Forum › Happy End discussion

joined Aug 1, 2013

I'm so fucking confused. Is this NTR or no? Did they sisters get married or did the sister marry that dumb fuck dude? They didn't really say what the relationship between who is and plus the chapter after eight didn't help at all either.

Sister married the dumb fuck That's why this is an such an uproar.

Fuck this shit. I don't think I've ever expressed my displeasure with a series for the fact of difference of opinions and tastes, but seriously, can we all agree that this was just a waste of time? I gave this series a year of hopeful waiting, despite everyone saying this was no better than a crappy fanfict, I still thought, "It'll get better."

But thank you to the people who scanned and took the time to edit, translate and do all that jaz. I appreciate all the hard work that goes into it. Despite my rage at this one

joined Aug 5, 2013

I'm so mad right now. breathe in breathe out

joined Apr 25, 2014

terrible ending. the author probably thought the ending image would redeem everything but it doesnt.

Sakana no Miru Yume is the last hope now.

joined Aug 1, 2013

terrible ending. the author probably thought the ending image would redeem everything but it doesnt.

Sakana no Miru Yume is the last hope now.

I wouldn't hold your breath
joined Sep 24, 2013

the moment Natsuki put her head to her pregnant mom's belly and since the last chapter was tagged as HET I kind of figured it would end like that Oh well, atleast the characters are "happy" at the END Although if that last kiss implied adultery.......I don't know how to feel about it

I know a woman who has both a husband and a girlfriend; they all know the situation. They seem to be fine with it and they seem pretty close, so if that's what is going on here, it's not necessarily bad. Of course after reading that ending, I couldn't decide if that actually is the situation.

While I can accept that kind of situation, like in Mama Mama, I still find a situation like this one is hard to accept. The problem is Natsuki gives Ume hope, she always accept Ume's love, but in the end she still betray Ume by that marriage. It's just the worst...

joined Aug 22, 2013
  • First thought: Holy crap... o.O Hahaha
  • Second thought: Well, that nonsense ending happens in real life, as well ┐(´ー`)┌ I appreciate when a mangaka makes a story where they show just what they want, without giving a damn about if it is a saleable/likeable story, or not.

Conclusion: I didn't hate it at all... Maybe 'cause I didn't follow the story for a year and read it all at once. I admit that, if Saburouta made something similar, I'd be terribly disappointed.

last edited at Sep 9, 2014 12:52AM

joined May 28, 2011

I am done.

joined Aug 21, 2013


I'm done, I can't fade with these endings
Stretch better not end up with an ending like this

joined May 19, 2014

Really bitter. Left the same after-taste as Mama x2 (Amano Shuninta)

joined Apr 15, 2011

basically, Sukekoro-san copped out and sanitized the story such that in the end, the "happy end" is when Natsuki marries Sakaki-kun. What a load of crock!

ya know, I'm all for surprise endings, but if your series has it's MC's veering left for the complete series then you cut away 5-10 years later and the MC's are now on the right, could you please give more details on how they ended up in that situation?

joined Jul 2, 2013

I can't think of a better ending than getting a nice loving husband.

For a yuri?

I'm sure they were being sarcastic.

joined Aug 1, 2013

Apparently the author thinks he made a yuri manga and wants to do another one.

From /u/

What the fuck

joined Jan 20, 2014

well...instead of just fobbing off her sister...with the whole room to be with everyone in it makes me think it's a 3 way relationship. i mean, the dude saw the two sisters kiss and didn't freak out or get mad lol. plus, the way that ume stuck her tongue out at him was to kinda like, "i got to kiss her for the wedding too" or something along those line. it didn't have any big anticipation or anything before hand, so it means it hasn't been that long since they last kissed either. natsuki's gotta be with both. hell, she may even just be with him to have a baby (the natural way) if the look she has on her face when she puts her head on her mom's stomach was any indication of a desire for her own.

anyway that's how it looked to me

joined May 10, 2014

I kinda like lost interest after ch 4 or 5 can't remember...and the ending sucked? haha good thing I didn't bother.
Don't get me wrong I just didn't like where it was going and well good call.

joined Jul 26, 2013

This series gave me cancer.

joined Feb 23, 2014

well...instead of just fobbing off her sister...with the whole room to be with everyone in it makes me think it's a 3 way relationship. i mean, the dude saw the two sisters kiss and didn't freak out or get mad lol. plus, the way that ume stuck her tongue out at him was to kinda like, "i got to kiss her for the wedding too" or something along those line. it didn't have any big anticipation or anything before hand, so it means it hasn't been that long since they last kissed either. natsuki's gotta be with both. hell, she may even just be with him to have a baby (the natural way) if the look she has on her face when she puts her head on her mom's stomach was any indication of a desire for her own.

anyway that's how it looked to me

if she is just in it for a baby she is a horrible, horrible person and does not deserve happiness, fuck the natural way science babies all the way!

joined Apr 1, 2013

take a semen donation what ever. this ending is like "Yeah Yuri is just playstuff for girls. Women need to marry a man, otherwise its no real relationship". I think japan has more "unhappy" ending stories then other countries.

P.S: to brighten everyones day

last edited at Sep 9, 2014 4:59AM

joined Sep 4, 2014

Am I the only one who is not bothered by the ending?
If this is not a 'happy ending' then how would you have it if you're the author?
I think this is one of the best way for them to continue their relationship without being stigmatized by society (if they choose to be open about it).
But I also think the story was a little rushed and the pregnant scene was quite irrelevant. Makes you think the cycle of incest is endless. Lol.
joined Sep 24, 2013

take a semen donation what ever. this ending is like "Yeah Yuri is just playstuff for girls. Women need to marry a man, otherwise its no real relationship". I think japan has more "unhappy" ending stories then other countries.

P.S: to brighten everyones day

Concerto Stupidity... at first, damn dyslexia!
it's nice >,<

joined May 22, 2013

Am I the only one who is not bothered by the ending?
If this is not a 'happy ending' then how would you have it if you're the author?
I think this is one of the best way for them to continue their relationship without being stigmatized by society (if they choose to be open about it).
But I also think the story was a little rushed and the pregnant scene was quite irrelevant. Makes you think the cycle of incest is endless. Lol.

I know of a young man, who married his sister.

joined Sep 8, 2014

lmao what the fuck

joined Apr 14, 2014

This reminds me of the very first post:

Interesting. Hope the title isn't going to be false advertising.

Curses, in the end it actually was. I'd suggest the tags Bad End (VN-style) and Not Yuri for chapter 8, and Bait and Switch for the series as a whole, but un(?)fortunately they don't exist.

Yeah a Bait and Switch( is really a good tag for this shitty bait .

last edited at Sep 9, 2014 10:45AM

joined Jun 17, 2014

This was a nope in my taste :/

joined Jun 14, 2013

Okay now that I know that the fucking ending was with the sister and the dude, I just want to say fuck you to the author of this piece of shit. The author sucks ass as a person and I hope dies a slow painful shitty death. That's what I want to happened to the author cause this manga was a slap in my fucking face once again for like the 10th time. Please stop making shit that's labeled yuri not be yuri. They fucked this up pretty bad, putting fucking HET in there!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK!!!! FUCK THIS!!!!
joined Aug 20, 2013

Okay now that I know that the fucking ending was with the sister and the dude, I just want to say fuck you to the author of this piece of shit. The author sucks ass as a person and I hope dies a slow painful shitty death. That's what I want to happened to the author cause this manga was a slap in my fucking face once again for like the 10th time. Please stop making shit that's labeled yuri not be yuri. They fucked this up pretty bad, putting fucking HET in there!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK!!!! FUCK THIS!!!!

i totally agree with you..

last edited at Sep 9, 2014 2:03PM

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