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joined Apr 11, 2022

Freaking finally. Though I prefer the manager's way lol.

joined Aug 19, 2018

Manager just wants more crime in the world.

Some managers just wanna see teachers burn

joined Jun 27, 2017

"Conditioning" ... the word is addiction.

Keep being dysfunctional (:

joined Jun 3, 2015

"Conditioning" ... the word is addiction.

Keep being dysfunctional (:

Addiction is conditioning.

Dependence is your body being conditioned to a certain amount of a certain substance being in your system and reacting poorly if it isn't. (withdrawal) And then you mentally condition yourself into believing/feeling that you need X to do or feel Y.

last edited at Jul 8, 2023 11:44PM

joined Jun 23, 2017

That panel with Heke with the sign could be a meme template.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Heke and Shinohara are my favorite couple in this series. They are just so cute and compliment each other really well.

joined Apr 11, 2022

This couple is so cute yet funny lol. Though I do feel bad for Heke.

joined Apr 19, 2018

Heke coming in with a "Yes" pillow after 3 straight all-nighters is some next level dedicated

joined Mar 20, 2014

Is it just me, or does anybody else get the idea that Shinohara doesn't really like Heke all that much.

joined Mar 24, 2015

Is it just me, or does anybody else get the idea that Shinohara doesn't really like Heke all that much.

They were actually my favorites, but I haven't enjoyed the last few chapters of them. I am sure they love each other because we are supposed to know they love each other lol, but I would be pretty unhappy if I were treated that way.

joined Nov 22, 2021

Heke-San can do so much better

joined Sep 10, 2022

Is it just me, or does anybody else get the idea that Shinohara doesn't really like Heke all that much.

I think they're cute and for each other. She had her as her wallpaper and got flushed when that was called out. She likes her. She's just not physically affectionate like that, a bit more traditional. But she's always been that way. They just moved in and have to adjust to each other and she started a little of that in this chapter with the kiss.

Nothing is perfect but it works (the mantra of this whole series, really). Sometimes when people say a person could do better they're more talking about themselves but Heke seems fine and snug, so I have no worries.

last edited at Oct 30, 2023 7:14AM

joined Dec 18, 2013

I get the impression that Shinohara would be a lot more affectionate if Heke weren't as irresponsible and lazy.

joined Mar 28, 2015

It's been a constant theme in Fuzoroi that the girls are mismatched in almost everything, but their relationship still works somehow. It's literally the title.

I don't know why people act surprised when the author reminds readers of it.

Heke is an irresponsible and scatterbrained mangaka with the brain on sex and games, while Shinohara is a career woman focused on "perfection" (as a gamer, at her work and in her daily life). But as the saying goes, opposite attracts.

In their relationship, Heke makes efforts to work harder and Shinohara makes compromises, like allowing her to live with her and giving her rewards. Because they love each other.

So, they somehow complement each other and are learning along the way.

Not every couple has to be lovey dovey and fusional. I think Mikanuji's couples ring true.

joined Sep 10, 2022

It's been a constant theme in Fuzoroi that the girls are mismatched in almost everything, but their relationship still works somehow. It's literally the title.

I don't know why people act surprised when the author reminds readers of it.

Heke is an irresponsible and scatterbrained mangaka with the brain on sex and games, while Shinohara is a career woman focused on "perfection" (as a gamer, at her work and in her daily life). But as the saying goes, opposite attracts.

In their relationship, Heke makes efforts to work harder and Shinohara makes compromises, like allowing her to live with her and giving her rewards. Because they love each other.

So, they somehow complement each other and are learning along the way.

Not every couple has to be lovey dovey and fusional. I think Mikanuji's couples ring true.

Yeah and it's why I love the series. It's "unconventional" in how conventional it is. Doesn't pretend to be perfect. Plus, it's funny.

last edited at Oct 30, 2023 7:16AM

joined Jul 6, 2012

After living in a studio for 3 years, while working from home, I really want a separated bedroom. Even better if I could setup a dedicated office room too... Staying the entire day in a single room is way too boring.

joined Nov 22, 2021

Withholding affection from your partner as punishment or to “teach them a lesson” is a sure-fire way to destroy your relationship long term. In my opinion.

joined Sep 10, 2022

Withholding affection from your partner as punishment or to “teach them a lesson” is a sure-fire way to destroy your relationship long term. In my opinion.

Where is there a mention of a punishment? She's genuinely not as physically affectionate. She's been like that since she showed up. She's just acting as she normally does.

last edited at Nov 2, 2023 12:36PM

joined Mar 20, 2014

Withholding affection from your partner as punishment or to “teach them a lesson” is a sure-fire way to destroy your relationship long term. In my opinion.

Indeed, and if I were Heke I would be out of there so fast you'd be smelling rubber.

joined Apr 20, 2022

Despite how she was introduced, Shizuku has become my favorite character in this series. It is a bit hard to follow the timeline of the story given how the extra chapters work though.

joined Jun 27, 2017

So wholesomely dysfunctional this time around.

joined Sep 10, 2022

She really got the hint and set the alarm to panic lol. Love them.

last edited at Nov 26, 2023 3:34PM

joined Mar 18, 2023

I think I am getting more and more confused because it seems to me that both series are on different time line.

joined Mar 20, 2014

I think I am getting more and more confused because it seems to me that both series are on different time line.

Me too. Like, Saori and Shizuku are dating now? Since when?

joined Dec 11, 2017

I think I am getting more and more confused because it seems to me that both series are on different time line.

Me too. Like, Saori and Shizuku are dating now? Since when?

They're not dating, Shizuku's just acknowledged her own feelings for Saori. This is probably why Saori is asking about confessions, either she's thinking of confessing, or she's recognized that Shizuku has caught actual feelings and is expecting one. But they're not official, so Saori says "I'm not dating anybody" and describes the planned shrine visit as being "with a friend."

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