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joined Aug 19, 2015

Well, fuck.

No one's really in the wrong here. It's just some minor things kinda hitting everyone where it hurts but it's miserable for Fuyuki

joined Sep 1, 2017

Well, fuck.

No one's really in the wrong here. It's just some minor things kinda hitting everyone where it hurts but it's miserable for Fuyuki

I agree completely. But I still want to to know why Fuyuki lied to Eri about why she missed her birthday.

joined Sep 30, 2023

Worried more for Eri in all this, i don’t think the guy is bad or anything (barring some level of contrivance he seems to be, like, normal levels of faulty person :p easily on par with the protags at least. gladly not some openly abusive antagonist figure) so she’d be physically fine but comparing the two at least Fuyuki seems to understand what she wants. Whether Eri’s feelings towards Fuyuki are actually AMOROUS or not she clearly cares much more about their relationship towards each other than her present romantic-by-obligation relationship. (Whether that has a chance at being genuine in its own right is its own bag of worms, Eri reads strongly in-denial to me, comphetted to hell and back, but the actual story could go either way. ) Even if Eri chooses to let Fuyuki go (which could very well be the healthier option!) It’d be preferable for her to do it knowingly rather than it already being too late. (Preferable from like, a practical/empathetic sense, from a storytelling/artistic standpoint it could very well be too “clean” for this authors’ tastes :p.)

joined May 15, 2021

This may just be a cope, but I'm pretty sure that the opening panel was Kyou being invited to Eri and Fuyuki's wedding.

joined Jul 28, 2019

This may just be a cope, but I'm pretty sure that the opening panel was Kyou being invited to Eri and Fuyuki's wedding.

Not cope, that's the obvious twist. I called it out the first chapter, someone confirmed the wording was that he was going to a wedding but not specifically whose. Logic infers you don't take a cab to your own wedding by yourself to arrive late.

joined Apr 11, 2022

This may just be a cope, but I'm pretty sure that the opening panel was Kyou being invited to Eri and Fuyuki's wedding.

Not cope, that's the obvious twist. I called it out the first chapter, someone confirmed the wording was that he was going to a wedding but not specifically whose. Logic infers you don't take a cab to your own wedding by yourself to arrive late.

You are right, but it also means the wedding doesn't have to be of both girls. There could be another twist later but based on the latest raw, things didn't look too good.

MrEngenious Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

I'm removing posts that refer way past current chapters and also rely on MTL of all things.

joined Aug 19, 2015

I'm removing posts that refer way past current chapters and also rely on MTL of all things.

Hell yeahh~

Well, fuck.

No one's really in the wrong here. It's just some minor things kinda hitting everyone where it hurts but it's miserable for Fuyuki

I agree completely. But I still want to to know why Fuyuki lied to Eri about why she missed her birthday.

Surprised it turned out to be the truth.

They're all pretty likable and are actually considerate of their friends so their little failings are all very human. Like Kyou - he backed out at the last second considering their feelings but of course went for it because Fuyuki herself offered. And now he's even taking responsibility for it because that's what he wanted in the first place and he knows that's why Fuyuki offered.

It's so good that I'm holding my breath every time I turn the page, preparing for heartache.

last edited at Jan 4, 2025 9:20PM

joined Mar 7, 2017

Man I really want Fuyuki to actually fall in love with senpai, she's really good to her.

joined May 1, 2019

Along with Chapter 9, I also went ahead and made some updates to Chapters 1 through 6, adjusting certain parts of the translation and typesetting to make the older chapters more consistent with the newer ones in terms of style.

Chapter 1 had some substantial differences between the original web version and the Volume 1 release, so I also finished up some work that Buding started to convert the whole chapter to the volume version. I plan to do the same for Chapters 2 and 3 at some point, but since that'll require basically redoing them from scratch, I'll probably be saving that until we're more caught up with normal releases. In the meantime though, I gave all the web-version chapters their chapter title pages from Volume 1.

Also in Chapter 1, I added some typesetting for some text in the artwork that went untouched before, like the castella box on Page 16 and the signs in the last panel on Page 28.

One particularly relevant adjustment I made to the translation was changing "console each other" to "comfort each other" on Page 111 in Chapter 3, to better connect that moment with Chapter 9's title and the "comfort" Fuyuki requests from Kurokawa-senpai in Chapters 8 and 9.

joined Apr 25, 2020

So... was senpai in love with who'd end up becoming her step father? what the hell? or did I misunderstand something?

joined Dec 11, 2017

So... was senpai in love with who'd end up becoming her step father? what the hell? or did I misunderstand something?

I'm pretty sure she was in love with her mom.

joined Jan 14, 2020

So... was senpai in love with who'd end up becoming her step father? what the hell? or did I misunderstand something?

Yeah, seems like it. Not the mom: "never had a great relationship with her anyway"

joined May 1, 2019

So... was senpai in love with who'd end up becoming her step father? what the hell? or did I misunderstand something?

This was the impression I got as well, yes.

joined Jan 31, 2018

I don't care enough about this to follow it regularly (plus having to translate it etc.), so could anyone interested in the story explain what's going on in the latest chapter? (the releases on twitter, not here)
Why are the two crying? Crying in a good way or over drama?

last edited at Jan 25, 2025 4:50AM

joined Mar 25, 2021

this is some gut-wrenching kinda angst holy sht... i felt like throwing up from anxiety while reading this

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