Forum › The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy At All discussion

joined Oct 31, 2024

A second kiss immediately, they've been waiting just like us!

joined Apr 22, 2018


joined Apr 20, 2019

"-at last..." indeed.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Jeepers, this has turned out to be the best prom ever!

joined Jan 3, 2022

A part of me was scared by the title… a part of me feared that Mitsuki would push Aya away and be and it’d be taken as rejection and Aya would go “just as I thought, I didn’t have a chance” or smthn…

Idk who hurt me

I’m sooooo happy! Let’s GOOOOOO

I’m kinda weirded out by how the uncle is professing that he’d be willing to leave Mitsuki (and that the lady even wants to hear that/wants him to leave with her)

Like, yeah, Mitsuki isn’t a child anymore, she doesn’t need to be coddled, but she still needs a guardian? Does she know how to do taxes? Pay for the store’s rent or whatever it’s called?

Cute confession scene nonetheless

joined Jan 3, 2022

On a slightly unrelated note, I feel like this is the best paced Yuri I’ve ever read (pacing when it comes to having to wait for updates)

There was enough buildup, enough drama and tension, it never felt like stuff was being dragged longer than it needed to be for the plot, and the reward at the end was very rewarding.

joined May 3, 2014

On a slightly unrelated note, I feel like this is the best paced Yuri I’ve ever read (pacing when it comes to having to wait for updates)

There was enough buildup, enough drama and tension, it never felt like stuff was being dragged longer than it needed to be for the plot, and the reward at the end was very rewarding.

say that again for the people in the back XD when the hickup in their relationship happen, people were already burning bridges with their pitchforks and torches !

joined Aug 19, 2015

Happy feelings
Sappy feelings
Sapphic feelings

joined Jul 15, 2020


joined Feb 18, 2013

I just realised Aya has those opera gloves on, which makes this even better somehow.

joined Mar 20, 2012

Le Green Yuri... is la yuri?...

joined May 28, 2021

Mitsuki putting her hand on Aya's naked back is pretty darn sexy for these two, wasn't expecting things to move so fast :O

joined Jul 8, 2019

I’m kinda weirded out by how the uncle is professing that he’d be willing to leave Mitsuki (and that the lady even wants to hear that/wants him to leave with her)

Like, yeah, Mitsuki isn’t a child anymore, she doesn’t need to be coddled, but she still needs a guardian? Does she know how to do taxes? Pay for the store’s rent or whatever it’s called?

She has been actually taking care of the store for quite a long time (she's technically a part-time employee, but she is more than able to handle it herself). The taxes are paid by the store owner, not by the employees, no matter if the owner lives and works right at the store or does live half a world away. He would have to keep doing so no matter why until and unless he legally transfers the store to her - which he legally could do in just a few months of in-story time...

Also, I've checked and she indeed lives on the floor right above her uncle's shop, but haven't actually found references to her uncle actually being her legal guardian. Does someone remember if that's adressed at any point?

EDIT: It is, indirectly, in chapter 49. He seriously considers leaving Japan with Kanna while Mitsuki is still a little girl. Plainly he isn't her legal guardian at that time. Not gonna binge now the remaining 70 chapters, but I don't remember any reference to her being orphaned after that scene... My take is that she's just his favorite niece that he dotes over because he has no child of his own, and he's her favorite cool uncle that she pays more atention than to her actual legal guardians (because doting cool uncle, tha's why). Why she lives above the shop is anyone's guess, but since there are possible reasons that aren't a sretch of imagination (like her uncle having inherited a shp and his sibling inerithing the house above, just to name one), let's just gloss it over.

SECOND EDIT: I lied. I binged the thing. No, no referenceI could find of she being orphaned during that time, but explicit reference of Mitsuki's place being her uncle's house a few chapters later. So at some point after childhood, Mitsuki started living at her uncle's house, whatever the reason. From BEING her legal guardian, to the typical Anime & Manga plot of "go live at this uncle's home while you go to school at this different city", anything could be.

Cute confession scene nonetheless


last edited at Mar 2, 2025 10:21AM

joined Jan 2, 2022


joined Feb 17, 2013


joined Aug 29, 2016

Narita, my best supportive male yuri overseer . . . You done it. . . Your brilliant idea has in the end pushed these idiots together for 2 chapters of kissing.

He knew exactly when his plan had succeeded as you see him in the bottom left panel with his head against the wall, banging his hand in pure glee. He’s totally going to support them when they come out of the broadcast room lol.

You’re now as memorable as the reincarnated yuri-wall dude

last edited at Mar 2, 2025 10:30AM

joined Aug 29, 2016

Also, how long has Mitsuki known? I mean because yes, she knew Aya had romantic feelings for Onni-san but was she worried that once she became a female it would be platonic? Even as they began to grow apart I was afraid Mitsuki hadn’t been developing romantic feelings, only Aya.

joined Jan 14, 2020

Joe's status: "he stayed in Japan to raise Mitsuki" "Joe-san turning into a dad"

So we still don't know what's with her biological parents, or his legal status, but he seems to have been Mitsuki's effective 'dad' from when she was smol (skateboard photo, and compare to Aya's 'before'. It's not just "go stay with your uncle for high school." I don't recall if we know when Kanna left for America.

last edited at Mar 2, 2025 10:30AM

joined Dec 20, 2018


joined Jul 8, 2019

Joe's status: "he stayed in Japan to raise Mitsuki" "Joe-san turning into a dad"

So we still don't know what's with her biological parents, or his legal status, but he seems to have been Mitsuki's effective 'dad' from when she was smol (skateboard photo, and compare to Aya's 'before'. It's not just "go stay with your uncle for high school." I don't recall if we know when Kanna left for America.

A few pages later ( "he adores his niece". Just that. There's no mention of him actually raising her, which I fully expected to see here. Damn.
After binging the whole thing, there is no explicit confirmation nor denying whatsoever. And the "becoming a dad" line works for BOTH the "became her legal guardian" and the "no daughters of his own so he loves his niece as a daughter" scenarios, to rub salt on the lack-of-info wound.
But, betwen that lack of info, and the info we DO have (that he has been willing to leave the country leaving her behind, twice), the most likely scenario we have is the "he is not her legal guadian but she's living with him for some JIS-standard plot device".
WHich is the BEST possible scenario. He leaves with Kanna, and leaves his store and house to Mitsuki so the two lovebirds can start their 300+ chapters lovey-dovey adult life right away after school.

last edited at Mar 2, 2025 10:43AM

joined Aug 17, 2019

Love wins!

That's such a well written line: I will follow you.
He's not asking for her to stay with him, he is admitting he screwed it up and that this time he's making up for it.

Dear lord, I hope this gets an adaptation... it would be quite difficult with all that music in it though.

last edited at Mar 2, 2025 10:54AM

joined Mar 24, 2015

Even as they began to grow apart I was afraid Mitsuki hadn’t been developing romantic feelings, only Aya.

I had this feeling, too. She understood that Aya was important to her, but it never felt romantic to me. Maybe Mitsuki didn't really understand her feelings until Aya kissed her (though I'm not sure why she'd say "I knew it" if that were the case).

Dear lord, I hope this gets an adaptation

It is!!

joined Jan 27, 2016

Love wins!

That's such a well written line: I will follow you.
He's not asking for her to stay with him, he is admitting he screwed it up and that this time he's making up for it.

Dear lord, I hope this gets an adaptation... it would be quite difficult with all that music in it though.

Itd getting an Anime and I hope they Adopt it

joined Aug 14, 2020

"It was just as I thought!"

Girl you spent 117 chapters absolutely fucking oblivious you don't get any credit for figuring it out now lol.

last edited at Mar 2, 2025 1:40PM

joined Jan 15, 2021

In my humble opinion, the best part of the last two chapters is the fact that 'THE KISS' didn't turn into a GRS-esque muppet-makeout session ( ). When I saw the chapter notification and came to Dynasty, just as I clicked the chapter, I got a chill and had that thought. Oh it would have been hilarious, no doubt, this was MUCH more satisfying.

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