Ok, watched the first episode 3 times, re-read the first 6 chapters (and a few key ones later on): I had forgotten how cute Yori is/was in the whole first arc. I loved that "gap moe" between the cool, lady-killer senpai and being vulnerable, clumsy, and downright useless at times. It's been almost 5 years since I started the manga so my memory was rusty. Also, looking back at the first few chapters there was a bit of an art shift/early installment weirdness because Yori looks almost unrecognizable compared to later on, and I think the anime skewed towards the "later on" style. I feel like the change really became obvious around the time Shiho properly appeared, and looking back, after that point Yori's face looked much more like Shiho's than at the beginning of the manga. (I know a lot of people's lasting impression of this manga is Shiho's resting bitch face, whether they like her or not)

I heard that Seto Asami (Yori's VA) is not the one who sings SSGIRLS' songs. If that's true, then why doesn't the studio just let Asami sing instead of hiring more people (or hire a VA who can both voice and sing, many VAs meet those two conditions).
They could double-dip and let Seto-san cover the song later and release that as a "character song" CD or something. Yori will have another song to sing later on that Seto-san can do, and depending on how far they adapt Aki will be singing something too.
Shiho wanting to thank Kyou with nice flowers got me :') this chapter is so sweet
I stupidly thought she meant getting flowers for Aki...
Remember Shiho comes in very early (chapter 15), so it would be harder (and odd pacing) not to have her and Aki's dynamics as part of a 12-episode season. Edit: and I think the first episode adapted about 3 chapters already. There's not much happening earlier in the manga. So it can easily breeze by a few chapters each episode.
I feel like it's a bit of a dilemma in that 12 episodes won't be enough to adapt all the way to the end of the Shiho drama (Chapter 44) without a lot of skipping, but stopping at the YoriHima relationship upgrade at Chapter 15 would be too slow.
last edited at Apr 22, 2024 4:28PM