Forum › The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy At All discussion

joined Apr 20, 2022

I can understand the frustration at the slow progress, but at this point I am airline safety strapped into this ride. I really want Joe to go after Kanna-san though, but he still is technically a parental figure to a teenager.

joined May 20, 2019

The Kanna san plot line is just so boring for me, I couldn't care less about it, feels like it's there just so the author don't have to write about the main "couple" which is not getting development at all since around chapter 60

Why would the author do that tho?

joined Sep 10, 2022

Not sure why people are saying that Aya lied. At the time she told Mitsuki she wasn't going to prom she actually wasn't planning to go. She changed her mind after talking to Kanna.

That's not what happened, though. The relevant chapters are back to back. She finds out about the prom, excitedly says she's going, tries to find Mistuki, then immediately sees the Kouhai asking about the music event.

Mitsku then wants to talk about it in the following chapter. Aya says they don't even need to worry about prom because she's not going anyway. She says she has a family Christmas gathering, implying she was never planning to go. We know this is a lie because of the previous chapter. We saw that she did want to to go and was planning to go until the Kouhai issue.

It's not a big deal anyway. She did it to help Mitsuki and didn't want Mitsuki to feel guilty by making it seem like Aya had to change plans--which she did. She deliberately down played the whole thing for Mitsuki's sake, pretending the prom wasn't a big deal. This is why Mitsuki is upset now and will be what they probably talk about soon. The lie and the hiding of how she was really feeling, are the reasons for current issue.

last edited at Nov 24, 2024 1:10PM

joined Dec 20, 2018

Everything piling up at the same time...

joined Nov 5, 2024

These 2 are actually killing me wtff

joined Apr 25, 2020

The Kanna san plot line is just so boring for me, I couldn't care less about it, feels like it's there just so the author don't have to write about the main "couple" which is not getting development at all since around chapter 60

Why would the author do that tho?

I just said it? Because the author doesn't know how to develop the main couple, it hasn't developed at all since Aya discovered Koga was "oni-san"

joined Jan 2, 2022

Not sure why people are saying that Aya lied. At the time she told Mitsuki she wasn't going to prom she actually wasn't planning to go. She changed her mind after talking to Kanna.

That's not what happened, though. The relevant chapters are back to back. She finds out about the prom, excitedly says she's going, tries to find Aya, then immediately sees the Kouhai asking about the music event.

Aya then wants to talk about it in the following chapter. Mitsuki says they don't even need to worry about prom because she's not going anyway. She says she has a family Christmas gathering, implying she was never planning to go. We know this is a lie because of the previous chapter. We saw that she did want to to go and was planning to go until the Kouhai issue.

It's not a big deal anyway. She did it to help Aya and didn't want Aya to feel guilty by making it seem like Mitsuki had to change plans--which she did. She deliberately down played the whole thing for Aya's sake, pretending the prom wasn't a big deal. This is why Aya is upset now and will be what they probably talk about soon. The whole lie is the reason this is a contentious point in this chapter.

I think your "Aya"s and "Mitsuki"s are switched.

Are you saying the lie is downplaying that she wanted to go? All I was saying is at the time it came up Aya was genuinely not planning to go. Downplaying that she wanted to go, sure, I guess that's a lie. But whether she would be there or not? That wasn't a lie at the time.

joined Jul 29, 2017

The Kanna/Joe thread is directly connected to the main couple story, since Kanna explicitly said that she came back to Japan in order to take Mitsuki back to the US with her.

We haven’t been explicitly told how long Kanna was originally planning on staying, or what her hopes for the relationship with Joe currently are. Nor do we know why Joe has been Mitsuki’s de facto guardian, what the legal status of that relationship is, or why they didn’t all go to the US together in the first place (although we can infer that it would be difficult to emigrate and try to start a musical career as a punk musician while caring for a toddler).

But we do know that in the first instance Kanna’s ambitions for Mitsuki are a threat to separate the MCs.

joined Sep 10, 2022

Not sure why people are saying that Aya lied. At the time she told Mitsuki she wasn't going to prom she actually wasn't planning to go. She changed her mind after talking to Kanna.

That's not what happened, though. The relevant chapters are back to back. She finds out about the prom, excitedly says she's going, tries to find Aya, then immediately sees the Kouhai asking about the music event.

Aya then wants to talk about it in the following chapter. Mitsuki says they don't even need to worry about prom because she's not going anyway. She says she has a family Christmas gathering, implying she was never planning to go. We know this is a lie because of the previous chapter. We saw that she did want to to go and was planning to go until the Kouhai issue.

It's not a big deal anyway. She did it to help Aya and didn't want Aya to feel guilty by making it seem like Mitsuki had to change plans--which she did. She deliberately down played the whole thing for Aya's sake, pretending the prom wasn't a big deal. This is why Aya is upset now and will be what they probably talk about soon. The whole lie is the reason this is a contentious point in this chapter.

I think your "Aya"s and "Mitsuki"s are switched.

Are you saying the lie is downplaying that she wanted to go? All I was saying is at the time it came up Aya was genuinely not planning to go. Downplaying that she wanted to go, sure, I guess that's a lie. But whether she would be there or not? That wasn't a lie at the time.

Thanks, I'll update! It felt wrong but I didn't double check. She also lied about having a family gathering. She made it seem like going to the prom was never in the plans because she would always be with her family that day.

That was a lie, as she had been planning to go. Then, she continued to downplay her intentions, etc. Mitsuki will be upset once she finds out Aya was not being truthful about her plans and desire to be at the prom. None of that tension works without understanding that Aya hasn't being upfront and truthful with Mitsuki. There will almost definitely be a scene where Aya finally admits that.

last edited at Nov 24, 2024 1:12PM

joined Aug 21, 2023

The Kanna san plot line is just so boring for me, I couldn't care less about it, feels like it's there just so the author don't have to write about the main "couple" which is not getting development at all since around chapter 60

Why would the author do that tho?

I just said it? Because the author doesn't know how to develop the main couple, it hasn't developed at all since Aya discovered Koga was "oni-san"

I mean, this could be just due to perspective, but I can't really see a reason to agree with this. Progress has been made, even if a confession hasn't happened yet.

Also, to me at least, it feels like the situation with Kanna is not only to act like padding (since a story resolving too quickly can technically be a problem), but to also give a proper identity to the Uncle, so he's not just someone who simply exists.

joined Sep 1, 2017

This all seems final hurtle-ish. Like we're building up to the climax. I'm sensing a grand gesture at the prom. Maybe a surprise performance by a curtain up and coming singer.

last edited at Nov 24, 2024 1:30PM

joined Jan 2, 2022

Not sure why people are saying that Aya lied. At the time she told Mitsuki she wasn't going to prom she actually wasn't planning to go. She changed her mind after talking to Kanna.

That's not what happened, though. The relevant chapters are back to back. She finds out about the prom, excitedly says she's going, tries to find Aya, then immediately sees the Kouhai asking about the music event.

Aya then wants to talk about it in the following chapter. Mitsuki says they don't even need to worry about prom because she's not going anyway. She says she has a family Christmas gathering, implying she was never planning to go. We know this is a lie because of the previous chapter. We saw that she did want to to go and was planning to go until the Kouhai issue.

It's not a big deal anyway. She did it to help Aya and didn't want Aya to feel guilty by making it seem like Mitsuki had to change plans--which she did. She deliberately down played the whole thing for Aya's sake, pretending the prom wasn't a big deal. This is why Aya is upset now and will be what they probably talk about soon. The whole lie is the reason this is a contentious point in this chapter.

I think your "Aya"s and "Mitsuki"s are switched.

Are you saying the lie is downplaying that she wanted to go? All I was saying is at the time it came up Aya was genuinely not planning to go. Downplaying that she wanted to go, sure, I guess that's a lie. But whether she would be there or not? That wasn't a lie at the time.

Thanks, I'll update! It felt wrong but I didn't double check. She also lied about having a family gathering. She made it seem like going to the prom was never in the plans because she would always be with her family that day.

That was a lie, as she had been planning to go. Then, she continued to downplay her intentions, etc. Mitsuki will be upset once she finds out Aya was not being truthful about her plans and desire to be at the prom. None of that tension works without understanding that Aya hasn't being upfront and truthful with Mitsuki. There will almost definitely be a scene where Aya finally admits that.

To be fair, we don't know that the family gathering is a lie. It might be a lie, but it kind of doesn't matter since if she wanted to go to prom Aya would skip it even if it were true.

As for the rest, I think we're coming up against a disagreement here because Mitsuki never asked Aya about her intentions. She didn't ask if Aya wanted to go, just if she was going. Aya said she wasn't going, not that she didn't want to go.

I agree that Aya is fudging the truth here a bit with implications, but I also can't say I'm super into how Mitsuki just assumes Aya will be her date without asking her or expressing herself. She doesn't say, "Too bad about your family gathering, I'd rather have gone to prom with you than this music event", she just keeps it to her self. And then this chapter she just straight up says "You didn't want to go with me?" as if she had asked Aya and was rejected.

Mitsuki is doing the same thing Joe is doing, assuming that things will just go her way without being explicit. Aya is doing the opposite, assuming things will not go her way which makes her not try. Aya has her own problems to deal with, but let's not discount Mitsuki again not expressing herself.

joined Sep 10, 2022

To be fair, we don't know that the family gathering is a lie. It might be a lie, but it kind of doesn't matter since if she wanted to go to prom Aya would skip it even if it were true.

As for the rest, I think we're coming up against a disagreement here because Mitsuki never asked Aya about her intentions. She didn't ask if Aya wanted to go, just if she was going. Aya said she wasn't going, not that she didn't want to go.

I agree that Aya is fudging the truth here a bit with implications, but I also can't say I'm super into how Mitsuki just assumes Aya will be her date without asking her or expressing herself. She doesn't say, "Too bad about your family gathering, I'd rather have gone to prom with you than this music event", she just keeps it to her self. And then this chapter she just straight up says "You didn't want to go with me?" as if she had asked Aya and was rejected.

Mitsuki is doing the same thing Joe is doing, assuming that things will just go her way without being explicit. Aya is doing the opposite, assuming things will not go her way which makes her not try. Aya has her own problems to deal with, but let's not discount Mitsuki again not expressing herself.

I generally agree with the last paragraph. I would say though that your "best friend" who you do everything with suddenly going to a large event without telling or inviting you would make most people feel some kind of way.

That's also why Mitsuki doesn't need to ask whether Aya would be going with her. It's an understanding between the two of them already, and we know Aya did indeed plan to go with Mitsuki and no one else.

Mitsuki asking if Aya is going to the prom is Mitsuki asking if they're both going. Aya understands that implication. That understanding is why Aya reacts as she does, pretending she can't and never intended to go, so Mitsuki feels no burden. She knows Mitsuki and her are a two-person deal.

There's an argument for taking someone for granted but these two aren't a couple and we don't even know Mitsuki's romantic feelings, so it's all very muddled. That's part of the issue though. Too much of their relationship is left to assumptions and silent understanding between themselves and to the reader. It's long been time to be more direct between themselves and narratively.

last edited at Nov 24, 2024 2:54PM

joined Apr 10, 2023

To be clear, I think that both of these kids are making mistakes from a very sympathetic, understandable place. Aya thinks she isn't as important to Mitsuki as she really is, and Mitsuki was for a while so focused on music and her stress of getting "outed" as a musician that she kinda stopped having the space to pay attention to the person by her side through all of it. I think Mitsuki assumes on some level that she can reliably know about Aya since their whole relationship was framed around what Mitsuki knew and what Aya didn't for months. She hasn't quite caught up with her needing to pay attention and try since Aya's no longer spilling her heart about "onii-san" the next desk over

last edited at Nov 24, 2024 2:44PM

joined Jan 2, 2022

To be fair, we don't know that the family gathering is a lie. It might be a lie, but it kind of doesn't matter since if she wanted to go to prom Aya would skip it even if it were true.

As for the rest, I think we're coming up against a disagreement here because Mitsuki never asked Aya about her intentions. She didn't ask if Aya wanted to go, just if she was going. Aya said she wasn't going, not that she didn't want to go.

I agree that Aya is fudging the truth here a bit with implications, but I also can't say I'm super into how Mitsuki just assumes Aya will be her date without asking her or expressing herself. She doesn't say, "Too bad about your family gathering, I'd rather have gone to prom with you than this music event", she just keeps it to her self. And then this chapter she just straight up says "You didn't want to go with me?" as if she had asked Aya and was rejected.

Mitsuki is doing the same thing Joe is doing, assuming that things will just go her way without being explicit. Aya is doing the opposite, assuming things will not go her way which makes her not try. Aya has her own problems to deal with, but let's not discount Mitsuki again not expressing herself.

I generally agree with the last paragraph. I would say though that your "best friend" who you do everything with suddenly going to a large event without telling or inviting you would make most people feel some kind of way.

That's also why Mitsuki doesn't need to ask whether Aya would be going with her. It's an understanding between the two of them already, and we know Aya did indeed plan to go with Mitsuki and no one else.

Mitsuki asking if Aya is going to the prom is Mitsuki asking if they're both going. Aya understands that implication. That understanding is why Aya reacts as she does, pretending she can't and never intended to go, so Mitsuki feels no burden. She knows Mitsuki and her are a two-person deal.

There's an argument for taking someone for granted but these two aren't a couple and we don't even know Mitsuki's romantic feelings, so it's all very muddled. That's part of the issue though. Too much of their relationship is left to assumptions and silent understanding between themselves and to the reader. It's long been time to be more direct between themselves and narratively.

I don't like the idea that Mitsuki doesn't need to ask Aya because it's an understanding between them. To some extent that's been the case so far, but it leads to situations like Joe's and Kanna's.

Looking back at some of their major events:
ch 37 and 38 - RHCP fight
ch 51 - Aya to Mitsuki "You don't talk to me at all, Koga-san. I think that one day, you'll end up going away without telling me. That's how I feel sometimes." Instead of answering, Mitsuki takes her finger in hers.
ch 79 - Mitsuki to Aya "I'm sorry. I mean...this was supposed to be a secret between you and me..." referring to the tattoos and piercings.
ch 97 - After not hearing from her for a week, Mitsuki comes back and actually thanks Aya for getting angry on her behalf.
ch 100 - "The safest place for me...should have been next to you, Oosawa-san." Mitsuki thinks, but doesn't actually say to Aya.
ch 107 - Mitsuki decides to tell Aya about the music industry party invitation, Aya says she's not going to the prom

They do talk sometimes, like they have a moment in ch97 when Mitsuki comes back to school. But largely speaking Mitsuki never really directly addresses the things that Aya says to her, and keeps inside of her how she feels about everything. Even the prom situation. Rather than asking Aya what her prom plans are, she tells her about the music industry party invite first. How could Aya not see that as the primary thing she wants to do, if it's the first thing she brought up?

And Aya doesn't assume they'll go together, she just wants to go with her. Her saying "I'm not going either" doesn't imply they would have gone together, it just says, "don't worry about being the only one to miss out on the prom". If she assumed they would go together, she wouldn't have first asked Narita and she wouldn't have been worried about messing up the timing.

joined Jul 9, 2020

Little bros joining Narita in the wingman brigade, I see. In their own little gremlin way.

joined Sep 10, 2022

I don't like the idea that Mitsuki doesn't need to ask Aya because it's an understanding between them. To some extent that's been the case so far, but it leads to situations like Joe's and Kanna's.

Yeah, I agree. That was what my final paragraph was about here:

There's an argument for taking someone for granted but these two aren't a couple and we don't even know Mitsuki's romantic feelings, so it's all very muddled.

That's part of the issue though. Too much of their relationship is left to assumptions and silent understanding between themselves and to the reader. It's long been time to be more direct between themselves and narratively.

last edited at Nov 24, 2024 5:26PM

joined Jan 14, 2020

We know that Aya's first reaction to hearing about the prom was "awesome, I'm going!" So her later "I'm not going, family thing" is probably a blatant lie.

joined Aug 12, 2019

Little bros joining Narita in the wingman brigade, I see. In their own little gremlin way.

the pot is cooking, but it needed to be stirred for these two

joined Jan 3, 2019

Uncle and Koga about to bond over girl trouble, and he's probably gonna tell her to not make the same mistakes he did.

joined Apr 10, 2023

Uncle and Koga about to bond over girl trouble, and he's probably gonna tell her to not make the same mistakes he did.

Actually that feels really possible. I can easily imagine him saying it unprompted, old guys love giving unsolicited advice whenever they're thinking about their own mistakes lol. We know he already ships Mitsuki and Aya, and he doesn't need to know a thing about any currently happening problems to activate wistfully regretful old man mode. Without even realizing he's doing it Joe might just tell Mitsuki exactly what she needs to hear next chapter.

last edited at Nov 25, 2024 12:54AM

joined Jan 30, 2017

Little bros joining Narita in the wingman brigade, I see. In their own little gremlin way.

At this point, the whole town is trying to get these two useless lesbians together. Their first kiss will be followed by a collective sigh of relief.

joined Jan 27, 2016

wow ALMOST NO Development since like 20 chapters

joined May 23, 2024

At this point I want Aya to find someone who will be considerate of her .
Koga is so clueless it drives me insane .
It's all in her court and she decided she'd rather play track .
Aya deserves better .

last edited at Nov 25, 2024 11:09AM

joined May 26, 2020

Before you get mad at Aya and Mitsuki, remember that these two are Teeny, Tiny Baby Gays. They have to crawl before they can walk. They're gonna fall flat on their bums more than a few times, before they get the hang of it.

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