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joined Jul 6, 2020

So what you're saying is there's still a chance that Tong Tong and Lin Luxi's moms are gonna get together

joined Jan 13, 2019

man i hope the rest of this manga isnt gonna be "luxi makes up with her past abusers instead of dumping their ungrateful asses in the dirt"

joined Apr 10, 2023

I'm kinda hoping Tongtong goes the fuck off on her. Not her mom, her mom's fine but the emotionally satisfying thing would be Tongtong loudly asserting "Lun Luxi is MINE, and if you actually cared about her even a fraction as much as I do you'd accept this most important aspect of her life!"

joined May 23, 2024

I think the mom is more upset that
1 she was lied to about this and her daughter couldn't trust her
2 the friend she thought she had was also lying to her and their own relationship was built on manipulating her .
I think she's more than likely gotten more accepting of her daughters queerness and is hurt shed hide it from her ( even though her daughter has no reason to trust her with it )
Clearly she was wrong about lin and tongtongs relationship effecting her hard work . I think she'll talk to tongtongs mom and come to a realization that she's no longer homophobic .

joined Jan 30, 2017

Such a heavy chapter, but I can't help but imagine the whiplash when they'll notice what the present was.

joined Jun 11, 2023

i love the drama
but the pacing is killing me
*looks at TGSWIIWAGAA*

LMAO the shade

joined Jul 26, 2024

I think the mom is more upset that
1 she was lied to about this and her daughter couldn't trust her
2 the friend she thought she had was also lying to her and their own relationship was built on manipulating her .
I think she's more than likely gotten more accepting of her daughters queerness and is hurt shed hide it from her ( even though her daughter has no reason to trust her with it )
Clearly she was wrong about lin and tongtongs relationship effecting her hard work . I think she'll talk to tongtongs mom and come to a realization that she's no longer homophobic .

Being lied to almost certainly the major part of what she's upset about.

Her past depictions were less abusive to me and more overworked and stressed, but while feeling like there was a reason for her to sacrifice that much. With her purpose gone so to speak and the years of her life never coming back, she has to figure out what to do with herself. She also has to live with the fallout of the social skills and network she didn't adequately developed. We know her marriage/romantic life didn't go well.

With the latest chapter, she took all this as a rejection: no one trusted her, no one appreciated her, and now that her daughter doesn't need her anymore her daughter is done with her. This will be a lot of motivation to come around on the gay stuff, especially when she sees her daughter doing better than she is (good grades, social network, etc in addition to a successful relationship). We also know Luxi does appreciate her, which is part of why this is hard for Luxi.

She really needs some time away from Luxi and to hear that she is appreciated. In the mean time, she has Tong Tong's mom to help her figure out what she enjoys and how to live more independently. Really fairly realistic without the mangaisms (the present, the phone calls, etc).

last edited at Mar 6, 2025 7:24AM

joined Apr 10, 2023

Nah that mom was absolutely abusive, she threatened Luxi to force her to break up with Tongtong and repeatedly denied a core element of her daughter's identity, calling homosexuality a disease and unnatural and the result of bad influence. Luxi was 100% in the right to hide this part of herself from her mom, that's just rational self protection, and even in this moment when the mom finds out she's implicitly making yet another unreasonable toxic demand on Luxi by framing the situation as an exclusive choice between Tongtong or her mother. The problem is entirely in her and the shitty societal elements she's representing.

edit: worth drawing specific attention to one particular element: The thing Luxi's mom is reacting so badly to here is the mere presence of Tongtong. She didn't catch them making out this time, she freaked out over Tongtong answering her daughter's apartment door. She expected Luxi to cut Tongtong off and never see her again and that's obviously fucking dumb and she has nobody to blame but herself. Her initial ultimatum was for Luxi to choose between breaking up with her girlfriend or being sent away, and Luxi chose being sent away on a delayed, self-managed path: she waited to go away by her own volition to college, and kept her girlfriend. She has not actually lied to her mother or even contradicted her, she merely violated the spirit of her mother's demand, which was to magically become "normal". There's no excuse for Luxi's mom's behavior, no extenuating circumstances that make her worth sympathy in this moment. Her hard life as a single mother has nothing to do with her rank bigotry here. If nobody trust her that is because she is untrustworthy, and if her daughter is done with her that's nothing less than what she deserves. She has no paths forward from here except to fully surrender and beg forgiveness, or fuck off from her daughter's life forever like countless bigot parents before her.

last edited at Mar 6, 2025 9:25AM

joined May 3, 2020

i just wanna say that I'm really loving all the different perspectives people are putting forward here, so please keep them coming!
(if i can rub together enough braincells, i might share my own perspectives (or trauma dump my own experience))

joined Jul 29, 2017

She has no paths forward from here except to fully surrender and beg forgiveness, or fuck off from her daughter's life forever like countless bigot parents before her.

IOW, “Paging TongTong’s Mom—homophobia cleanup on Aisle Luxi’s Mom.”

joined Sep 8, 2016

Everyone trying to defend the mom here is honestly...

Okay so, I understand and validate that the mom is mad and frustrated that her daughter and lied and didn't do trust her.
But what reason did the mom give to trust her at all?
She forced her daughter to stay in the closet for years, gave her no support despite expecting her to be top of her class, constantly fought with their partner in a place where their child could hear, and each time that the mother did find out about them dating, their only solice and happiness since the beginning of the story when the parents were yelling and she snuck out in the middle of the night to be together, her mother calls homosexuality a disease and demands they never see each other again or threatens to send her away.
This is classic abusive relationships 101.

joined Apr 10, 2023

She has no paths forward from here except to fully surrender and beg forgiveness, or fuck off from her daughter's life forever like countless bigot parents before her.

IOW, “Paging TongTong’s Mom—homophobia cleanup on Aisle Luxi’s Mom.”

That seems likely, although like I said early I'd really like it to be Tongtong herself. A few chapters back, before the start of the domme arc, Luxi's ex-friend was saying some shit at Tongtong's expense and Luxi stood up and unabashedly defending her, pointing out that Tongtong tested into the same college as the bully despite not liking to study. The framing for Tongtong was that this was a pretty major moment for her, getting defended in public against the same kinds of mean girls that had cut her off in high school, leaving her friendless. I'd love to see the turnabout of that, of Tongtong sticking up for Luxi from the source of her trauma in turn.

last edited at Mar 6, 2025 12:24PM

joined Feb 28, 2013

Everyone trying to defend the mom here is honestly...

Okay so, I understand and validate that the mom is mad and frustrated that her daughter and lied and didn't do trust her.
But what reason did the mom give to trust her at all?
She forced her daughter to stay in the closet for years, gave her no support despite expecting her to be top of her class, constantly fought with their partner in a place where their child could hear, and each time that the mother did find out about them dating, their only solice and happiness since the beginning of the story when the parents were yelling and she snuck out in the middle of the night to be together, her mother calls homosexuality a disease and demands they never see each other again or threatens to send her away.
This is classic abusive relationships 101.

I was thinking the same thing when I was reading the comments supporting Luxi's mum. I was like, did we not read the same manhua? She has been probably the worst example of a mom that I've seen for a while in a Yuri manga/wa/ua. I guess I got spoiled but the better/supportive moms.

joined Jul 21, 2024

So what you're saying is there's still a chance that Tong Tong and Lin Luxi's moms are gonna get together

Who knows? Maybe Tong Tong’s mom will open Lin Luxi’s mom’s eyes, she definitely needs it.

Also, if the moms end up together, it kind of reminds me of Citrus, where the parents got together while Yuzu and Mei were step-sister lovers. But I have a feeling this series won’t last long enough for the mothers to get together. _(ツ)_/¯

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