Forum › A Scummy Gap Student With a Hard Life Calls Upon a Lady of the Night discussion

joined Dec 28, 2016

I wont be surprised the scum became buddies or even marry that dude. As long as Mashiro staying as a mistress for Makino, along with non stop supply of money or credit card, things will work. Money buy you everything. Those three may even becomes a threesome. You cannot ignore that credit card.

You should consider never talking again.

Pretty sure personal attacks are against forum rules.

joined Oct 1, 2022

I'm already lost with this story. Mashiro is still a prostitute sleeping with anyone but she makes a promise with the idiot who accepted the credit card? I don't know what the point of the story is anymore.

joined Feb 3, 2021

Well, this is all gonna blow up in her face big time. It’s gonna be a shit show for sure.

joined Apr 16, 2022

I'm already lost with this story. Mashiro is still a prostitute sleeping with anyone but she makes a promise with the idiot who accepted the credit card? I don't know what the point of the story is anymore.

Makino told Mashiro she loves her but now Mashiro thinks she was lying due to a misunderstanding.

This manga though has been pretty quick to clear up misunderstandings so I'm not too worried, mostly looking forward to seeing how much Makino suffers lol.

joined May 25, 2018

oh nooo

joined Apr 18, 2023


joined Jan 1, 2022

Maybe it's copium, but this classic dumb plot point caused by a misunderstanding thing somehow feels a lot better when it's a character like Makino getting misunderstood.

joined Aug 21, 2017

Everybody plot-relevant character in this manga is either mentally ill or a terrible person or both

joined Sep 10, 2022

Yeah, seeing her checking out rings with a guy after you know she's on marriage interviews...that can't feel nice. It was always going to blow up in MC's face though. She's using this guy's money when he said that was a condition for accepting their marriage and she's broken the promise she made. She'll have the money but I suspect she'll be declined when she asks to meet up, or "Maron" will really come back. And I expect the guy hasn't finished fulfilling his role yet.

This manga though has been pretty quick to clear up misunderstandings so I'm not too worried, mostly looking forward to seeing how much Makino suffers lol.

Yeah she's got to eat this one lol. I'd be more worried that Mashiro could spiral again because of this.

last edited at Sep 20, 2023 11:57PM

joined Sep 16, 2019

No Mashiro! It’s not… well… um… well it’s only half what it looks like.

joined Aug 11, 2022

MC got too baited by the high-class credit card when she was trying to appear money hungry(Greedy-technically only greedy cuz of anime, Gacha and wanting to pay to have SEGGS with her waifu)...The guy just casually drop the credit card and MC took the bait....

Ch.57- "I'm curious to see how a cute and funny girl like you spends money(music note)." He said "I'll be giving it to you if we get married"

MC better get a lawyer/paid for a lawyer with his credit card too while she is buying a fancy pricey engagement ring for her waifu/future wife...just in case he throws a hissy fit about her spending his (money)

I just hope MC can quickly solve the misunderstanding...and hopefully the scumbag guy doesn't get too p*ssed off when the MC tells him she doesn't want to marry him....though jeez I wonder how high the university fees and apartment rent fee are for Mashiro to keep sleeping with other women...I know she got to pay the bills somehow but if I was the MC it would still hurt a bit for me if I saw Mashiro with another woman...

[RANDOM MINI 600 WORD FANFIC STORY TIME(PLZ IGNORE IF YOU DON'T WANT TO WASTE YOUR TIME...I spend too much time and got caught up in my silly imagination XD)]

Me as MC's lawyer if I got paid by her using the credit card:
"Sir...You have said in your words that you are curious about 'how' my client will spend the 'money' and that you will be giving it her if you both got married. By it(The card) if you get married..furthermore!!! MY CLIENT HAS NEVER ACCEPT THIS DEAL OR WRITTEN AN BINDING CONTRACT!! In her word from what she told me, she just said Thanks...I'll be borrowing this for a while."

Phoenix wright posing pointing finger

"YOUR HONOR!! MY CLIENT IS INNOCENT!!....even though she is very scummy person that used said credit card to pay for a lot of expensive things such as a high class and very costly 5 star hotel and...umm paying for a Lily-flower female worker (Cough*prostitute*cough) that she currently romantically courting while also buying her an expensive 5,000,000 yen ring as gift for christmas...and also paying me to defend her as well...okay I know probably should have shut my mouth and just said she may have made a few expenses purchases -BUT MY POINT STILL STANDS THAT MY CLIENT IS INNOCENT AGAINST THE plaintiff CLAIMS!!!"

Scumbag guy: "Actually it just my prosecutor making those stupid claims, I just want to see them have SEGGS in front of my own eyes as payment. Hell I am not even asking to touch either of them even! I even have your Client written signature right here, she sign it after I told her I was going to take my card back to buy a few more expensive stuff such as high quality dresses, cosplays and lewd etc. for the woman she is courting...honestly I am not even sure what my dad is even paying my Lawyer for when I just asked him to pursuit her to not go back on her deal...not to sue her using the credit card."

Prosecutor: Awkward coughing after getting destroyed by the defense lawyer

Defense lawyer(ME): Stare at Makino with annoyed eyes while hissing to her "...You didn't mention this part..."

Makino: "Can't you do something about this with your lawyer skills or something!?! I don't want him watching me make love to Mashiro, it would be really creepy and weird!!! I am not into that sh*t"

Defense Lawyer: "Your Honor, my Client is innocent all the charges except what the the scumbad boy just said, if he agrees to not touch either of them physically. Add another woman when this happen, possibly in the body guard business if need then to ensure he only I believe this case is finished so hopefully we can stop this stupid court case..."

Makino: "Your the worst lawyer I ever hired!!"

Defense lawyer: "I am probably the only lawyer you ever hired, in fact the only lawyer willing to defend you since all the other lawyer bailed when the other side had a famous prosecutor!!! I also don't get paid enough to deal with weird sh*t...which I add that you paid me with that other scumbag's own credit card!!!"

Guy scumbag waving and smiling in the background, loudly asking if he can also record the SEGGS, Female scumbag shouting fk no and to fk off

Defense lawyer: "Is it in the contract?"

Scumbag: "Umm no?"

Defense lawyer: "Then no. You can be sued for invasion of privacy without the other person's consent! NOW CAN WE ALL JUST END THIS AND LEAVE...PLEASE?!"

Mashiro cringing and covering her red face in the background of the court full of random people of the court, embarrassed at her girlfriend/ future wife's actions (Makino had proposed a couple weeks before this court proceeding happen). It wouldn't be the weirdest thing she done but it would still be weird...she was going to have some strict stern words with her future wife...

last edited at Sep 21, 2023 12:54AM

joined Feb 14, 2016

Maybe it's copium, but this classic dumb plot point caused by a misunderstanding thing somehow feels a lot better when it's a character like Makino getting misunderstood.

Given that it's been established she has effectively no social awareness (or at least no sense of propriety), it doesn't feel like it exists to inject drama for its own sake but a genuine character-driven moment. She's rash and self-centered and, go figure it's blown up in her face even if she doesn't realize it yet

joined Aug 4, 2018

Oh no oh no oh noes.

How big is Tokyo? What were the chances that Mashiro would walk by that jeweller's right at that moment?

(Why do I bother asking? I know the answer. By manga logic, the chances were 100%... )

La duchesse de Pecquigny
joined Jun 7, 2021

RandomFanZ, thanks for the fanfic! It's so rare to find them in this forum...

joined May 25, 2023

oh no

joined May 24, 2014

The scumbag had to run out of luck eventually.

joined May 28, 2012

Yandere for scumbags soon.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Well, did not see this turn coming...

joined Oct 2, 2021

Next time Makino books Maron, expect Maron to show up wearing a hockey mask and holding something sharp and pointy

joined Jan 9, 2017

So quick to blame herself... Though that's in line with her mental state

I'm getting a bit of "Yuri is my job" vibes from this chapter, the love interest being incapable of reading the mc even though the mc tries to be as open as possible about how they think

joined Jan 9, 2017

Next time Makino books Maron, expect Maron to show up wearing a hockey mask and holding something sharp and pointy

An ink pen?

joined Apr 10, 2023

I agree with that one poster, Makino should marry this guy.

And then make herself a widow :)

joined Aug 25, 2023

Nooo Makino messed up big time
Now Mashiro thinks she's an unfaithful wretch and is furious with her!

What will happen to her? How is Makino gonna end up after this??

joined May 24, 2019

What will happen to her? How is Makino gonna end up after this??

joined Jun 28, 2019

What will happen to her? How is Makino gonna end up after this??

Jajajaja nmms esto no a va a pasar jamás por muchos desastres que haya hecho Makino y por muy cabreada que esté Mashiro.
Makino va a encontrar alguna forma hazañosa de hacerse perdonar y a huevo triunfará el mal! XD

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