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joined Feb 3, 2021

This manga is killing me....and I just wanted to see that teachers butt once more....

What's this about? Care to refresh my memory?

Probably this, this, this, this, and this.

last edited at Jul 3, 2024 2:46AM

joined Apr 10, 2023

The author is fully intending on what they're doing, I really don't think we're reading into things when it's been hammered home so consistently. Subtext screamed from the rooftops. The only question is: is the author malicious, like how the writers for Supernatural and Sherlock deliberately gay baited their audience and then mocked them for daring to see it? I would be shocked if so because this is such a non-jaded work in general. It feels so earnest that I can't imagine this one specific aspect, the romance between Komichi and Erika, to be anything but just as earnest. The author would have to be a supervillain to pull this off negatively, a criminal mastermind devoting their life to hurting people through art like they're a batman villain

joined Jan 30, 2017


joined Apr 6, 2017

I have been wondering since the start: how the heck is Komichi pulling off all those moves? Did she practice rhythmic gymnastics or something? It never gets any mention.

It was shown at some point the mom use to be a ballerina or gymnast (maybe rhythmic gymnastics). Akebi clearly learned from her. Also she is also hell of in good shape. Not just active kid shape but actively works out. Its been mentioned about her abs before and also how toned she is. We've also been shown her doing yoga and jogging plus sit ups. She excels at sports and simply put she is not your standard kid physically. Ah also we saw her spend hours working out when she was trying to think something out at that class trip study camp the school did. Those were high tier exercises she was doing that took major core strength and body control. Many fit people would not even be able to do them.

last edited at Jul 4, 2024 8:16AM

joined Nov 8, 2017

Has the author always been called "Hiro (Akebi)" on the site?

joined Dec 20, 2018

Has the author always been called "Hiro (Akebi)" on the site?

Not always, but I did notice this change already a while ago. Looks like it's been done to differentiate them from the other Hiro (and maybe also HIRO).

joined May 28, 2021

Decided to spoil myself a bit by reading the Spanish translation of the latest chapter and OMG my heart, my gay heart :0 Also a bit of an unexpected twist, which I won't be spoiling.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Well, finally started reading this. So far, it seems to be (ridiculously) cute girls doing cute things. Frequently shifting to smoking hot scantily clad girls doing cute things. I have no objection, and I do like the very cheery vibe.

Edit a few days later: Caught up now, and this is really growing on me. Very heartfelt, some really gorgeous art that conveys tons of emotion, and some surprising character depth. Some individual images are just iconic--like, that pic of badass tiny drama senpai in the hard hat, or practically any picture of Akebi-san with her angelic smile. Also, that bit where she's a little girl calling dad to warn about mum being in trouble--such a brave little girl! Sniff! I also like that, unusually in yuri, the dad is actually pretty cool. Yup, looking forward to how it continues.

last edited at Aug 21, 2024 6:13PM

joined Jan 13, 2015

I swear these chapters are torture. But at least it's all but confirmed that at least Erika shows romantic interest.

But whats with that the play is forbidden cliffhanger?

joined Aug 12, 2021

They did all this for the play and now it's cancelled. This is bullshit now they just fell in love for no reason!


joined Jul 29, 2017

My guess: the play must go on.

(So the immediate project becomes either to convince the authorities to rescind the cancellation or to put on the show themselves somewhere anyway. FFS, the whole school wants to see Erika and Komichi kiss.)

last edited at Aug 29, 2024 7:39AM

joined Mar 28, 2015

Blastaar posted:

My guess: the play must go on.

(So the immediate project becomes either to convince the authorities to rescind the cancellation or to put on the show themselves somewhere anyway. FFS, the whole school wants to see Erika and Komichi kiss.)

Wdym? People here want it too.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Blastaar posted:

My guess: the play must go on.

(So the immediate project becomes either to convince the authorities to rescind the cancellation or to put on the show themselves somewhere anyway. FFS, the whole school wants to see Erika and Komichi kiss.)

Wdym? People here want it too.

This was taken as a given.

joined May 28, 2021

That was so intense, I could almost hear the doki dokies while reading it :O I hope this will put to rest any notion that this isn't the ''special kind'' of love, for Erika at the very least . Judging from the shy, happy smile that Komichi gave at the end, I'm willing to bet Komichi definitely isn't indifferent either ! Now for the girls and tiny kaicho to talk some sense into the school council and get their play back !

joined Apr 1, 2015

Almost fell off my chair on those last two pages

joined May 18, 2019


joined Mar 4, 2018

The panel of Akebi next to the window in repose was wonderfully drawn and composed.

joined Jul 29, 2017

One thing I like about this series is the author's palpable joy (probably derived from their experience in animation) in depicting bodies in motion, almost to the extent that scenes become drawing display pieces but mostly working as character beats.

For the purposes of the plot Erika didn't have to tip all the away over in her chair this time, and the Akebi family didn't absolutely need to spend several pages racing around while Komichi showed off her anti-grav powers. But I'm glad they did.

joined May 28, 2021

One thing I like about this series is the author's palpable joy (probably derived from their experience in animation) in depicting bodies in motion, almost to the extent that scenes become drawing display pieces but mostly working as character beats.

For the purposes of the plot Erika didn't have to tip all the away over in her chair this time, and the Akebi family didn't absolutely need to spend several pages racing around while Komichi showed off her anti-grav powers. But I'm glad they did.

There's definitely an element of flexing to Hiro's style. I feel a lot of the time he's drawing these amazing pannels just because he can.

joined Feb 3, 2021

One thing I like about this series is the author's palpable joy (probably derived from their experience in animation) in depicting bodies in motion, almost to the extent that scenes become drawing display pieces but mostly working as character beats.

For the purposes of the plot Erika didn't have to tip all the away over in her chair this time, and the Akebi family didn't absolutely need to spend several pages racing around while Komichi showed off her anti-grav powers. But I'm glad they did.

There's definitely an element of flexing to Hiro's style. I feel a lot of the time he's drawing these amazing pannels just because he can.

And it translates back to animation so well. I really hope we get a season 2 once the current arc is complete. We NEED the Tokyo and Stage Play arcs animated.

last edited at Aug 29, 2024 12:49PM

joined Dec 20, 2018

Just wow...

The little heart was enough, everything that came after was a bonus.

What a twist at the end there, though...

joined Sep 11, 2022

Didn't get a chance to comment earlier today, but I did at least read the chapter. So...

Wow, that was quite a twist at the end, and especially in front of Komichi! That's gotta hurt, ouch!

But on the bright side, Erika is confessing! That's just so her to share that letter with Komichi...and Komichi's smile too! How genuine it is...this is real. This is actually happening.

joined Dec 9, 2021

This manga is killing me....and I just wanted to see that teachers butt once more....

What's this about? Care to refresh my memory?

Probably this, this, this, this, and this.

Especially the last one....

joined Dec 9, 2021

But to actual chapter.....

What the hell happened?!

We waited so long, just one more step and BAMM! They got cut!

I mean...this it the visualization of the play, the music and dance explained or.....I'm utterly confused.....I didn't know,that the play was huge drama

last edited at Aug 30, 2024 4:20PM

joined Jul 18, 2018

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