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joined Sep 27, 2017

"Make Love Not War" as they say

joined Aug 14, 2020

Imma be real I have no idea what was going on, but it was cute soooo B+.

joined Apr 27, 2021

lol, is this a sort of Yuri version of Ya Boy Kongming?

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Well, the premise is great, in that slightly over the top way that makes me think of the manga club in Virgins' Empire. Fun so far, looking forward to more.
On the translators' note--I like the translation "memory holder". Sometimes using a slightly less familiar term jogs your mind to appreciate what it really means, where with something you know really well you just kind of gloss over the implications. Reminds me of something Tolkien used to do . . . not quite the same, but he would "rescue" old cliche sayings, by quoting older, more complete versions (or versions he made up that LOOKED like older, more complete versions) so your mind actually looked at what the old cliche was really saying, and you'd remember or realize the wisdom that got it repeated enough to become a cliche in the first place.

joined Oct 17, 2017

I am all for this. Old man yuri

joined Sep 14, 2014

there's a joke about yuri goggles here somewhere

joined Oct 19, 2022

Aah those Japanese manga fights where two strong violent girls go at each other with everything they have and, when the dust settles, they are both looking the same as when they started and there isn't even a smear in their makeup. ¯⧵_(ツ)_/¯

joined May 3, 2022

This is beautiful . Have y’all see this one?

It’s the same, uh, premise(?) but the other is with heroes and demon lords and it’s just gaypanic all around

joined Aug 17, 2012

Ha, that's a good start... I'm leaning towards the "idot couple" tag appearing at some point (whilst certainly not there yet, there's elements that could lead to it going that way. It depends upon whether it goes the more serious story route or the comedic route)

joined May 10, 2021

That is one weirdly peaceful and cute manga.
Also the "memory holder" thingy makes the already romantic feeling of this even damn more romantic. Hell I'd even say the flow of it just feels almost poetic.
Or maybe am just an idiot.
Anyways, this is great!
Thanks for the translation!

joined Sep 27, 2017

Aah those Japanese manga fights where two strong violent girls go at each other with everything they have and, when the dust settles, they are both looking the same as when they started and there isn't even a smear in their makeup. ¯⧵_(ツ)_/¯

They have various injury marks, bloody nose, some alterations to the clothing (namely the undone tie). The details are largely simplified but they're definitely there.

joined Apr 27, 2013

Interesting idea, but the sheer amount that gets skipped over between chapters hurts it

joined Jul 27, 2015

This has no business being as cute as this is.

joined Mar 19, 2022

I'm having a little trouble pinning down what the relationship between these two is meant to be. They're beating the hell out of each other and used to be fighting a war against each other, but they're also talking like friends and getting all blushy talking about how pretty the other is.

The author here has another similar series called Oni to Yoake that focuses on a different period of Japanese history.

joined Jul 6, 2020

i can hear the voice "the sengoku era... I mean it's yuri isn't it?"

joined Feb 3, 2023

I'm having a little trouble pinning down what the relationship between these two is meant to be. They're beating the hell out of each other and used to be fighting a war against each other, but they're also talking like friends and getting all blushy talking about how pretty the other is.

You never heard of the Enemies to Lovers trope?

joined Dec 27, 2023

I'm having a little trouble pinning down what the relationship between these two is meant to be. They're beating the hell out of each other and used to be fighting a war against each other, but they're also talking like friends and getting all blushy talking about how pretty the other is.

You could never understand a warriors' bond

joined Apr 21, 2020

The real warlords this is based on sent gifts to each other and had a deep respect for each other above other rivals. Then when one died the other mourned him. You can look this all up online. Anyway when I saw this on Bookwalker I was expecting sukeban gang warfare and I'm a bit disappointed that this is so plotless, at least so far.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

I'm having a little trouble pinning down what the relationship between these two is meant to be. They're beating the hell out of each other and used to be fighting a war against each other, but they're also talking like friends and getting all blushy talking about how pretty the other is.

Well, they were presumably at war with each other out of duty. Fighting wars for their fiefdom is what warriors do. Doesn't mean they didn't LIKE each other.
So now in their future, they have no fiefdoms to defend, no duty to oppose each other. Why not get a little closer?

I mean, I'm not saying any of this makes sense--the whole story is silly. But that particular issue is a non-issue for me.

joined Dec 19, 2023

Pretty sweet

joined May 28, 2021

Being a history major and a giant yuri fan, I feel like this was specifically made for me :D

joined Mar 19, 2022

You never heard of the Enemies to Lovers trope?

It's my favourite, we just seem to have skipped the enemies part in the actual story.

joined Aug 1, 2011

Is anyone else seeing broken images for the latest chapter?

joined Apr 22, 2018

^doesnt work for me too

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