Forum › Asumi-chan Is Interested In Lesbian Brothels! discussion

joined Jun 25, 2020

This is probably my MOST favorite chapter, it's so fucking precious.

joined Sep 10, 2022


I wish but this is feeling like the end of her story arc. No matter what, I just hope she doesn't end up hurt and finds someone else that isn't caught up in a goose chase.

last edited at May 30, 2023 6:52AM

joined Oct 2, 2021

Mai, please just bugger off and leave these two precious cinnamon rolls in peace so they can get married and start their own wholesome brothel together.(⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡

last edited at May 30, 2023 7:17AM

joined Oct 20, 2017

I think some people are putting too much emphasis on Asumi's goal of finding Mai through having sex with a bunch of other women... Like don't get me wrong, consensual non-monogamy would be cool, but this isn't exactly typical romantic development (Asumi is not chasing Mai because she's madly in love with her). From a storytelling perspective, finding Mai is primarily an excuse for Asumi's lesbian brothel adventures, not the main point of the story.

I also don't get the criticism that these chapters are straying too far from the premise. Why is it a bad thing that Asumi found someone she wants to do it with without paying for it? Was she supposed to limit herself to buying sex for the whole series? And both her and Nanao's experience with paid-for sex gave them a bit of extra courage to cross the line with each other, so the development is not random at all. I for one can't wait to see where it all goes, regardless of which ship (if any) sails in the end.

joined Aug 23, 2018

Don't usually post here but this story has really gripped me. Even with lashings of the sex involved, it's rather sweat and down to earth in places and I wasn't expecting that at all.

Nanao's has got to be my favourite character in this whole story. Just so loveable, I think this latest chapter and I think chapter 14 (I could be wrong) when she goes to her first visit to the brothel herself, which even with sex involved didn't come off smutty but rather tender that it got me rather teary eyed. I really hope the main aim is for her and Asumi to end up together.

It feels to me personally that Mai is more a macguffin for this story then been a big central character then I first thought. And for me that's a nice interesting twist if it continues that way. Also I don't want to see Nanao pushed to the side as she's my favourite character.

last edited at May 30, 2023 8:34AM

joined Sep 10, 2022

I think some people are putting too much emphasis on Asumi's goal of finding Mai through having sex with a bunch of other women... Like don't get me wrong, consensual non-monogamy would be cool, but this isn't exactly typical romantic development (Asumi is not chasing Mai because she's madly in love with her). From a storytelling perspective, finding Mai is primarily an excuse for Asumi's lesbian brothel adventures, not the main point of the story.

I also don't get the criticism that these chapters are straying too far from the premise. Why is it a bad thing that Asumi found someone she wants to do it with without paying for it? Was she supposed to limit herself to buying sex for the whole series? And both her and Nanao's experience with paid-for sex gave them a bit of extra courage to cross the line with each other, so the development is not random at all. I for one can't wait to see where it all goes, regardless of which ship (if any) sails in the end.

I agree 100% except for this part

Asumi is not chasing Mai because she's madly in love with her.

It's been a while but when they were showing the two of them the series ticked nearly every box for childhood crushes who can't forget each other.

joined Jul 16, 2013

I also don't get the criticism that these chapters are straying too far from the premise. Why is it a bad thing that Asumi found someone she wants to do it with without paying for it? Was she supposed to limit herself to buying sex for the whole series? And both her and Nanao's experience with paid-for sex gave them a bit of extra courage to cross the line with each other, so the development is not random at all. I for one can't wait to see where it all goes, regardless of which ship (if any) sails in the end.

I am just way more interested in her finding Mai. That is why I continued reading. Lewd prostitution adventures, cute interactions and finally the confrontation with her childhood friend. I do not think this new direction is bad, just not something I really wanted out of this manga. If I want a manga about an adorable couple I read that one, not one about Lesbian Brothels.

joined Apr 10, 2021

I also don't get the criticism that these chapters are straying too far from the premise. Why is it a bad thing that Asumi found someone she wants to do it with without paying for it?

The way I'd personally put it is, that in real life it would be fantastic for a brothel goer to find someone they don't need to pay for.

But I don't see this fluffy brothel experience; the manga all that realistic. And while this series ends one day, one way or the other, it's/would be simply less fun to not see her react and be with many different kinds of women. There are hundreds if not thousands of X gets a girlfriend doujins.

joined Apr 13, 2022

peak fiction releasing made my day. bravo vince.

joined May 27, 2019

I’m convinced at this point that Asumi’s going to end up being a sex worker herself

This experience with Nanao is teaching Asumi the ability to enjoy topping, which was something of a missing piece for her

I’ll bet that Asumi and Mai reunite as coworkers instead of prostitute and client

joined Nov 7, 2022

I want to see Asumi go after Mai and be reunited, and the journey of her meeting different women on the way.

And Asumi's sexual experience not being limited to prostitutes on that journey and until she finds Mai actually enhances the story, showing that she can show love to someone even though she's not "the one".

But Nanao's arc is just so godsdamn looooong. Even though it's interesting in its own right and fits in the rest of the story, this is just way too much time spent on this and I miss Asumi looking for her crush...

joined Feb 1, 2021

I’m convinced at this point that Asumi’s going to end up being a sex worker herself

This experience with Nanao is teaching Asumi the ability to enjoy topping, which was something of a missing piece for her

I’ll bet that Asumi and Mai reunite as coworkers instead of prostitute and client

Yeah there seems to be a deliberate parallel between the scene of Asumi unbuttoning Nanao's dress and Asumi being unbuttoned by Sayaka in chapter 1

joined Jan 10, 2022

I'm not sure what the end game is but if its Asumi and that Mei girl getting together it has to top this Nanao arc because this got me a bit more invested than the plot around kissing a younger girl who has no idea what's going on and who later just gets confused about what's up.

Now that's only if the plot is heading in that direction. Obviously, I'm here for those amazing sex scenes to which the plot is attached.

joined Jan 19, 2021

I'm literally feral right now.

This was such a satisfying conclusion to the Nanao arc and I love to see them actually get together. Still hoping for a harem ending though. I love Nanao, don't get me wrong, but I love all the other girls too and it feels like it would be boring for it to end up just being those two in a relationship. I would love to see Nanao also getting interested in lesbian brothels after this experience and the two of them both interacting with all the other staff. There's just so much promise left in this series and I don't want it to end soon as a normal couple yuri story.

And for those that doubt a poly ending is possible, never forget Itsuki Kuro's previous yuri work was a fantastic love live doujin series about a poly triad

joined Feb 16, 2023

Omg that was so fucking adorable!

joined Nov 16, 2021

I love opening this forum and always seeing the first comment "NICE"

joined Jun 25, 2019

And for those that doubt a poly ending is possible, never forget Itsuki Kuro's previous yuri work was a fantastic love live doujin series about a poly triad

There is a difference between a love live doujin about a triad with pre existent dynamic between them and an original work where one of the 3 characters still haven't interacted with neither of the other two 18 chapters in.

joined Aug 26, 2022

Do the final panels count as reversal?

joined Jan 30, 2017

Asumi kissing Nanao's neck is the cutest thing I ever saw. I could stare at that page for hours.

joined Feb 3, 2023

I always wonder if this trope of "Lets kiss/bang once just so I can forget you!" has ever worked out for anyone outside of fiction lol

joined Feb 15, 2021


joined Apr 1, 2015

An interesting twist could be if they bump into Mai on the way out of the hotel

joined Nov 26, 2022

And this is how Nanao learns she's actually a switch.

joined Jul 8, 2020

Feel bad for Mai, but at this point everyone would cheer for Nanao and Asumi. Did the author forget about Mai? lol

joined Jun 25, 2019

but at this point everyone would cheer for Nanao and Asumi.

Not really

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