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joined Jan 13, 2015

And the rapist teacher has appeared was only a matter of time. That bastard practically screams I abuse as many stundents as possible.

joined May 3, 2014

I would like to point out that this is:
-another average isekai setting
-written by chinese
So don't expect any deep feeling and meaning in the plot or the dialogue. It's gonna be pure cringe like 80% chinese manhua out there

you really should be eating your words with a fistful of salt XD

joined Sep 10, 2022

Soooo...people anyone want to bet that we will get a funny scene where the Red-head MC will use her new crystal ball and someone curiously asks what her future soul-mate will look like and our Red head MC will end up thinking about Future miss Demon lord= she appearing in the Crystal ball due to her thinking of her...Cue Embarrassed reaction from both??? Or I am just thinking non-sense 0_0

Hmmm...Well if that does happen it would be interesting for sure. This series is always a lot of fun and has an uncommon angle.

last edited at Sep 28, 2023 7:59AM

joined Oct 19, 2021

You literally missed your wife blatantly declaring that she's gay.

I didn't know how much more unlucky you can get.

joined Dec 20, 2018

"I have no interest in men." Everyone interprets that as her being a lesbian.

Happy little misunderstandings. Shows that misunderstandings don't always have to be a bad thing !

I mean, it's not really a misunderstanding.

joined Mar 22, 2021

I feel that image of her proclaiming to not be interested in men could be memed so hard like "Mom's says it's my turn to play the xbox".

That crystal ball could be really interesting though as it might show image from her past life which could then really pique the interest of the other girl while the red head wants nothing to do with her.

joined Aug 21, 2020

she's so dumb lol

very cute

last edited at Oct 13, 2023 12:46AM

joined Apr 12, 2018

Yeahhh, that divination teacher is definitely giving skeezy vibes. I half-wonder if him grooming her in the original timeline was a contributor in her becoming the Demon Queen.

last edited at Oct 13, 2023 1:21AM

joined Feb 19, 2016

Yeahhh, that divination teacher is definitely giving skeezy vibes. I half-wonder if him grooming her in the original timeline was a contributor in her becoming the Demon Queen.

That does put the thought in my head, maybe he has an ulterior motive to his grooming, other than child-diddling

Like, maybe he wants the Demon Queen to come back, and hopes to be taken as her king or something, or is just a follower of the previous Demon Lord and wants to speed up the return

Or maybe he's just a pedo

joined Mar 30, 2021

Excuse me teacher, you're being very creepy right now, please stand in the hallway

joined Dec 20, 2018

Why even make excuses, she was just talking to her moments ago as well... :D

joined Jan 30, 2017

With a teacher like that, I'd skip every class. Eww

joined Jan 22, 2022

With a teacher like that, I'd skip every class. Eww


joined Feb 18, 2013

Not a lick of composure. Calamity lesbian.

joined Oct 19, 2021

Ew. Oh, he's being so gross. Isolation tactics :((

joined May 26, 2020

Silly girl. You left your crystal ball set to "GAY."

joined Dec 10, 2020

Nah that crystal ball working mighty fine, its showing you exactly who you ending up with later on.

joined Jan 3, 2020

Why even make excuses, she was just talking to her moments ago as well... :D

Yeah... I'm not sure what's up with that. Maybe some meaning was lost in translation or something?

It sounds like the orb is just supposed to show whoever is on your mind, and she was just talking to Kaye, so obviously Kaye would be on her mind. That shouldn't imply anything unusual at all, but she acts absolutely panicked about it.

joined Oct 20, 2017

Her grandpa said that the fake crystal ball would display random images of people she knows. That's what makes it odd that it showed only Kaye. Hopefully she can recognize this as a clue that she has some kind of a connection to her.

last edited at Oct 22, 2023 11:50AM

joined Sep 10, 2022

It'll be funny seeing how Kaye bails Ada out of this flying competition. She's always having to save her from whatever wild creation her grandpa seems to make. Plus now she'll have to worry about secret allies of the demon queen, so that'll be fun.

That's what makes it odd that it showed only Kaye. Hopefully she can recognize this as a clue that she has some kind of a connection to her.

Not just Kaye but mostly Kaye smiling or at points when Ada must have been watching her. They're all pretty flattering images. That unmasking is likely part of what embarrassed her. And now in this chapter she outright calls her cute again.

last edited at Oct 27, 2023 12:49PM

joined Dec 20, 2018

Poor girl suffering under her family's ambitions...

joined Feb 18, 2013

Kaye is bringing a lot of the problems herself by presuming what Ada thinks and ascribing intent and meaning to her actions that's just making nice.

I wonder when she'll think to look properly?

joined Jan 3, 2020

It's weird that Ada doesn't consider a third option: align herself with Kaye (and potentially the professor).

She could set up a situation so that there's no need for Kaye to take revenge on her while simultaneously trying to see if she can stop it in the first place.

Worst case scenario, Kaye takes revenge on others and is defeated later and Ada has to play innocent. I think she could pull that off.

It really is the best plan.

joined Sep 10, 2022

It's weird that Ada doesn't consider a third option: align herself with Kaye (and potentially the professor).

She could set up a situation so that there's no need for Kaye to take revenge on her while simultaneously trying to see if she can stop it in the first place.

Worst case scenario, Kaye takes revenge on others and is defeated later and Ada has to play innocent. I think she could pull that off.

It really is the best plan.

She thinks of this in the chapter though, around when she says those two ideas aren't mutually exclusive. Then she says, "if the demon lord does revive in the end, I can still stand on the side of justice.." So that seems to be part of her thoughts process.

last edited at Oct 28, 2023 8:31AM

joined Aug 11, 2022

...Black hair girl (Smart book) childhood friend is being all jealous and EMO huh...she is trying to play off her emotion, thinking she is 'fine' by herself and how she is a genius/loner...(The true is she lonely and wants a friend...bad emotions + loneliness= higher chance of becoming demon lord/demon lord reviving)

Redhead MC would prefer black-hair girl to not become an demon lord/revive as a demon lord (Plan A) to not die + stay as her cute self (lol Red-head MC find her cute)...plan B is to team up with the ML and Heroine to fight/seal the demon lord if Plan A fails.

Too bad Red-Head MC not master of reading expressions/being able to read people minds or she would be ditching the people sucking up to her to try to befriend black-hair girl XD

Now the question is...if black hair girl (Kaye) revives or becomes the demon lord...does she loses her memories/personality and some other entity[demon lord(?)] takes over her body or she just become become more negative/hostile/urge to destroy in personality???

The professor is trash, he just want demon lord [Valerie(?)] to revive and trying to find ways to revive demon lord through black hair/ up with him!?

Nah, kill him or make an 'Accident' to remove him from the obvious he does not care for Kaye/Black hair safety...

Hmm Wonder if Red-Head's family will make a hover-board witch broom for her to see...They can make fake crystal ball, fake light hopefully they can make something useful...I mean red-head MC never found out the Villainess can't use magic in the book she read...meaning they hide it well XD

If red-head MC wins the race then she should invite Kaye/Black hair for the vacation...I know it for the school(Light or dark school magic) but eh fk it! If she end up winning the race then she should be able to invite extra people if she wants!!

last edited at Oct 28, 2023 10:48AM

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