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joined Mar 22, 2013

It finished somehow pale comparing to the things that took place in manga. It is unclear with Meru x Maasa, although they were my favorite couple. Well, it sure disappointed me. I waited for something great in the end as manga itself.


Sacchan and Ruki's ending made me feel really dissatisfied. I don't see how Sacchan changed at all. She just accepted the fact that she's a terrible person and... uh... Ruki sticks with her for absolutely no reason???

and this...

I think the ending was pretty half-assed. I felt like all the drama was never really cleared up. It feels axed and a bit like everyone acts as if nothing bad ever happend. (at least in the ruki, sacchi case)
The concept with the seven deadly sins was interesting though, but those characters are kind of extreme and would in real life probably never work together.
Also Pride - in this case Ruki would never let anyone treat her like that. So Pride lost its pride in the end.

last edited at Mar 30, 2015 7:01AM

joined Nov 20, 2014

Yeah, I dunno. While I did enjoy this story about horrible people doing horrible things, at the same time I don't think this is a story where you are supposed to 'like' the characters. I mean like have been mentioned they all do horrible things at times, whether that is almost turning into the abusive girlfriend similar to the boyfriend you fled from, revelling in having others dislike you and your behaviour, or just lazing around doing NEETly things.

That said, the ending felt a bit... flat and unfinished. Nothing really got resolved (not that it had to, some things are best left up to speculation), the characters didn't really seem to have learnt anything, and so forth. I think I'm gonna have to give this one a second read some time, if nothing else just to see the things I've missed on this readthrough. Who knows, maybe I learn something new?

joined Jul 6, 2013

Well, that was extremely bitter. But I guess that was the point, just take a look at the title. Still, if I wanted stories about sluts and complete scumbags, I'd just go outside more often.

joined Nov 30, 2011

Well, that was extremely bitter. But I guess that was the point, just take a look at the title. Still, if I wanted stories about sluts and complete scumbags, I'd just go outside more often.

That or read most het romances lol.

joined Oct 12, 2013

How anticlimactic.

joined Sep 22, 2013

How anticlimactic.

Pfft. Yeah, tell me 'bout it. Where was the murder and the political intrigue? And why didn't the Yakuza hitman make a reappearance after Act 2? Did the wife know the inheritance had been hidden beneath the floorboards the whole time or not? Simply dissatisfying! Pfft. ; )

joined Oct 12, 2013

How anticlimactic.

Pfft. Yeah, tell me 'bout it. Where was the murder and the political intrigue? And why didn't the Yakuza hitman make a reappearance after Act 2? Did the wife know the inheritance had been hidden beneath the floorboards the whole time or not? Simply dissatisfying! Pfft. ; )

Dissatisfying? I came, but I'm not happy about it.

joined Feb 23, 2015

Hmmm... Not the ending I was hoping for, I would have liked more of an exploration of Remi and her past. Kinda feels like there could have been another volume in here. Since this ending feels like it was planned to always be the ending, regardless of story length.

As for Ruki and Sacchan. I still think they are committed to each other. The exchange with Remi was probably Sacchan teasing Ruki, but also that yes she still may be attracted to Remi. Honestly I don't see why this is such a big deal though. I am sure countless people in committed relationships are attracted to people other than their partner, and some may even flirt with others. But does that mean that every single one of those people are going to cheat?

For me I see Ruki and Sacchan trying to make their relationship work, since they do care for each other. Will they stay together? I honestly can't say. Since this story to me does have the a bit realism that a lot of romances seem to lack. I doesn't try to predict or project a future for the characters, it is left open. All I can say is that as of the moment we leave them, I think are happy with each other.

joined May 5, 2013

Maasa seems quite generous for a greedy fox. :T

joined Jun 6, 2014

I will only say three things and never will I ever post on this thread again.

1) This is love. Love is difficult. Love isn't easy. Love isn't straightforward. Sometimes it can be, sometimes it isn't. But ultimately this story was 100% about the fact that love is complicated and fuddled and involves fucked-up people doing fucked-up things.
2) I can understand the bitter sentiments, and if you didn't enjoy it, that's your prerogative. But this was a good story. Don't say "This was bad". Instead, say "I feel that this was bad", or "I hated this", or even "This was a waste of time". But don't make a concrete and objective value judgement based on subjective emotions without facts. This is just a general life can get into some mucky water if you succumb to this.
3) I totally called that Fueko and Asuna's relationship wasn't over for good, it was just on hiatus. And no matter how many people are going to try and argue that Fue has put up the dueces, she put them up on Asuna's sex-crazed personality, she didn't put them up on Asuna herself. As long as Asuna moves forward accepting Fue and her lack of want for sex, things will be work out. Love and lust are separate don't have to have sex to be in love. Asexual doesn't mean you can't love someone; it means you're just not sexually attracted to anyone.

Shuninta never disappoints me. I hope enough people laud her for this work so that she recognizes she did a good job conveying her messages.

joined Mar 9, 2014

Hmmm... Not the ending I was hoping for, I would have liked more of an exploration of Remi and her past. Kinda feels like there could have been another volume in here. Since this ending feels like it was planned to always be the ending, regardless of story length.

As for Ruki and Sacchan. I still think they are committed to each other. The exchange with Remi was probably Sacchan teasing Ruki, but also that yes she still may be attracted to Remi. Honestly I don't see why this is such a big deal though. I am sure countless people in committed relationships are attracted to people other than their partner, and some may even flirt with others. But does that mean that every single one of those people are going to cheat?

For me I see Ruki and Sacchan trying to make their relationship work, since they do care for each other. Will they stay together? I honestly can't say. Since this story to me does have the a bit realism that a lot of romances seem to lack. I doesn't try to predict or project a future for the characters, it is left open. All I can say is that as of the moment we leave them, I think are happy with each other.

To me, it common sense that you don't tease that way a girl as insecure as Ruki, even as a joke. It's as if she was saying "See, I can dump you/cheat on you whenever I want". And just before she that, she make it clear that nobody apart from her can touch Ruki. The balance of power is way off, and it's nothing near protecting Ruki as she said she would do.
This is just very similar to the relationship between Sacchi and her ex, there is absolutely no progress

last edited at Mar 30, 2015 1:46PM

joined Oct 12, 2013

Nothing's changed. Ruki's still running around after Sacchan, who's more aloof than ever.

It wasn't bad, objectively, but I can't say I enjoyed it overall.

joined Feb 23, 2015

To me, it common sense that you don't tease that way a girl as insecure as Ruki, even as a joke. It's as if she was saying "See, I can dump you/cheat on you whenever I want". And just before she that, she make it clear that nobody apart from her can touch Ruki. The balance of power is way off, and it's nothing near protecting Ruki as she said she would do.
This is just the same relationship as Sacchi and her ex, there is absolutely no progress

I think the difference between the relationships is that, with Ruki Sacchan is upfront about that side of herself. Yes it's not a particularly pleasant side and also one you shouldn't in anyway encourage. This is part of what Sacchan meant if Ruki was willing to accept her. Furthermore we get no real indication that Sacchan was even being seriously about it. You could just look at that scene of Sacchan being wistful about an former lover, since if nothing else Remi seems to be really good in bed.

Also I am not saying this is a perfect relationship or even a completely healthy one, but I still think they are in love. This is a messy relationship that has a lot of baggage, but I see them as willing to work through that and grow as couple. As for their long term prospects, as I said I have no idea. In the end I think they are happy with each other, but if that happiness lasts is another matter.

last edited at Mar 30, 2015 1:59PM

joined Apr 15, 2013

After a good night's sleep, I am a little more iffy on how the Ruki/Sacchan relationship ended up. Maybe it's how quick Sacchan starts to smack people. It's played for laughs, but domestic abuse isn't funny. The whole thing about Ruki getting her pride crushed throughout the story, how other characters were calling her whipped at the end, and lots of other things are worrying signs of a potentially abusive relationship. It does seem that Sacchan came to love Ruki before the end of the story, but love is straight up not enough for people to lead happy and fulfilling lives.

I dunno, maybe I'm overreacting. I still really liked the series.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Ahhh Meru was cute in the end. Maasa deserved more screen-time. It was nice to see Asuna and Fueko still retain some level of connection. It was also nice to have some speculation about Remi's happiness, or lack thereof. A lot of people talked about her as though she were some living embodiment of literary injustice, but in the end she appeared to be the one with the least "happiness" in her life.

joined Dec 18, 2013

but in the end she appeared to be the one with the least "happiness" in her life.

That was such a poor attempt at making her sympathetic. Literally was "she's lonely, so she's not an irredeemable bitch that gets off on other people's suffering"

joined Sep 12, 2014

A common sentiment here seems to be that this story is pretty accurate in it's depiction of love. Well, damn, if that's true, I am so NEVER getting into a relationship! The costs are too high ;_;

joined May 1, 2013

I'm a little confused about what here is SO horrible. What're you guys comparing it to when you look at this manga and see the worst human beings in the world whose love lives are utter disasters? There was drama, some things weren't nice, but this was hardly some pitch-black psychosexual character study. There was some nice complexity and depth to the characters, and things could be ambiguous..... but I'm wondering what someone's standards must be that this is considered so nasty and dark.

last edited at Mar 30, 2015 6:59PM

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

I don't share the negative sentiments at all, either. Nor do I agree with much of anything said about Oogami Sachiko. No one seems to have noticed that when Remi hit on Ruki at graduation, Sachiko hauled off and hit her in the head, HARD. And told her to cut it out. And more importantly, right away before she could even finish a sentence. Admittedly then, she said, with a worried expression, "I suppose so" to Remi's suggestion she could always come have fun with her again. And then she got a very mischievous look, and Ruki was totally horrified, and someone said oh look she (Ruki) got really scared! So yes, Sachiko definitely teases Ruki. And yes, Sachiko absolutely loves being the guy in a relationship. But Ruki loves being the lovestruck long-suffering girl in a relationship, so they're absolutely made for each other. The scene with Sachiko's little sister makes it clear she doesn't want Remi - or anyone else but Ruki. Clearly the last person she asked her family that sort of thing about was her ex. And it didn't even phase her that her girlfriend isn't "cool." She basically said, so what, she's my girlfriend, we're a couple. The only really sad story was Asuna and Fueko. I think Fueko as depicted is clinically depressed or has a medical problem. If she's depressed, antidepressants might help, but, ironically, they really often kill your sex drive (or so the literature says). So Asuna and her are doomed either way, which means Asuna is doomed to heartbreak and Fueko is doomed to loneliness. I found Remi really fascinating. She seems really predatory and amoral, but she also has a little bit of a protective instinct for her girls and is pretty helpful. I think she genuinely disagrees with sexual fidelity and it's actually a campaign with her. She thinks girls who believe in purity and faithfulness are fooling themselves and she is eager to enlighten them.

last edited at Jun 22, 2015 7:07PM

joined Mar 30, 2015

It was good but hoped for more of an ending but what the heck i was drawn by the story and have no regerts reading it (meh after all this guy does right one shots)

joined Oct 12, 2013

I don't share the negative sentiments at all, either. Nor do I agree with much of anything said about Oogami Sachiko. No one seems to have noticed that when Remi hit on Ruki at graduation, Sachiko hauled off and hit her in the head, HARD. And told her to cut it out. And more importantly, right away before she could even finish a sentence. Admittedly then, she said, with a worried expression, "I suppose so" to Remi's suggestion she could always come have fun with her again. And then she got a very mischievous look, and Ruki was totally horrified, and someone said oh look she (Ruki) got really scared! So yes, Sachiko definitely teases Ruki. And yes, Sachiko absolutely loves being the guy in a relationship. But Ruki loves being the lovestruck long-suffering girl in a relationship, so they're absolutely made for each other. The scene with Sachiko's little sister makes it clear she doesn't want Remi - or anyone else but Ruki. Clearly the last person she asked her family that sort of thing about was her ex. And it didn't even phase her that her girlfriend isn't "cool." She basically said, so what, she's my girlfriend, we're a couple.

But how do we actually know all this stuff. We just got 13 chapters of Sachi being a pretty terrible person and then we're just supposed to infer that from the fact that they seem happy. All the important parts of them actually building a new relationship after the shit Sachi pulled is just skipped over. It's disappointing.

joined Mar 30, 2015

It's a bit of an unpopular opinion, with everyone seeming to agree that TFWAME was either disappointing or just okay, so I probably sound like I'm making a glittering generalization when I say that I think this is the greatest yuri I've ever read.

I kind of understand why everyone has been bent out of shape by how things turned out, but I absolutely loved this story and I'm sad that it's over. This one's going to stick with me for a while; probably forever. I enjoyed every single character, the breakneck pace of the plot, the twists, the drama, the happy moments, the sad ones, everything...

I still don't know what to think about the whole Ruki-forgiving-Sachi-without-question thing, but the important part is that a believed it, which I did. All of the character developments felt completely realistic to me. This is one of the few love stories I've ever read that really gave me a legitimate emotional rollercoaster... I hope that TFWAME gets an official English release... I'd buy it.

Also: Ruki is my favorite character.

joined May 1, 2013

It's a bit of an unpopular opinion, with everyone seeming to agree that TFWAME was either disappointing or just okay, so I probably sound like I'm making a glittering generalization when I say that I think this is the greatest yuri I've ever read.

It's hardly majority opinion that it sucks; it's just that the people who don't like it REALLY don't like it.

joined May 25, 2014

I think the worst part of the story, is that it had such good potential to be great. Instead, it just kind of meandered and petered out with an epilogue that left a lot of questions.

joined Oct 11, 2010

I think the worst part of the story, is that it had such good potential to be great. Instead, it just kind of meandered and petered out with an epilogue that left a lot of questions.

yeah… kind'a like life a lot of the time...

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