Forum › Alcohol and Ogre-girls discussion

joined Jul 6, 2020

Aju and Tsukasa's relationship and "determination" are really well done. I definitely get the sense that the mangaka wants to talk about systemic issues through the lens of this ogre vs human thing, and this is the first time we really get to dig into it.

I also really like both characters. Tangents focused on side characters like this are often hit or miss for me, but in this case they're super compelling in their own right, and also fit the larger themes of resisting the pathways set before us by our forebears that Hinata and Naori are also dealing with.

joined Jun 10, 2023

Absolute best straight couple on this site; just a genuinely well done side story. I love our main girls, but I wish these two the best and am looking forward what comes next for them all

last edited at Jan 21, 2025 9:51PM

joined Aug 22, 2014

Yeah love these two as a secondary relationship, they play off each other well.
joined Jun 6, 2020

holy shit that was great

joined Mar 20, 2014

Ugh. This is boring. Can we please go back to Hinata & Naori?

joined Nov 2, 2023

Inside of dynaster reader are two users...
one goes:

Absolute best straight couple on this site; just a genuinely well done side story. I love our main girls, but I wish these two the best and am looking forward what comes next for them all

and the other goes :

Ugh. This is boring. Can we please go back to Hinata & Naori?

The duality of dynasty scans users

I'll unsilly for a second tho, I like their relationship but I hope we see Hinata and Naori soon
gets silly again
It's eve and eve not adam and eve

last edited at Jan 22, 2025 11:24AM

joined Oct 15, 2014

Ugh. This is boring. Can we please go back to Hinata & Naori?

Next chapter.

joined Dec 20, 2013

Ugh. This is boring. Can we please go back to Hinata & Naori?

Fairly certain that what you mean by boring is "of no interest to me"... Which is fair... but a story belongs to its author, not its readers.

I for one quite enjoy this het couple. it's well-written, the pacing is good, and the characters are likable.

last edited at Jan 22, 2025 12:58PM

joined Aug 1, 2011

gets silly again
It's eve and eve not adam and eve

I feel like that should be Lilith and Eve. And now I want a yuri manga set in the Eden, or just after Eden, with Lilith rescuing Eve from a toxic relationship with Adam.

Norainhere Staff
joined Jun 27, 2014

Corrected the alcohol name on Chapter 12 page 154 from Belmont to Vermouth

joined Sep 10, 2022

Hinata is hanging on for dear life but she's not going to last much longer. Doc seems like she's having a good time with her lover as well. I really enjoy this series. It's not in a rush, taking its time to build all these characters and relationships. It also doesn't skimp on its world-building.

I wonder how the group will continue to navigate everything. It's interesting, to notice these two alternative methods of coping with the world, but it's unclear which one will win out in the end--probably a mix of both. Even after all these chapters, we're unraveling more of this universe.

last edited at Feb 9, 2025 5:45PM

joined Sep 21, 2019

I appreciate the straight side-couple in this, it was nice. And I really like Tsukasa in general, he's such a bro. (Though wow, some people get really disengaged as soon as the very mention of het pops up, huh? That's interesting.)

also horny hinata funni joke haha

the slow burn hurts pls just kiss pls

joined Aug 22, 2014

It's never really felt like Naori doesn't accept Hinata as an Ogre, so that feels a bit off. Maybe the next few chapters will develop that a bit better.

joined Aug 14, 2020

Yo but that hug though, hoo boy.

joined Jul 6, 2020

I need them to have sex at least like, once, before we do an angsty miscommunication thing

joined Aug 1, 2011

haganbmj posted:

It's never really felt like Naori doesn't accept Hinata as an Ogre, so that feels a bit off. Maybe the next few chapters will develop that a bit better.

It's not so much that she doesn't accept Hinata as an Ogre, but that she doesn't even think of Hinata as an ogre. To some extent, that's not a bad thing; for her Hinata is just another person. However, at the same time, that means she's also erasing a fundamental part of who Hinata is and what she grew up with.

More pertinently, up until now, she's viewed the quest to find the special sake as a way to just solve the things that set Hinata apart from humans (in troublesome ways), without any consideration for how that would change Hinata's life and her other relationships or how it might not actually solve all of her problems.

If you don't mind a ham-fisted analogy, imagine if Hinata was trans, instead of an Ogre. For the most part, Naori treating her just like any other girl would be a good thing, but growing up as a trans person would mean Hinata had different experiences than other girls and likely faced (and continues to face) different hardships and part of having an honest relationship with her would involve acknowledging that.

To extend the analogy, this trans Hinata has already socially transitioned (she's living amongst humans, not with the other oni), and now she's considering medically transitioning too. Supporting her in this is a good thing, but it's also important to acknowledge that it isn't the only path she has available to her, that it has costs, and that it's not as simple or clean as going to the dentist for a cavity and coming out with everything fixed. One example of this, that this chapter kind-of hinted at, is that Hinata should be looking at transitioning because that's what she wants for herself, not because she thinks she needs to if she wants to be with Naori.

Now that I think about it, the way Oni, bartenders, the older generation, and the special sake are all presented in this manga makes me think it could be a really good allegory for aspects of being trans and transitioning, as well as being an ally. I'd be interested to see a more qualified take on the topic, but I already feel like I'm out of my depth saying just this much.

joined Feb 11, 2022

They're so married

joined May 10, 2021

I feel like them letting all loose and simply fuck would clear up whatever mess they're in.
Especially since they're wives and wives.
Thanks for the chapter!

joined Jul 10, 2015

Glad to be back with Hinata and Naori

joined Jul 31, 2019

When boobs smell so nice you start crying

joined Jun 21, 2021

When boobs smell so nice you start crying

world hard, cold. booba soft, warm.

joined Apr 19, 2018

Really loved Aju and Tsukasa's past arc, though I think it was like 1 chapter longer than it needed to be. But fantastic nonetheless.

It could be because I just breezed through this, but sometimes it feels like the characters say things that only the other person is supposed to get, while having not much context for the readers. Again it could be because I'm sleep deprived, but I found myself being puzzled at many exchanges between the characters.

joined Jan 30, 2017

This slow burn is going to fucking kill me.

Worth it tho.

joined Jan 17, 2024

Yuri !

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