Forum › Yuzumori-san discussion

joined Apr 20, 2013

A lie on top of another? pfffff it sucks, shouldn't have bothered coming back so soon

joined Jun 11, 2016

You were saying, SF?

Apologies for having optimism.

joined Jul 29, 2017

My K-drama rule of thumb for noble idiocy is (although I'd prefer not to have it at all) that the show gets part of one episode to introduce it, one full episode to suffer through it, and one episode to resolve it.

Anything more than that and they're seriously getting on my nerves. Here's hoping.

Best Mangaka Rohan
joined Dec 13, 2016


joined Apr 20, 2013

It's not like the cliffhanger has Mimika saying something like "I don't think I should be with you anymore". I don't want to make fun of your positive mindset, I think that's good but wow the irony was strong... I just have enough drama in my daily life to have a cliffhanger of months and like Mizusi said, their age difference was enough for complications so I don't feel is wrong to feel bad and even take a break, of course giving up the whole manga would be stupid.

No more black bars from me, this time for sure I have to draw traps anyway

last edited at Sep 3, 2017 8:36PM

joined Jul 29, 2017

Their age difference was more than enough.

Really. That's the most interesting thing about this series--basically, how are they going to get out of this one (the main setup)? Mimika's lovestruck but not just a lolicon perv, and Yuzu is precocious and lonely; they're both getting something emotionally rewarding out of the relationship, but where does it actually go as it develops? (Without the story going from "oddly charming" to "seriously and criminally creepy," that is.)

Once the mess caused by our grade-school villainess is dealt with, that question remains, and I'm hoping the introduction of our grade-school villainess doesn't mean that the author can't find an answer to the question.

last edited at Sep 3, 2017 8:37PM

joined Mar 3, 2017

Why is everyone blackbarring their comments...? :<

joined Jul 29, 2017

Why is everyone blackbarring their comments

Because they're referencing material from a chapter that hasn't been posted here yet. I didn't in my last one because, in that case, I wasn't.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Why is everyone blackbarring their comments

Because they're referencing material from a chapter that hasn't been posted here yet. I didn't in my last one because, in that case, I wasn't.

It should be noted that doing so is mandatory.

joined Jun 11, 2016

It's not a love-triangle, it is just pretty much going through a "bullshit angst manga" phase in such a mongoloid way, bringing half-assed drama in order to somehow add a shock factor that was never needed to begin with. Their age difference was more than enough.

Just because there's angst doesn't mean it's bad. I'd wait and see how the next chapters after this play out to decide weather this is going downhill. Although I will agree with you on the fact that the tone shift came out of nowhere.

last edited at Sep 20, 2017 8:15AM

joined Aug 10, 2015

well this looks like a pretty conflictive place so better get the fuck out of here there´s so much pointless discussion

joined Oct 13, 2015

It's not a love-triangle, it is just pretty much going through a "bullshit angst manga" phase in such a mongoloid way, bringing half-assed drama in order to somehow add a shock factor that was never needed to begin with. Their age difference was more than enough.


... Their age difference was more than enough

The drama is considerably less interesting than the dynamics of the actual relationship.

It sounds like quite the rough day. Not only do you realise you are gay, but you happen to be a lolicon too.
And then the following chapters watching Mimika trying not to be perverse or act on her desires were fantastic.

But these later chapters feel like they could be in any generic drama.

last edited at Sep 4, 2017 2:19AM

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

It's not a love-triangle, it is just pretty much going through a "bullshit angst manga" phase in such a mongoloid way, bringing half-assed drama in order to somehow add a shock factor that was never needed to begin with. Their age difference was more than enough.

Just because there's angst doesn't mean it's bad. I'd wait and see how the next chapters after this play out to decide weather this is going downhill. Although I will agree with you on the fact that the tone shift came out of nowhere.

Also speak for yourself about the age-gap, I had zero problem with that.

Yeah but Mimika realized the age gap because of how natural Yuzumori looked with girls her age

joined Sep 11, 2014

What's up with these conniving twisted grade schoolers???????

Geez that lil lil girl is a very clever liar... She's bothering too much... But maybe there good reasons behind her weird character...?

joined Sep 28, 2011

And just like that, my hype for this series is killed

joined Jun 11, 2016

Let's say not everyone likes petty angst, even if you do. Which doesn't mean it's good, either. I personally think it's going downhill, just like I did months ago when Ririha first appeared and now I keep being proven so with these last couple of chapters. Again, my personal opinion.

I'm not really sure why, but I don't see this drama as petty. I think it's the fact that I've enjoyed every single chapter up until now that it's hard to just flat out say that the manga has gone to shit. But I can get what you're saying here. You're saying that the drama here is bad because the manga all of a sudden introduced a character that for some reason want's to cause problems for our main couple, and in other cases I'd agree with you, I really hate it when that happens. But, up until now I never saw Ririha as a problem. That's why before I was saying that there was no chance of them splitting up. because, once again up until now, every time it looked like they would split up the situation would fix itself. But I never expected Ririha to actually succeed in splitting them apart. And I do think it's weird that Yuzumori didn't see through Ririha's plan and try to tell Mimika that she was lying.

joined Sep 28, 2011

Jesus Christ. Am I the only one who doesn't believe that this will go downhill? Do you people just give up on a manga once you see the slightest form of drama? This isn't a fucking love triangle, Yuzumori-san makes it very clear that she loves no one else but Mimika, and Mimika is clearly shown to not have any interest in Ririha. It's not like the cliffhanger has Mimika saying something like "I don't think I should be with you anymore".

Seriously guys, like I said before, take a look at what you're reading. It's a Yuri comedy that's a deconstruction of the Lolicon genre. It's not a bullshit angst manga.

Who said anyone is going to give up on this? And it's not the first time melodramatic themes were up. Except the first time there was drama, it was very tame and passable, Yuzumori's loneliness was actually depicted semi-decently.

It's not a love-triangle, it is just pretty much going through a "bullshit angst manga" phase in such a mongoloid way, bringing half-assed drama in order to somehow add a shock factor that was never needed to begin with. Their age difference was more than enough.

Not to mention having a character ruining the life of poor Yuzu without any motivation introduced just for the sake of shock value. We know nothing about the little sociopath. We only know that she hates Yuzu and that's it. Couldn't be more clear that this is the bullshit angst manga phase of a manga that didn't needed it

joined Nov 20, 2016

No matter the angst bs that's happening, it'll be interesting how Mimika handles finding out she's been tricked. How will she confront the two fourth graders? Can she do that? With the age of the girls it will be interesting. Highly unlikely but perhaps adults will get involved?( Although I merely state that as to explore all avenues, it probably won't happen due to the whole age Gap problem) I think there's no real way to get back at them. What can she do is really the big question once she's figured this whole manipulation mess.

joined Jun 3, 2017

But I never expected Ririha to actually succeed in splitting them apart. And I do think it's weird that Yuzumori didn't see through Ririha's plan and try to tell Mimika that she was lying.

But, take a look at what Yuzumori knows:
1) She doesn’t think of Mimika as “what she holds dear”: last time we checked, she was kicking Mimika’s butt at Iron Senpai while mulling over Ririha’s words. The topic hasn’t been brought up again, so I’m assuming that she has yet to associate Mimika to what Ririha said. 2) Mimika doesn’t explicitly say that it was Ririha who told her she’s not hanging out with her friends, she doesn’t even mention that they talked even, she just assumes she knows Yuzumori’s relationship with her so-called “friends” as she tells her that, “you should play with your friends. I don’t love you anymore”.
That’s all Yuzumori hears, that’s all that matters to her. She’s completely ignorant about everything else. I believe we should separate what we readers know from what Yuzumori does.

last edited at Sep 4, 2017 4:54PM

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

For Ririha, the ending of "The Bad Seed" comes to mind. Homage, anyone?

joined Apr 4, 2014

Yea I'm questioning mimika's feelings for Yuzu. Does she actually like her or see her as a little sister. I know she liked her initially but lately she has repressed "those urges" so much that maybe she's grown out of love for Yuzu.

joined Dec 12, 2016

Wow, was really hoping for this not to go the cliche bullshit route, guess I overestimated Ejima.

joined Feb 1, 2013

I seriously hate this lame angst trope that all manga seemed to feel obligated to go through... I've seen it sooo many bloody times (in the more than a decade I've been reading manga), and it's never compelling- just frustrating!

Honestly, this is why "Kase-san" is so good, because it doesn't seem to have any obligation to adhere to hackneyed cliches that get in the way of interesting story telling. I almost have to wonder if the mangaka was being pressured by their editor to insert some kind of 'twist' into the plot? Ririha suddenly comes out of nowhere, with no clear motive, and is way more vindictive and cruel than any person her age should be capable of being.

One of the earlier commenters summed things up pretty well: The manga starts out with an extremely entertaining concept, then devolves into something that could be summed up on TVtropes.

As and addendum, after thinking about this... I think the what's going to irritate me the most is that once the period of perfunctory estrangement/longing ends, the story will 'resolve' things in such a way that the whole damned thing might as well never have happened... sigh. Which would be both a relief and a frustration, for reasons I frankly don't have the energy to get into at the moment.

Honestly, I might be better to blow this manga for about 6 months, then come back... once the whole ordeal has resolved itself and moved on. Right now, I'm still inclined to give Ejima more credit than the bastard making Citrus.

last edited at Sep 11, 2017 10:30AM

joined Jan 27, 2016

I seriously hate this lame angst trope that all manga seemed to feel obligated to go through... I've seen it sooo many bloody times (in the more than a decade I've been reading manga), and it's never compelling- just frustrating!

Honestly, this is why "Kase-san" is so good, because it doesn't seem to have any obligation to adhere to hackneyed cliches that get in the way of interesting story telling. I almost have to wonder if the mangaka was being pressured by their editor to insert some kind of 'twist' into the plot? Ririha suddenly comes out of nowhere, with no clear motive, and is way more vindictive and cruel than any person her age should be capable of being.

One of the earlier commenters summed things up pretty well: The manga starts out with an extremely entertaining concept, then devolves into something that could be summed up on TVtropes.

As and addendum, after thinking about this... I think the what's going to irritate me the most is that once the period of perfunctory estrangement/longing ends, the story will 'resolve' things in such a way that the whole damned thing might as well never have happened... sigh. Which would be both a relief and a frustration, for reasons I frankly don't have the energy to get into at the moment.

Honestly, I might be better to blow this manga for about 6 months, then come back... once the whole ordeal has resolved itself and moved on. Right now, I'm still inclined to give Ejima more credit than the bastard making Citrus.

The worst thing about these kind of tropes is that they almost never serve a narrative purpose beyond just extending the length of the story. It's almost never used to advance the character arc of either of the characters involved it's just padding until they clear up the misunderstanding and then proceed to act like this extremely presumptuous disregard for the other person's right to self-determinate never happened and doesn't need to be meaningfully addressed.

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