Forum › The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy At All discussion

joined Sep 10, 2022

It's so weird, I can handle a series that never runs for the finish line, but I can't stand narrative edging. If the future strips continue with this, great, if they pivot to "I love her as a fan! She's my Oshi!" or "Man, she loves Rock & Roll so much!" I'm gonna riot.

It would definitely start to feel a bit suspect but I wouldn't be too mad about it yet. The thought has crossed my mind though, especially after this chapter. This instance could be a fake out but if they eventually make their romantic feelings clear than it's a non issue. But it would be weird to do all this teasing and then end it with them as just "straight" friends. Does the series specifically market itself as Yuri? I haven't ever checked actually.

Ah, the good ol' Higashiyama Shou's Stretch route huh?
Surely they wouldn't....right?....right?!

I don't want to discuss Stretch too much but that felt far less romantically coded than this does. So for Stretch there wasn't that much surprise and its story had its own points it was making. This property however has been more obviously teasing. For example, you cant end a chapter like this recent one and not know what you're doing. I think it'll all be fine anyway. Love the series.

last edited at Sep 24, 2023 4:55PM

joined Jul 28, 2019

Okay. Okay. Look. I've been fine with the subtle, low key subtext approach this series has been taking. If they never took things in an explicitly romantic direction, I would've been disappointed, but I'm used to those kinds of stories and it's pretty obvious that you can read between the lines and see the nature of it. I've been reading ambiguously gay fiction for decades, I'm used to that.

But this better not be a fakeout, or I'm gonna be so mad.

It's so weird, I can handle a series that never runs for the finish line, but I can't stand narrative edging. If the future strips continue with this, great, if they pivot to "I love her as a fan! She's my Oshi!" or "Man, she loves Rock & Roll so much!" I'm gonna riot.

It would definitely start to feel a bit suspect but I wouldn't be too mad about it yet. The thought has crossed my mind though, especially after this chapter. This instance could be a fake out but if they eventually make their romantic feelings clear than it's a non issue. But it would be weird to do all this teasing and then end it with them as just "straight" friends. Does the series specifically market itself as Yuri? I haven't ever checked actually.

I'm not scouring the comments, but I'm confident it's been mentioned the author has explicitly stated it's not to be labeled yuri as they have issues with that term, but it is sapphic from what we've seen of the author's other pieces.

joined Feb 22, 2018

True Fact: I Love Rock n' Roll was originally written and performed in 1975 by the Arrows, a British band. The Joan Jett version is a cover from 1981.

joined Aug 11, 2016



joined May 8, 2017

The best thing about this manga is that they’re teenagers who feel like such inscrutable outcasts because they like the most middling mainstream rock music imaginable

I imagine Western rock is niche in the same way that Japanese music is niche here. Not impossible to find someone who listens to it regularly but it'd be a couple of people out of 100 thing.

Can't imagine singing idol pop in front of the whole grade for my crush though, I wonder how Aya sees anything behind those massive steel balls

joined Apr 10, 2023

Aya's doing the equivalent of if an American teen got up on front of her peers and sang an anime theme with bad awkward Japanese. If the takeaway from this chapter is just "Oh she loves music" I am also going to be mad lmao

joined Jun 19, 2023

^it is. Koga was talking about Aya's love for music and not for her. Koga at this point was super duper dense. I hate it. But oh well, I'm not the author so I'll just follow the story anyway.

joined Jan 3, 2020

I've just been reading the titles for this ever since a couple chapters after the "I'm not a guy" reveal at the concert. I was hopeful that reveal (which was what... 35 chapters ago?) would take things in a romantic direction. And then it didn't, despite how much blushing the characters did in those chapters which was entirely some new form of friendship blushing or something.

And then I saw this chapter's title, and was like "did they fuck yet?" and was mildly shocked to learn that they haven't even realized they're in love yet. My god.

I guess at 4 pages a chapter, 59 chapters is like... 8 chapters of some other manga, so I should just continue to temper my expectations until we get into the hundreds I guess?

joined Jan 20, 2021

Please don’t be a bait n switch. Please don’t be a bait n switch. Please don’t be a bait n switch. Please don’t be a bait n switch.

joined Jan 1, 2019

... Please don’t be a bait n switch. Please don’t be a bait n switch. Please don’t be a bait n switch. Please don’t be a bait n switch...

joined Nov 13, 2022

I won't bet anything here because Koga IS dense hahaha but at the same time we had a little of Koga thinking, mostly insecurities and well, her "admiration" for Aya, but we couldn't see the full picture since it wasn't shown to be 100% sure if she was starting to figure things out. But! we did have the sleepover chat, Aya said "I 'm in no place to talk about love", so IF Koga conected the dots and we have this in mind......maybe Koga will be concernerd about this.....hahaha aahh~

last edited at Sep 25, 2023 1:02AM

joined Sep 6, 2018

I've just been reading the titles for this ever since a couple chapters after the "I'm not a guy" reveal at the concert. I was hopeful that reveal (which was what... 35 chapters ago?) would take things in a romantic direction. And then it didn't, despite how much blushing the characters did in those chapters which was entirely some new form of friendship blushing or something.

And then I saw this chapter's title, and was like "did they fuck yet?" and was mildly shocked to learn that they haven't even realized they're in love yet. My god.

I guess at 4 pages a chapter, 59 chapters is like... 8 chapters of some other manga, so I should just continue to temper my expectations until we get into the hundreds I guess?

This is a good point. Everything feels like it's dragging out when you're reading a story week-to-week. But it actually hasn't been that long, all things considered.

I'll agree with the prevailing sentiment, though. This story is starting to give me a familiar unsatisfying vibe to traditional serialized romance manga in the way that it feels like the plot is dragging out and key developments are delayed not necessarily for any artistic purpose, but because of a concern about length.You can drag things out a lot if the stuff that happens in the meantime is interesting. But it really does need a compelling narrative reason and the pacing has been flagging more and more since the reveal.

The story implied by "I just found out my crush is actually a girl, oh shit" was very compelling and it feels like it was replaced by a story about two girls who just really like music bonding. Like, the titular conflict was resolved in Chapter 27. We've now spent more time with that conflict in the rearview mirror than we did with it as the plot. It doesn't feel like a manga called "The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy at All" anymore, it feels like it shot its load and is now hanging around, carried by the art and the author's obvious love for the series and the unique aesthetic and the bond we made with the characters. Frankly, I'm beginning to lose my patience.

last edited at Sep 25, 2023 3:11AM

joined Sep 12, 2019

To be honest, I find the translation of the final panel to be misleading. It makes it sound like a big reveal, or Koga learning something about herself, when the japanese やはり…大好きだ!feels more like a "aaah... I really do love her!" that is more of a progression of her feelings and less of a big milestone. So it could still totally be a "continuation of her feelings as a friend, only stronger (and in the future, potentially more)" type of deal with that reading.

But I might be overthinking. I do that a lot. Especially for yuri.

last edited at Sep 25, 2023 4:57AM

joined Jun 12, 2014

I've just been reading the titles for this ever since a couple chapters after the "I'm not a guy" reveal at the concert. I was hopeful that reveal (which was what... 35 chapters ago?) would take things in a romantic direction. And then it didn't, despite how much blushing the characters did in those chapters which was entirely some new form of friendship blushing or something.

And then I saw this chapter's title, and was like "did they fuck yet?" and was mildly shocked to learn that they haven't even realized they're in love yet. My god.

I guess at 4 pages a chapter, 59 chapters is like... 8 chapters of some other manga, so I should just continue to temper my expectations until we get into the hundreds I guess?

Worth noting that the Author has said she does not consider this a yuri. While that does not necessarily mean that the leads are not gay, it does imply that their gayness is not the main point of the story. If you're waiting for some sort of yuri "money-shot" you are likely to be dissapointed

joined Sep 12, 2019

To be honest, I find the translation of the final panel to be misleading. It makes it sound like a big reveal, or Koga learning something about herself, when the japanese やはり…大好きだ!feels more like a "aaah... I really do love her!" that is more of a progression of her feelings and less of a big milestone. So it could still totally be a "continuation of her feelings as a friend, only stronger (and in the future, potentially more)" type of deal with that reading.

But I might be overthinking. I do that a lot. Especially for yuri.

Actually nevermind I was underthinking (which happens even more often I suppose). The japanese line could also refer to Aya('s love for music), so it's not necessarily that "aaah... I really do love her!" vibe. Though if she was talking about herself, it most likely would be. I guess TL did their best, I don't know how I would have translated it, it's like two different sentences mixed into one in english - "aaah... I really do love her!" and "I knew it... She really loves it!"

joined Jun 12, 2014

Actually nevermind I was underthinking (which happens even more often I suppose). The japanese line could also refer to Aya('s love for music), so it's not necessarily that "aaah... I really do love her!" vibe. Though if she was talking about herself, it most likely would be. I guess TL did their best, I don't know how I would have translated it, it's like two different sentences mixed into one in english - "aaah... I really do love her!" and "I knew it... She really loves it!"

I feel like a literal translation would be closer to "I knew it... it's love" which is a little vague but Japanese speech tends to be highly contextual. It could be refering to her love for Aya, it could be referring to Aya's love for Rock and Roll, ir it could be her realizing that Aya loves her

last edited at Sep 25, 2023 5:36AM

joined Nov 3, 2018

I don't think you should be so wary. Maybe the author will drag the story further than intended due to its breakout popularity, but I feel the direction is clear with stuff like this: and multiple characters romantically shipping the protagonists. And it's mostly the twitter release format making it feel dragged out, when you read it in collected volume form the pacing (relative to page count) is considerably faster than regularly serialized manga.

Kirin-kun Uploader
Rehashed Scans
joined Mar 21, 2021

Everyone's suddenly an expert translator.

Anyway, I erred on the side of caution and kept it as vague as the Japanese is.

joined Dec 29, 2013

I Love Rock and Roll! Yes! My internet is so slow it got stuck at the 2nd page so I had time to guess what she is singing intead of just breezing through the chapter. Hahaha

joined Jun 17, 2021

Ah, a classic, from MY youth. That's telling y'all how old I am.

Yeah. I remember that song from high school, hell the whole album was pretty good the way I remember it. When I was the chapter name my mind went to Van Halen (or Van Haggar as they used to say) 'Çan't This Be Love'. But this works too.

My age: I was in high school when ... the Britney Spears version of this song came out.

joined Sep 10, 2022

Worth noting that the Author has said she does not consider this a yuri. While that does not necessarily mean that the leads are not gay, it does imply that their gayness is not the main point of the story. If you're waiting for some sort of yuri "money-shot" you are likely to be dissapointed.

I did recall something of this sort which is why I asked again. Where did she say this?

At the same time, you don't need a "money-shot" to confirm their romantic interest. Right now it's their "gayness" itself that's potentially in question still. From their actions it seems clear but it's "seemed clear" times before only for a story to go in a different direction or to remain "open to interpretation" (feels icky using that phrase now).

You really only need one conclusive, confirming line and their confirmed gayness would still not need to be the main focus. As of now it's glances and maybe romantic blushes? And maybe this or that. It all "seems" like it's leading to a romantic development but it's been long enough that the confidence in that assumption is starting to wane slightly. We'll see after this chapter I guess.

The story implied by "I just found out my crush is actually a girl, oh shit" was very compelling and it feels like it was replaced by a story about two girls who just really like music bonding.

I can agree with that. Whether that's for better or worse will depend on the reader. I like it! Their story is really interesting regardless and I don't need it to directly focus on a relationship--this journey through music and dealing with their anxieties together is more interesting.

last edited at Sep 25, 2023 7:40AM

joined Sep 12, 2019

Everyone's suddenly an expert translator.

Anyway, I erred on the side of caution and kept it as vague as the Japanese is.

Yeah, I was just thinking out loud. I dont see how to do better than you did.

Still, in an english context, I'm inclined to think "I knew it... it's love!" is about someone's own feelings and not think twice about it. That's a tough one.

joined Dec 11, 2017

Everyone's suddenly an expert translator.

Anyway, I erred on the side of caution and kept it as vague as the Japanese is.

Don't take it too personally, it's just fans overanalyzing things as we are wont to do. A lot of people struggle with the fact that Japanese is such a heavily contextual language, so if somebody has seen "Daisuki da yo!" Translated as "I love you!" or "I love her!" they feel like that's what that means, and they don't realize that the translator did some extra nudging to make the language more explicit, because there's way less unspoken ambiguity in typical English speech. I agree with your call, FWIW. I just hope the author isn't be ambiguous just to queerbait us. ;p

joined Apr 10, 2023

Worth noting that the Author has said she does not consider this a yuri. While that does not necessarily mean that the leads are not gay, it does imply that their gayness is not the main point of the story. If you're waiting for some sort of yuri "money-shot" you are likely to be dissapointed

That's not necessarily what the rejection of the yuri label implies. There's a few different authors of lesbian stories who reject it for constraining what kinds of stories you can tell via genre tropes and audience expectations. Yuri is not all lesbian manga, it's a specific genre about F/F romance with expectations that people might not want attached to their story. There's a lot of josei manga about queer women like Ohana Holoholo that you probably couldn't get away with publishing in Yuri Hime without causing a riot lol.
I can imagine one particular expectation with "yuri" this author might have wanted to avoid is the one about how the story should be a romance that's constantly developing towards a climax of the girls confessing their love and becoming a standard romantic couple. There's been plenty of complaints in this thread about the "pacing" because they want development of the romance instead of development of their friendship. So if an author wants to tell a story about two girls developing an intimate emotional connection and friendship with the possibility of eventual romance, saying the story is "yuri" risks getting frustrated readers who care about the latter development over the former development.

last edited at Sep 25, 2023 11:15AM

joined Jun 12, 2014

Worth noting that the Author has said she does not consider this a yuri. While that does not necessarily mean that the leads are not gay, it does imply that their gayness is not the main point of the story. If you're waiting for some sort of yuri "money-shot" you are likely to be dissapointed.

I did recall something of this sort which is why I asked again. Where did she say this?

In this interview
Sorry, there is no official english translation

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