Forum › The Ennui of Being an Egg discussion

joined Sep 26, 2020

I'm genuinely surprised there's an Aro tag here. Man, this is great.

joined Aug 14, 2020

Man we've had an influx of wholesomeness this week. Not that I'm complaining, I eat this shit up.

joined Aug 1, 2022

Having their own special relationship is so sweet. They accept each other completely and no one has to follow the "normal" ways to have a relationship.

This also reminds me a lot of I Want To Be the Wall.

joined Feb 17, 2013

Awwww. I always wished the heroine from Bloom into You was Ace....

joined Nov 13, 2022

Ahhhhhhh pain ahhhhh I want that 号泣

joined Nov 8, 2021

I'm crying for this couple this early in the morning. I salute Jun-san for her big heart... thanks for this heartwarming treat.

joined Apr 27, 2014

Cute to see the aro/ace representation! I myself don't understand it quite well, even tho I am demisexual, but this was wholesome and cute in its own way!!! Good to see other ways to be together!!!

joined Jun 19, 2020

Awe~ love this as someone on the aro/ace spectrum, It sucks, but just about every time we get representation in the media it's the "completely uninterested in any relationship" type which isn't always true so this is a nice change

joined Jul 6, 2020

This was really nice to read, I loved their relationship

joined Jul 9, 2020

I like the 'alone in my shell' bit that gets a callback with two yolks in an egg at the end.

Page 17 stings. I've had relationships end because my partner wanted sex and I didn't. Not even that I told them no; even after considering doing it to make them happy, just my lack of interest was enough for them to break up with me.

Awe~ love this as someone on the aro/ace spectrum, It sucks, but just about every time we get representation in the media it's the "completely uninterested in any relationship" type which isn't always true so this is a nice change

Agreed. I'm ace, but not aro. (The concept of me having sex with someone else is like watching paint dry. And while I've read porn - or at least, works with explicit sex scenes; I don't like anything that's nothing but sex - I invariably rush through or skip the sex scenes. First four pages and last four pages are usually "the interesting parts" to me.)

I've been in a committed (though frustratingly long distance, considering how often we could both use a hug) relationship for over a decade. We talk nearly every day. We confide in each other and share our dreams with each other, support each other, love each other. Nothing pisses me off faster than someone implying our relationship somehow doesn't count just because we aren't having sex.

Some assholes even went so far as calling me mentally ill simply for being uninterested in intercourse. I have dealt with that crap entirely too much. (Also had a roommate once that scoffed and insisted "You'd like it if you tried it"... when she frequently said how much she disliked sex. So apparently her not liking sex is normal, but my disinterest isn't? What a jackass.)

...Didn't mean for this to turn into a blog post, but I'm feeling emotional and my fingers just wouldn't stop typing.

joined Jan 30, 2017

Simply beautiful. I loved every page.

joined Dec 9, 2023

Thanks for the translation! Really loved this work. The way their relationship is portrayed is very poignant to me. It's non-conventional by society's standards and very complex in how it's defined, and I think that sort of thing needs to be more widespread in media. Normalizing the vast nuances of relationships and how each one is unique.

joined Jun 12, 2023

Nice story! I wish them all the happiness in the world

joined Dec 20, 2018

Absolutely lovely. ^_^

joined Apr 10, 2023

Does this actually count as aro? Seems like there's at least some flavor of ro in there lol

joined Jul 9, 2020

Does this actually count as aro? Seems like there's at least some flavor of ro in there lol

Aro/Ace tag description reads "For stories in which at least one primary character identifies along the asexual or aromantic spectrums." It's an 'aro and/or ace' tag, not an 'aro and ace' tag, basically.

joined Oct 17, 2017

I feel like of all of the aro/ace spectrum manga on here this is the one that helped me understand what living in a relationship as an ace would be like.

joined Apr 10, 2023

Ah okay, the slash makes the difference lol. Speaking of tags, I wonder if this should have the bisexual tag? The perspective character is obviously not bisexual since she's ace, but she seems to be biromantic, which is an edge case I guess. Maybe this warrants creating biromantic as a tag even

Norainhere Uploader
joined Jun 27, 2014

updated to fix some errors

joined Oct 19, 2021

God, I love wholesome shit like this. Feasting.

joined Apr 21, 2016

Reading this made really happy. It's nice to see parts of myself in a character instead of always feeling like a weird outsider to everything.

last edited at Jul 14, 2024 6:46PM
joined May 28, 2015

Another lesbian nurse. They accept every women who was hurt by men or the patriarchy. They always put the happiness of others first before their.And never complain about the hardship they go through because of that. Thank you for your hard work.

joined Feb 1, 2024

I love it! Thank you! °◇°

joined Aug 6, 2013

That was great.

joined Feb 18, 2021

How does that work? Does she hate it or is she just apathetic?

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