I think the mom is more upset that
1 she was lied to about this and her daughter couldn't trust her
2 the friend she thought she had was also lying to her and their own relationship was built on manipulating her .
I think she's more than likely gotten more accepting of her daughters queerness and is hurt shed hide it from her ( even though her daughter has no reason to trust her with it )
Clearly she was wrong about lin and tongtongs relationship effecting her hard work . I think she'll talk to tongtongs mom and come to a realization that she's no longer homophobic .
Being lied to almost certainly the major part of what she's upset about.
Her past depictions were less abusive to me and more overworked and stressed, but while feeling like there was a reason for her to sacrifice that much. With her purpose gone so to speak and the years of her life never coming back, she has to figure out what to do with herself. She also has to live with the fallout of the social skills and network she didn't adequately developed. We know her marriage/romantic life didn't go well.
With the latest chapter, she took all this as a rejection: no one trusted her, no one appreciated her, and now that her daughter doesn't need her anymore her daughter is done with her. This will be a lot of motivation to come around on the gay stuff, especially when she sees her daughter doing better than she is (good grades, social network, etc in addition to a successful relationship). We also know Luxi does appreciate her, which is part of why this is hard for Luxi.
She really needs some time away from Luxi and to hear that she is appreciated. In the mean time, she has Tong Tong's mom to help her figure out what she enjoys and how to live more independently. Really fairly realistic without the mangaisms (the present, the phone calls, etc).
last edited at Mar 6, 2025 7:24AM