Forum › Adachi and Shimamura (Moke ver.) discussion

joined Apr 5, 2023

Three days was too long... I should've never let her out of my sight.

I love mental ill

joined Dec 13, 2019

adachi is so funny

joined Jun 11, 2021

yeah i think adachi should follow that train of thought all the way down until she locks shimamura in her basement. for fun

joined Dec 20, 2018

Adorable. ^_^

joined Apr 19, 2018

yeah i think adachi should follow that train of thought all the way down until she locks shimamura in her basement. for fun

Yeah totally what besties would do

joined May 10, 2021

Taking a bath to bond. Nice one Adachi, truly said like old people.
Well done though, it kinda worked?
Thanks for the chapter!

joined May 22, 2024

joined Jan 30, 2017

This manga is always at its peak when it shows both perspectives, that way you get to see both Adachi's dumb gay panics and Shimamura's introspectiveness.

joined Jun 11, 2021

they're both so autistic its insane. shimamura looks at the world through a terminator heads up display, analyzing every detail in an effort to try and understand what makes people human

joined Oct 25, 2023

This manga is always at its peak when it shows both perspectives, that way you get to see both Adachi's dumb gay panics and Shimamura's introspectiveness.

Yeah I love getting Shimamura's perspective, partially because it's very different from the Shimamura in my mind that's in a constant battle against falling asleep. I've developed a headcanon of her as having some sort of undiagnosed narcolepsy but she's actually a nuanced character that puts a lot of thought into her relationship with Adachi.

joined Sep 10, 2022

she's actually a nuanced character that puts a lot of thought into her relationship with Adachi.

Agreed but I'd add that...

she's actually a nuanced character that puts a lot of thought into [ nearly every aspect of her life ].

She's one of the most thoughtful MCs I've read and not over simple topics either (mainly coming from the LNs). Very introspective and questioning. She really wants to define herself at every opportunity and feels uncomfortable when she can't do so. That makes her "slow" or seem "less emotive" because she takes time to think things through first or to organize her experiences. That's largely why she gets misunderstood often. My personal experience is most people aren't used to her type, in real life, and definitely not in romance manga.

last edited at Aug 2, 2024 9:28AM

joined May 9, 2017

she's actually a nuanced character that puts a lot of thought into her relationship with Adachi.

Agreed but I'd add that...

she's actually a nuanced character that puts a lot of thought into [ nearly every aspect of her life ].

She's one of the most thoughtful MCs I've read and not over simple topics either. Very introspective and questioning. She really wants to define herself at every opportunity and feels uncomfortable when she can't do so. That makes her "slow" because she takes time to think things through first or to wonder about her experiences. That's largely why she gets misunderstood at times.

I do agree and for me that's the biggest selling point of AdaShima. But to be fair, being that thoughtful is not healthy. Instead of living in the present, it almost feels like she is an external character to the story, analysing what is happening. But this is what makes the character unique and what makes me want to see her evolve past that. The spontaneity of Adachi is certainly helping her in that regard.

joined Sep 10, 2022

she's actually a nuanced character that puts a lot of thought into her relationship with Adachi.

Agreed but I'd add that...

she's actually a nuanced character that puts a lot of thought into [ nearly every aspect of her life ].

She's one of the most thoughtful MCs I've read and not over simple topics either. Very introspective and questioning. She really wants to define herself at every opportunity and feels uncomfortable when she can't do so. That makes her "slow" because she takes time to think things through first or to wonder about her experiences. That's largely why she gets misunderstood at times.

I do agree and for me that's the biggest selling point of AdaShima. But to be fair, being that thoughtful is not healthy. Instead of living in the present, it almost feels like she is an external character to the story, analysing what is happening. But this is what makes the character unique and what makes me want to see her evolve past that. The spontaneity of Adachi is certainly helping her in that regard.

I don't think there's anything unhealthy about it and she has no real issues in her life that would necessitate a change. Maybe we just use the word "unhealthy" differently. But I agree: her and Adachi definitely do balance each other out for sure.

She still always remains just as inquisitive though. I like that while they adjust to each other, neither one completely changes their personality or outlook, they just modify them accordingly and where necessary. They sort of compromise on the edges but largely remain who they are.

last edited at Aug 2, 2024 10:26AM

joined May 9, 2017

she's actually a nuanced character that puts a lot of thought into her relationship with Adachi.

Agreed but I'd add that...

she's actually a nuanced character that puts a lot of thought into [ nearly every aspect of her life ].

She's one of the most thoughtful MCs I've read and not over simple topics either. Very introspective and questioning. She really wants to define herself at every opportunity and feels uncomfortable when she can't do so. That makes her "slow" because she takes time to think things through first or to wonder about her experiences. That's largely why she gets misunderstood at times.

I do agree and for me that's the biggest selling point of AdaShima. But to be fair, being that thoughtful is not healthy. Instead of living in the present, it almost feels like she is an external character to the story, analysing what is happening. But this is what makes the character unique and what makes me want to see her evolve past that. The spontaneity of Adachi is certainly helping her in that regard.

I don't think there's anything unhealthy about it and she has no real issues in her life that would necessitate a change. Maybe we just use the word "unhealthy" differently. But I agree: her and Adachi definitely do balance each other out for sure.

Unhealthy was a poor choice of word indeed. But to be in a proper relationship she needs to learn to be more spontaneous and to be more in phase with her/other people's feelings. At the current time, she often Cannot react to Adachi's actions because she needs to process them first. Which in a way is good, but it kills the spontaneity and the magic a bit.

joined Sep 10, 2022

she's actually a nuanced character that puts a lot of thought into her relationship with Adachi.

Agreed but I'd add that...

she's actually a nuanced character that puts a lot of thought into [ nearly every aspect of her life ].

She's one of the most thoughtful MCs I've read and not over simple topics either. Very introspective and questioning. She really wants to define herself at every opportunity and feels uncomfortable when she can't do so. That makes her "slow" because she takes time to think things through first or to wonder about her experiences. That's largely why she gets misunderstood at times.

I do agree and for me that's the biggest selling point of AdaShima. But to be fair, being that thoughtful is not healthy. Instead of living in the present, it almost feels like she is an external character to the story, analysing what is happening. But this is what makes the character unique and what makes me want to see her evolve past that. The spontaneity of Adachi is certainly helping her in that regard.

I don't think there's anything unhealthy about it and she has no real issues in her life that would necessitate a change. Maybe we just use the word "unhealthy" differently. But I agree: her and Adachi definitely do balance each other out for sure.

Unhealthy was a poor choice of word indeed. But to be in a proper relationship she needs to learn to be more spontaneous and to be more in phase with her/other people's feelings. At the current time, she often Cannot react to Adachi's actions because she needs to process them first. Which in a way is good, but it kills the spontaneity and the magic a bit.

I give her some grace anyway because she's dealing with Adachi, to be fair. Adachi isn't the typical person and her reactions would be off putting for anyone else but Shima. The average person would not put up with much of what Adachi does.

I think if Shima were responding to anyone else she'd be fine: a lot of Adachi's actions are ones that require a pause and some thought, especially with how anxious Adachi is. Often Shima's tendency to think about Adachi is her showing her affection for Adachi. But I see what you mean.

They're both made for each other but I feel like Adachi benefits the most simply because I don't know how anyone else but Shima would have handled her. On the other hand, I could imagine Shima living her life with her other friend just fine (though not as happily as she'd be with Adachi!).

last edited at Aug 2, 2024 11:47AM

joined Oct 25, 2023

They're both made for each other but I feel like Adachi benefits the most simply because I don't know how anyone else but Shima would have handled her. On the other hand, I could imagine Shima living her life with her other friend just fine (though not as happily as she'd be with Adachi!).

Yeah this is one of the aspects that AdaShima shares with Shuukura. I've thought for awhile now "thank god Adachi/Miyagi found Shimamura/Sendai because there isn't anyone else out there that'd put up with their shit!".
Not that they're bad people or anything...just difficult to deal with. Very difficult.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Dammit, Shima, you can't just go and murder Adachi like that... :D

joined Jul 21, 2024

Their faces on page 13 are adorable :3

joined Jan 30, 2017

I don't think there's anything unhealthy about it and she has no real issues in her life that would necessitate a change.

As someone that tends to do that, it can be unhealthy. If you don't keep it in check, sometimes you end up lagging behind as you try to analyse every little thing instead of living in the present.

Maybe we just use the word "unhealthy" differently.

The dose makes the poison.
It's like disassociation, doing it occasionally is normal, but doing it all the time is unhealthy.

joined Feb 19, 2023

They're both made for each other but I feel like Adachi benefits the most simply because I don't know how anyone else but Shima would have handled her. On the other hand, I could imagine Shima living her life with her other friend just fine (though not as happily as she'd be with Adachi!).

Do you mean if Shimamura dated Tarumi (the other friend you were saying) it would've been "fine"?

If you are then, I disagree. I honestly don't remember how this was told in the manga but in the original LN, the problem that lies in Shimamura is how she chooses to disconnect with other people, not even attempting to get to know her beyond what she thinks is acceptable enough to be not bothersome to deal with.

Adachi balances out that aspect of Shimamura, just like how Shimamura is unusually kind and considerate towards Adachi. It's pretty cliché but AdaShima stresses the idea that Shimamura and Adachi are two halves who complete each other. Neither of them would work with anyone else but each other.

joined Oct 24, 2018

Shimamura probably wouldn’t date anyone if it weren’t Adachi. The thing is that Shimamura is very… unassertive (in normal standard for what one is expected to do in normal romantic relationship). Even if she somehow landed her way on a relationship, most likely she would be dumped anw, with how chill she could be. She needs someone who is willing to take the first step, more assertive than her and push her to take action.
Back in middle school she did raise a yuri flag with a kid in the same club. However, both of them is so similar to each other that they kinda just cut the connection when they entered high school.

They're both made for each other but I feel like Adachi benefits the most simply because I don't know how anyone else but Shima would have handled her. On the other hand, I could imagine Shima living her life with her other friend just fine (though not as happily as she'd be with Adachi!).

I do agree with this point. Shimamura is able to form relationships with other people, even if we assume she isn’t willing to make friends and actually trust someone to let them pass her guard, she still has her family. While Adachi only has Shimamura as life saver. Things seem to get a little bit better when she grows up though.

last edited at Aug 25, 2024 4:30AM

joined Jan 30, 2017

Oh man they're so cute!

joined Jul 6, 2020

Shimamuras mother is a riot.

joined Jul 28, 2019

It's been a long time, why's Adachi at odds with her mom?

joined Jul 6, 2020

It's been a long time, why's Adachi at odds with her mom?

Both of them have trouble connecting with each other, Adachi kept to herself and her mother didnt know how to deal with this. And now they are just avoiding each other for years at this point.

Shimamura had an argument with Adachis mother in Chapter 8: Shimamura at the Gym 2 if you wanna reread that.

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