don't try to accuse me or mark me while I'm objectively bringing up only FACTS FROM THIS MANGA, NOT ABOUT REAL LIFE
Someone attacked me already before (for defending Fuuko against accusations for committing a sexual assault)
My answer is that we are already mature enough to know what is morally acceptable what not,
I AM SIMPLY ENJOYING ONE BEAUTIFUL MASTERPIECE OF ARTWORK HERE and whole story, without care for morality in real life.

You sure will not commit the murder watching movies about murderers, yet here in one artwork about NTR and cheating we are all "infected" to become cheaters?


(ha, ha, what a subtle cuck spice!)

what the fuck, like seriously

Yes, seriously. An irony of Author of this manga. Ask Yuni why she sends cropped photo of herself to her GF, erasing Fuuko's kisses. If it isn't a " subtle cuck spice" (also made by Author), I don't know, you tell me how I should call it?

last edited at Mar 26, 2023 8:45AM

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

I honestly think some of their thoughts get lost in translation somewhere between their mind and the written text. Perhaps ESL or something along those lines is at fault. I kinda get where they're coming from in some of their angles, specifically the questionable nobility displayed by Fuuka, but something definitely doesn't wholly come across to us.

Yes, it's true, I already wrote a comment here (2 Mar 01:36), apologizing for my clumsy expressions in English. Thanks for understanding.
And thanks for not assuming my gender as cishet male, as both girls assumed from my comments, just because I mentioned NTR few times, I suppose

Here is this mentioned comment of mine:

First, I apologize for my comparison for one of my earlier comments
- how we are not different from characters in this manga (comparing us readers to Asahina, and other translators (actually translations of manga) to Nanase and Fuuko)

It was nothing personal against anyone, especially translator(s) here, just an example in life, and how discussion here inspired me to comment.

English is not my first language and sometimes I'm clumsy to express myself properly as completely self-thought by reading books.
So, forgive my clumsiness if you can or want. I just need for myself and my own consciousness to make it clear to others that my intentions were not malicious.

last edited at Mar 26, 2023 9:49AM

joined Jun 27, 2022

Damn there's a limit in to how cruel you can get, that girl is already hurt and then this. They are both so fucked up XD.

I must say it's incredible entertaining and I love this Manga but it's what's even more entertaining is that there are plenty of folks who condone Fuuko and Yunis behavior.

last edited at Mar 26, 2023 9:25AM

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

Man earlier you kept insisting that breaking up an established relationship if you start fancying someone else is morally questionable actually. However you also keep insisting that Fuuko is "noble" for very assertively inserting herself into said relationship, potentially forcing the very same breakup. I just can't keep up with this equation at all to be honest.

Let me try to explain now, earlier I was in defensive mode for some personal reasons and sorry if I took on you in my first answer to you, or misinterpreted your intentions

You asked why I call Fuuko noble.
Her role in this equation is an "expected villain", but this manga is not about classical relations between cheater (Yuni), cheated on girl (Nanase), and intruder(Fuuko), THERE IS A SHIFT

There's something what I did read long time ago, about drama triangle and roles called Victim, Rescuer, and Persecutor.
In classic relationship, Fuuko should be "naturally" in role of Persecutor and it is the reason why people mechanically are assuming her as the intruder, by their habitual observation.
But since we have A SHIFT in this case, Fuuko is actually in role of Rescuer, just in a "wrong" starting position. And Nanase is an actual Persecutor, again, in shifted role (she should be a Victim by default, but she is unconsciously torturing Yuni and it's documented in manga).

This manga has very unusual setting, an inversion, and it's magnificent from the author. Actually, there are more shifts than one, and more overlapping triangles with addition of other characters. Done to the perfection, and I am in awe. Kudos to Author!

I hope you can understand this explanation, and why I claim my rights to call Fuuko noble. Her actions to get Yuni are impeccable. She never plays dirty punching below, or backstabbing (don't count cheating as a backstabbing, it's more on Yuni).
She brought everything at the open just in time, with clean cuts and timing.
Trust me, she did not play dirty, and she could. Very dirty, if she wanted.
If there is more questions, anyone can be free to ask, if I missed to explain something clearly.

About morally acceptable questions I answered in my 2nd comment behind, from here

last edited at Mar 26, 2023 2:12PM

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

adittion why I adore Fuuko and call her noble:

Fuuko is in continual pain. But she is hiding it from the beginning.
She is actually the only one of those 3 characters who constantly suffers and only one who seriously fell love. She is ready to suffer everything in seclusion, to get her girl. The strongest character of all those 3.

Yuni's points of suffering are between Fuuko and Nanase. She is in her own kind of pain, confused, lost. (etc, it's not yet the time to talk about Yuni)

Nanase is completely sheltered, but she must face the pain, like a blow. I'm telling all this from the beginning of my comments in this section.

It's my ability to see, far and deep, like a living scanner.
But usually people can't understand. Because I see before anyone else, and that's why people attack me and misinterpret me, I'm always going ahead of time. And it's like a gift and curse at once.

last edited at Mar 26, 2023 2:07PM

joined Jun 27, 2022

There's nothing noble about Fuuko at all, what are you on about XD. Your takes on Fuuko are getting more and more insane, since when is someone who uses all means necessary and absolutely crushes her love rival with such malice noble?

By Chapter 16 it should be obvious that Fuuko is toxic as hell, she just betrayed Yunis trust in confessing everything in front of her injured girlfriend.

I must say you really have an interesting way of interpreting Fuuko and that's ok but damn I disagree with you on all levels

last edited at Mar 27, 2023 2:01PM

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