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joined Dec 17, 2021

A happy ending
who would've thunk it?

joined Aug 28, 2019

A happy ending
who would've thunk it?

I seriously had to pause for a bit after that creepy hand panel cause I was preparing for a sudden time skip the next page signaling a BAD END. I'm kinda surprised it turned out to be an everyone is alive kind of happy ending. I feel for anyone that wrongs Riko in the future though.

last edited at Nov 22, 2024 11:17PM

joined May 10, 2015

Riko ex machina.

joined Mar 10, 2013

I was expecting the worst and the panel with the dad looking at Mary made shit my pants thinking all the girls were done for.

Went better than expected, I believe in the Power of afterwords

joined May 10, 2021

Oh hey, an unexpected happy ending!
Thanks for translating this manga!

joined Jun 27, 2017

This deserves a sequel that is a wholesome 100 slice of life oneshot

joined Jan 31, 2018

I liked it! Even if the ending feels very out of the blue considering the theme up until now of terrible adults creating awful inescapable situations for the children which they have to cope with as best as they can, but I won't complain because the story didn't drag itself needlessly. Not super convinced the two would have a very healthy relationship afterwards either, but eh, it's a story not reality.

last edited at Nov 23, 2024 3:30AM

joined Oct 8, 2024


joined Jun 12, 2015

Axe-kun was here.

joined Jun 27, 2022

Riko the mvp. Gave the goblin a good whopping and called an ambulance.

Gotta say though seeing Collin chained up with her skinny legs in the littered room was heartbreaking. I love the fact they didn't depict any of the horror explicitly. All the little hints and signs were enough to make you feel incredibly uncomfortable. Ending felt a little abrupt but I don't think you can stretch this too long.

So yeah, for what it wanted it to be it's a nice read.

joined Mar 20, 2012

I'm absolutely shocked we got a happy ending, I was fully preparing for another KitaKimi.

joined Dec 17, 2021

I liked it! Even if the ending feels very out of the blue considering the theme up until now of terrible adults creating awful inescapable situations for the children which they have to cope with as best as they can, but I won't complain because the story didn't drag itself needlessly. Not super convinced the two would have a very healthy relationship afterwards either, but eh, it's a story not reality.

Yeah, I like this author because they write a lot of unhealthy -but also somehow healing- relationships (ft lolis), so I was expecting a more ambiguous ending, with Colin not showing up at the end.

joined Jun 3, 2014

We got a good ending, LET'S FUCKING GOOOO

I was reading this in the back of church and laughed a bit too loud when the bastard got bashed

joined Apr 27, 2014

That is the ending???...hmmmm

joined Aug 16, 2014

MVP Riko with the claw hammer, more manga could use a girl like her

joined Apr 19, 2018

This feels like an axe maybe.
Maybe a couple or few more chapters would have fleshed out the ending better. But even what we have is plenty good.
This was a scary ride, and like everyone else I was preparing for the worst, but genuinely relieved to see a happy ending that doesn't feel bullshit.

joined Mar 27, 2024

I'm honestly shocked we got a happy ending out of this. Was expecting something more bittersweet.

joined Oct 14, 2014

Damn Riko you should have hit harder and a bit lower. Sever his brain stem a lil y'know

joined Aug 11, 2022

I am glad this manga got a good happy ending...IRL similar situations don't get much happy endings compared to the ending of this manga sadly...

Riko for the assist and did what the adults should have fking done herself. Good on them for not saying anything to the adults/police (Never admit to anything unless you know it can help or you have no choice)...They can go fk themselves and figure out what happen themselves without questioning the kids considering that they failed badly when Riko asked for help the 1st time around. Hope the piece of Sh*t father gets to spends at least 10+ years in jail for his crimes...

Collin thankfully got some therapy or mental help for a few years before she came back to join the MC and Riko.

joined May 26, 2020

Riko should have hit the dad a few more times. Just to make sure...

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