Forum › Normality and Monsters discussion

joined Apr 5, 2023

The art in this chapter was great, also

Foreplay is different with monster girls...

amazing post

joined May 3, 2014

the Yuri tag is a waste on this, and also the damn supposed “romance” my ass, we have an moster that will continue to kil and kill or what? to get into some leabian supposed relationship?

OH WAIT! we all know yuri is also just being friends with monsters !

well that settles it i don’t need to worry i miss on some yuri since this is barley anything but an horror story!

joined Jul 10, 2015

the Yuri tag is a waste on this, and also the damn supposed “romance” my ass, we have an moster that will continue to kil and kill or what? to get into some leabian supposed relationship?

OH WAIT! we all know yuri is also just being friends with monsters !

well that settles it i don’t need to worry i miss on some yuri since this is barley anything but an horror story!

Personally, I think that this is a setup for them to fall in love before the monster eats her.

joined Apr 5, 2023

the Yuri tag is a waste on this,
マンガ 男性向け 青年マンガ 恋愛 百合


It's right there in the genres, 百合. Yuri.

Only 7 translated chapters and you're saying this when the story barely started and we're still learning about the characters and are only just starting to build some tension between the two. If you don't have the patience to wait until their relationship changes or you don't like it when things aren't healthy, then yeah it's fine to stop reading and maybe come back later. You saying that it's a waste to tag this as yuri does bother me though.

It's the same as saying that "Crescent Moon and Doughnuts" isn't yuri because they don't kiss or fuck. Yes I won't deny that what I'm saying does give some space for people who like to bait gay (and even that in those bigger works often is because the "higher ups" meddled with it) if anyone wants to take what I'm saying in bad faith, but there's not a set way of girls — or anyone in a match of gender that strays from what is expected usually — being gay with each other and in this work in special we're dealing with a monster that's literally disconnected from feelings and not aware herself of the reason why she decided to be hiding among humans.
We don't know her motives. She's shown to be deceiving and we're dealing with an interspecies relationship, her being a different creature brings out a whole set of particularities, a different way of communicating animal intentions despite her current human vessel. If she was alone before then most likely she is not a social creature with nothing guaranteeing that she is a creature that reproduces through sex, rather she's something that feels much better in a female vessel, that still making her a girl anyway if that's what she feels better as, no matter what she was before or even if there was any sort of particular differentiation. Does that make it not yuri?
I bring up sex because is yuri only the act of kissing, romancing in the NORMAL human way and having sex? If two girls love each other in a way that is unusual to the average human, is it not gay anymore just because it doesn't fit one's idea of love? Isn't the entire premise of this manga the fact that there is an "anormal" human and a literal monster, that out of all things she picked as her source of advice, trying to fit in? Why would anyone expect for it to be normal right from the start? For them to have a normal relationship at first, before they find what works best for them?
Assuming there ever will be anything that works between them and ultimately their yuri is the act of being trapped in a messed up relationship that might end up in the act of her being eaten up to sustain the survival of the monster because that's just the natural of things and neither can be fully normal.
We don't know yet how far Itou is willing to go to please Takahashi and learn to be normal, she literally cut herself to keep Takahashi as her human behaviour guide for longer, you don't know what else she wants to learn about if her objective is to be normal and she herself has a set of ideas of what normal is, besides she's not normal anyway so she could be gay and develop gay for Takahashi despite all of the violent things — mental or physical it doesn't matter — she'll do to her.

Why come to the story about not being normal and complain about it not being normal? It's fine and all to prefer more of the usual love stories but I find it a bit sour to be saying that just because something doesn't follow the typical guidelines it isn't yuri. Quite boring, too, to want a yuri of a monster and a human to be basic romance. You got an enormous unfeeling (according to herself, so far) human eater toothed WORM and you want them to be kissing each other right away? Basic human x monster romance has its space of course but sometimes it's nice to have something messed up and violent. If they were to lewd around, it has to be as a worm by the way.
It's absurd to complain about that when the manga is named Normality and Monsters. フツーと化け物. Translated in the most accurate way possible.

If anyone likes girls that aren't really aware of their own feelings and aren't quite fond of following society's idea of what comes with love, I recommend Urasekai Picnic's novel as the manga has yet to catch up.

It's a good idea to read Miyazawa Iori's "Yuri made me human" interview to expand on what yuri can be, so here, I'll just link it in case anyone's curious about it.

last edited at Jun 26, 2024 3:49AM

joined Apr 10, 2023

Hopefully there's a path out of this hole they've dug for themselves in the animosity going on between them. Maybe Takahashi will get into serious trouble and get helped by Itou somehow? Cuz right now Itou's position in their relationship is as a burden, an obstacle, and a liability. Bad places to be for a friendship, let alone romance.

Also I co-sign recommending the Otherside Picnic novels, they're the absolutely best implementation of the "slow burn" model for romance I've ever seen.

joined Oct 20, 2017

This has a very similar premise to A Monster Wants to Eat Me, so doesn't it feel a bit played out to debate if this is yuri or not? Both of these series employ a story mechanic that we could call "cannibalism edging". Even without the cannibalism, a relationship where a girl hangs around another girl who intends to kill her has a pretty clear eroticism to it.

joined Jul 8, 2019

Neither of the artists has ever done Yuri before and the introduction of the work doesn't use the word Yur but the friendship so I wonder why is this work tagged as Yuri? Did at least one of the characters fall in love in the following chapter if not then I would suggest tagging it with subtext instead of Yuri.

In this site there's a tendence to tag with yuri any work in which there is more than one female, as the meme goes, despite the existance of tags (that are never used) for precisely this kind of works where there are two females which are NOT in any kind of romantic nor sexual relationship, despite appeareances to the contrary.

For extra amusement value, there's the not yuri tag for exactly this situation of what looks like yuri but one of the characters is not a girl. As one of them is a genderless monster wearing a human body as a puppet.

So not just the yuri tag should go (at least from the main series' tags), but also not yuri should be added.

joined May 10, 2022

Itou is gonna get all up in that guts

joined Jan 10, 2022

Hopefully there's a path out of this hole they've dug for themselves in the animosity going on between them. Maybe Takahashi will get into serious trouble and get helped by Itou somehow? Cuz right now Itou's position in their relationship is as a burden, an obstacle, and a liability. Bad places to be for a friendship, let alone romance.

Also I co-sign recommending the Otherside Picnic novels, they're the absolutely best implementation of the "slow burn" model for romance I've ever seen.

There was that one odd "flashback" of Takahashi. Plus I think that Takahashi is indifferent towards a lot of things and she just pretends to have any kind of strong feelings towards them. Hence why her hating Itou for real is, in a way, progress. She managed to get her emotionally invested in her and not just treat her as food/fleshsuit

joined Apr 10, 2023

Neither of the artists has ever done Yuri before and the introduction of the work doesn't use the word Yur but the friendship so I wonder why is this work tagged as Yuri? Did at least one of the characters fall in love in the following chapter if not then I would suggest tagging it with subtext instead of Yuri.

In this site there's a tendence to tag with yuri any work in which there is more than one female, as the meme goes, despite the existance of tags (that are never used) for precisely this kind of works where there are two females which are NOT in any kind of romantic nor sexual relationship, despite appeareances to the contrary.

For extra amusement value, there's the not yuri tag for exactly this situation of what looks like yuri but one of the characters is not a girl. As one of them is a genderless monster wearing a human body as a puppet.

So not just the yuri tag should go (at least from the main series' tags), but also not yuri should be added.

The monster girl might be sexless but there's nothing indicating she's genderless. You could even argue she's trans (both -human and -gender lol) given her insistence on living a specific kind of life that was not assigned to her at worm birth.

joined Aug 2, 2023

Soooo... we're questioning whether a series that features the girls hold hands (in public!), share a bath and even intentional innuendo ("I'll be eating her up soon enough") is sufficiently gay, but passing off threats of murder, self-harm and a relatable, yet bleak outlook on society as Comedy is a-okay?

joined Oct 19, 2021

That's actually pretty smart.

joined Nov 21, 2018

Soooo... we're questioning whether a series that features the girls hold hands (in public!), share a bath and even intentional innuendo ("I'll be eating her up soon enough") is sufficiently gay, but passing off threats of murder, self-harm and a relatable, yet bleak outlook on society as Comedy is a-okay?

I think that some people are just lacking in The Vision. It's okay.

joined Dec 20, 2018

And here you thought it wasn't possible to threaten a monster into a deal. The real question is, of course, whether she will still want to eat her once she's done teaching her.

joined Jul 6, 2020

This has a very similar premise to A Monster Wants to Eat Me, so doesn't it feel a bit played out to debate if this is yuri or not? Both of these series employ a story mechanic that we could call "cannibalism edging". Even without the cannibalism, a relationship where a girl hangs around another girl who intends to kill her has a pretty clear eroticism to it.

Yeah there's no question about the queerness/yuri in this story (even setting aside the fact that it's tagged as yuri on bookwalker). I can only imagine that some people are perhaps new to the genre and don't have experience reading anything outside of the "school girls looking at the camera and telling us they're lesbians before kissing" genre.

Horror has always been a very queer genre, I mean famous works like dracula and carmilla both come to mind as being some of the original works that we could categorize as "modern" queer literature. The intimacy of stuff like cannibalism or taking on someone else's body and identity is all very well established in the realm of queer and sapphic horror.

joined Aug 11, 2022

Hmm, did they add the violence and self-harm tag?

MC has guts....though she might have some screws looose (You could probably tell from her reaction in chapter 1 though but this latest chapter takes the cake on how many screws MC is missing~) lol

MC really did inherit her grandma's give no Sh*t personality...she still want to fit in and try to be 'normal'/tries to understand what normal is before she dies and gets eaten. A 'normal' person would panic or pretend to buy time...but MC seems actually willing to die after she becomes 'normal'.

Going to be real funny when monster creature (in girl's body) eventually falls in love with her...or falls in love enough to cry for days and regret that she ate MC in the end where she lives as the MC now...either option is fine with me~

A monster who is amazing at pretending to be 'normal'/blending but who feels nothing + no real attachment (Except some emotions she/it starting to feel with the MC) Versus a 'Quirky' girl outcast who not great at fitting in but stays true to herself/her emotions (Not willing to ). Opposite attract kind of deal huh?

joined Jul 10, 2016

Damn, I can't believe that the cliffhanger got resolved without an asspull. I'm honestly impressed.

joined Apr 5, 2023

Soooo... we're questioning whether a series that features the girls hold hands (in public!), share a bath and even intentional innuendo ("I'll be eating her up soon enough") is sufficiently gay, but passing off threats of murder, self-harm and a relatable, yet bleak outlook on society as Comedy is a-okay?

I think that some people are just lacking in The Vision. It's okay.

The Vision.
I hope that nobody misunderstood my reply because I was not putting if it was yuri into question (it is yuri), it was directed at the post above mine. It's annoying how there are individuals who act like the moment a relationship strays from their strict romance rules it can't be gay, because of course everything has to function like the average cishet couple does, you can't have any sort of complexity or explore another facet of attraction... it has to be wholesome or else.

Going to be real funny when monster creature (in girl's body) eventually falls in love with her...or falls in love enough to cry for days and regret that she ate MC in the end where she lives as the MC now...either option is fine with me~

Personally I'd like her to get obsessed and filled with hatred and jealousy even after she makes Itou her vessel.

joined Oct 17, 2017

inb4 it turns out Itou is from a family of monster hunters

joined May 8, 2017

It's a good idea to read Miyazawa Iori's "Yuri made me human" interview to expand on what yuri can be, so here, I'll just link it in case anyone's curious about it.

Ah yes, the man who argued an empty bench can be yuri.

last edited at Jun 30, 2024 6:10AM

joined Jan 9, 2017

Mc is Pretty Autistic

joined Jan 9, 2017

inb4 it turns out Itou is from a family of monster hunters

Would explain how being normal is her rebellious phase

joined Jan 9, 2017

The Vision.
I hope that nobody misunderstood my reply because I was not putting if it was yuri into question (it is yuri), it was directed at the post above mine. It's annoying how there are individuals who act like the moment a relationship strays from their strict romance rules it can't be gay, because of course everything has to function like the average cishet couple does, you can't have any sort of complexity or explore another facet of attraction... it has to be wholesome or else.

I'm not disputing that romances don't have to be a strict flowchart

But what in the ever loving giant monster worm does cis/het have to do with the topic?

joined Apr 5, 2023

The Vision.
I hope that nobody misunderstood my reply because I was not putting if it was yuri into question (it is yuri), it was directed at the post above mine. It's annoying how there are individuals who act like the moment a relationship strays from their strict romance rules it can't be gay, because of course everything has to function like the average cishet couple does, you can't have any sort of complexity or explore another facet of attraction... it has to be wholesome or else.

I'm not disputing that romances don't have to be a strict flowchart

But what in the ever loving giant monster worm does cis/het have to do with the topic?

It was more about people basing their idea of romance on the strict way straight romance often is for many works, always the same model, when being LGBT can make multiple of your experiences work differently because you're already pushed away from the normal even if for most people it still happens the "usual" way because that's how most people are. I'm not good with words. "If it isn't like that then that's not romance"
This was not meant as an attack on straight people because they also live in a cage which inevitably limits how they think about it (with an advantage, of course, and that's why I also specified cis), I was trying to say that but it didn't work.
I don't want to explain further because then it would be going off-topic but hopefully this clarifies it and if not that's fine too I don't want to derail it.

I'm just glad we're getting more different yuri like this even if it's still in a school setting, yes multiple have unhealthy relationships but not all of them are about a big monster worm that wants to kill you and is feeling emotions for what seems to be the first time and that emotion is hatred... >_<
Watatabe is nice too but it's a different feeling that the monster feels and explores a different topic so it's nice to have more where the monster behaves and thinks like one and not just a cute girl design with some ears or horns slapped on. I don't like seeing anyone trying to discredit the yuri tension in this just because it isn't healthy or physical although it was just one individual so far.

joined Apr 5, 2023

Itou deeply staring Takahashi's boobs like that is explicitly gay enough on its own. Honestly I haven't interacted with human beings personally other than my cultist family for almost 5 years now but I don't think that's very straight girl behaviour of her part. Lol

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