Forum › There Is No Love Wishing Upon a Star discussion

joined Aug 19, 2015

Well, fuck.

No one's really in the wrong here. It's just some minor things kinda hitting everyone where it hurts but it's miserable for Fuyuki

joined Sep 1, 2017

Well, fuck.

No one's really in the wrong here. It's just some minor things kinda hitting everyone where it hurts but it's miserable for Fuyuki

I agree completely. But I still want to to know why Fuyuki lied to Eri about why she missed her birthday.

joined Sep 30, 2023

Worried more for Eri in all this, i don’t think the guy is bad or anything (barring some level of contrivance he seems to be, like, normal levels of faulty person :p easily on par with the protags at least. gladly not some openly abusive antagonist figure) so she’d be physically fine but comparing the two at least Fuyuki seems to understand what she wants. Whether Eri’s feelings towards Fuyuki are actually AMOROUS or not she clearly cares much more about their relationship towards each other than her present romantic-by-obligation relationship. (Whether that has a chance at being genuine in its own right is its own bag of worms, Eri reads strongly in-denial to me, comphetted to hell and back, but the actual story could go either way. ) Even if Eri chooses to let Fuyuki go (which could very well be the healthier option!) It’d be preferable for her to do it knowingly rather than it already being too late. (Preferable from like, a practical/empathetic sense, from a storytelling/artistic standpoint it could very well be too “clean” for this authors’ tastes :p.)

joined May 15, 2021

This may just be a cope, but I'm pretty sure that the opening panel was Kyou being invited to Eri and Fuyuki's wedding.

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