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joined Feb 9, 2019

i keep taking on really difficult series for some inexplicable reason... =_=

enjoy. <3

Malibu Uploader
joined Jan 25, 2016

At long last this series has been scanlated! From what I’ve seen we’re all in for a treat.

joined Dec 13, 2017

Hm, interesting read. Looks like it's inspired from the Arabian Nights, but like, yuri-fied. Will look forward for the next chapter.

last edited at Apr 21, 2020 1:58AM

joined May 28, 2012

Same author of that Tsundere girl manga huh. Interesting.

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

Ah yes, that classic and influential spy movie from... 2011.

But you know, that's exactly how most people react when I try to tell them about Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. They're usually already asleep by the time I get to the way the novel opens as if in the middle of a rather boring story an acquaintance is telling you, and nobody yet has made it to the part where I describe the subtleties of Alec Guinness's performance in the 1979 miniseries. A very realistic manga.

joined Jan 24, 2018

So she explains movies to them? Is it like I love cinema but with more sort of Yuri ecchi aspects? I'm down either way

joined Jan 17, 2017

Cannot wait for her speech about District 9

joined Feb 6, 2017

I want a girlfriend who debates movies with me until we fall asleep!

joined May 27, 2015

Just going by the chapter titles I suspected this would be like that "I love cinema, I am lonely" manga. And it's similar; more sexy but somehow more boring at the same time. I guess it was just the movie being talked about.

joined Jun 25, 2019

No sorry, I didn't like BBC's Sherlock Holmes at all and Benedict Cucumber couldn't save it.
Tom Hardy is on another level though. While the third Batman was the weakest of the series, Bane was memorable enough to become a meme and I still wonder, why Nolan HAD to allude him to the League of Shadows, instead of making him his own man.

even though I'm a girl

That's an entry in my yuri bingo

last edited at Apr 21, 2020 2:20AM

joined Jun 21, 2018

So is she gonna spend the entire series talking about movies? While I love all these movies, I would like a good story that it ties to in order to justify it.

joined Apr 21, 2017

Wow what a movie to choose. I really liked this movie but I think most of the people I recommended it to fell asleep watching it. Which I guess makes it a good movie to sleep to in this case.

The other movies though, very interesting. Cuz on the opposite spectrum of TTSS you have Takeshi’s Outrage, and Aamir Khan’s 3 idiots.

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

So is she gonna spend the entire series talking about movies? While I love all these movies, I would like a good story that it ties to in order to justify it.

That was my problem with lonely cinema or whatever it's called. Whether you're interested in a movie or not, at the end of the day just reading the author going on about their favorite films is not very engaging.

joined Feb 9, 2019

even though I'm a girl

That's an entry in my yuri bingo

that's the free space in the middle

Tsuki-chan Uploader
Chads no Teikoku
joined Dec 18, 2013

Stan Miller + Kouyuri! That's super top notch!!!

joined Nov 6, 2018

That's such a random assortment of movies. I mean, people don't seem to talk about District 9 that much anymore.

joined Apr 15, 2017

I want a girlfriend who debates movies with me until we fall asleep!

same :')

joined Nov 19, 2017

You thought it was going to be adult sexy time, but it was instead hard boiled movie explanation time. Nice psych out.

joined Nov 15, 2016

Just by looking at the cover of this I have so many questions

joined Jul 22, 2018

wow finally congrats

joined Mar 26, 2018


last edited at Apr 21, 2020 3:12AM

joined Sep 1, 2017

I'm all in on this. It's hilarious and the premise is totally relatable. I think we all have at least one friend that insists on telling you the plot of movies they like, whether you want them to or not. Plus it's got a romance tag. And I'm a sucker for yuri roncoms. I would have much rather her tell story of The Kingsmen though.

I feel Asato's pain, with the names. I am the same way with japanese names.

On a side note: Benedict Cumberbatch has got to be the most british sounding name ever.

last edited at Apr 21, 2020 3:27AM

joined Apr 27, 2013

I like everything about it except the actual focus >_>

In general I find "let me tell you about my hobby" series fairly boring; there needs to be some sort of hook to make me care

Norainhere Staff
joined Jun 27, 2014

Very amusing first chapter. I love how absolutely thirsty Asato was, though at the very least it seems her feelings weren't totally unrequited.

joined Nov 23, 2014

Stating the obvious here but, uhm, she is very attractive.

Fun premise though, will keep reading. Thank you for your hard work!

I think we all have at least one friend that insists on telling you the plot of movies they like, whether you want them to or not.

I feel like I might be that friend...

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