Forum › I’ll Be the One You Wish for Me to Be discussion

joined Jan 13, 2019

Oh I'm so locked into this you don't even KNOW

joined Dec 21, 2016


last edited at Nov 30, 2024 11:40PM

joined Jun 5, 2023

Is this a newly released manga by this author or is it a series that has been out for a long time and only now has a group translating it?

joined Oct 29, 2020

oh this is already shaping up to be a banger I can't fucking wait

joined Jan 16, 2017

Is this a newly released manga by this author or is it a series that has been out for a long time and only now has a group translating it?

It's a new manga, and there's only one chapter out so far. This first chapter came out in issue 46 of Rakuen Le Paradis, which was released on October 31, 2024. Rakuen Le Paradis apparently only puts out three issues a year, and the next one will be February 28, 2025, so presumably that's also when the second chapter will come out (in Japanese).

last edited at Dec 1, 2024 1:58AM

joined Mar 13, 2018

so to have known that the narrator was going to be at that hostess club far enough in advance to get a job there, surely she's got to be a coworker, right? is there a fourth persona? more? is anyone in her life not her stalker in disguise

joined Jan 30, 2017

I’m kinda hurt that it seems like I’m the only one who was genuinely caught off guard…

I was fr like

“WHAAAAAAAAAAT??? No wayyyyyyy”

And y’all are like

“Hm, interesting.”

Like, my mind was low-key blown and y’all’s calm reactions are like a slap to the face or smthn haha

I think It was the tags that kinda set you up for the twist. If I hadn't read them beforehand I would've assumed it was a bisexual harem.

joined Feb 14, 2016

I’m kinda hurt that it seems like I’m the only one who was genuinely caught off guard…

I was fr like

“WHAAAAAAAAAAT??? No wayyyyyyy”

And y’all are like

“Hm, interesting.”

Like, my mind was low-key blown and y’all’s calm reactions are like a slap to the face or smthn haha

I think It was the tags that kinda set you up for the twist. If I hadn't read them beforehand I would've assumed it was a bisexual harem.

For me it was like "oh that's why they titled it that"

joined Oct 15, 2021

thats agent 47

joined Jul 21, 2024

Already hooked from the first page! this manga seems its about discovering one's sexuality, its already starting off interesting. :)

last edited at Dec 1, 2024 4:37AM

joined Sep 27, 2017

thats agent 47

joined Oct 9, 2016

Cross-dressing stuff is not my thing at all. But I must admit that I'm interested in the plot.

EDIT: And I just noticed that Mizutani Fuuka is the author of "Like A Cinderella". I like that shoe-thing quite a bit and re-read once in a while. No wonder I liked the art and style in this one too.

last edited at Dec 1, 2024 4:41AM

joined Mar 7, 2017

This is gonna be quite the perry the platypus moment when she figures it out.

I can't wait.

joined Mar 28, 2015

I think it's a biological girl, but maybe it's someone who doesn't identify as either? Or as both?

Also, maybe it's a hit-man, seeing all the different phones laying around.

Anyway, Houjou is in for a ride.

Quite the mysterious premise.

last edited at Dec 1, 2024 6:08AM

joined Oct 3, 2023

I'm sorry, this is just creepy and I'm worried for the MC ^^u

joined Apr 27, 2014

Cross dressing is...ok for sure but 3 different versions? That's a bit too sketchy for me lol. Interesting perhaps.

Either secret agent, non binary, cross dressing dude or something else...

last edited at Dec 1, 2024 9:59AM

joined Jan 15, 2021

I was getting into the story until the reveal that all 3 people were the same and I was so surprised it was almost anger inducing, I REALLY dislike when people play with others feelings, especially affection and attraction, and the end of the chapter gave me a vibe of that 'çhameleon' was targeting her for a reason and it just felt bad. I'm pretty sure I'm wrong I'd like to read the next chapter to see if I am wrong.

joined Jul 24, 2020

omg she's crazy, i love this already

joined Sep 21, 2019

The tags and title did setup the reveal fairly well imo (at least well enough that I could see it coming). But yeah, a whole three people? Dang.

The personality of the love interest is probably gonna make or break it. Two people is already more than enough for drama in most cases, so three means the author's probably going for something very specific. The hitman idea isn't all that unrealistic...

joined Sep 25, 2017

I’m kinda hurt that it seems like I’m the only one who was genuinely caught off guard…

I was fr like

“WHAAAAAAAAAAT??? No wayyyyyyy”

And y’all are like

“Hm, interesting.”

Like, my mind was low-key blown and y’all’s calm reactions are like a slap to the face or smthn haha

I saw the tags, but somehow my brain was expecting the pov protagonist to be the one who would be crossdressing/ gender bending (with her not understanding gender and her own sexuality) so at the end I was having the same reaction as you did.

joined Sep 20, 2016

i feel like she would be happy if she found out theyre the same person and that shes not just randomly falling in love with three different people

joined Dec 20, 2018

Suspected as much, then wasn't as sure when he came back again in the first appearance to thank her as well, and certainly didn't expect him to have separate phones for each persona, so that later part really makes me curious to see what is going to happen here...

Kirin-kun Uploader
Rehashed Scans
joined Mar 21, 2021

Don't expect frequent updates. Rakuen Le Paradis has 4 issues a year.

joined Apr 12, 2018

This is gonna be fascinating.

joined Aug 17, 2019


I did expect something odd from the way the eyes were drawn, but I did NOT expect that ending!

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