Forum › My Girlfriend's Not Here Today discussion

E. Vigée Le Brun
joined Jun 8, 2021

And...we should not forget that Fuuko did not answer Yuni why she loves her, they were interrupted by forceful entrance of Nanase.
She literally entered, grabbed Yuni like her possession (and Yuni liked it!) and took her away from Fuuko.

Forceful and possessive, like when just couple of chapters ago we had a scene where Fuuko openly undressed and groped Yuni in front of Nanase? I guess opening a door can be viewed similarly, perhaps. Yuni probably liked that too though, maybe she is just a fickle bitch?

Of course it's very similar, as you noticed. We can see from both examples that Yuni is submissive and enjoys to be taken, swept away (probably something close to "consensual non-consent").
Definitely she won't fight against it, as we saw from before in her interactions with Fuuko (it was "borderline assault"). And it would be, if Yuni is not as she is, consensually submissive without verbal acknowledgment. And Fuuko respected her boundaries, understanding them without speaking verbally with Yuni about them.

That's why Yuni chose Nanase this time, because she was turned on by situation and how Nanase dominated above her and Fuuko.
Probably she likes such an energy in her partner, it moves her.
And probably she feels something close to love for both girls in same time.

Does it make her bad? Not sure, she is just a typical submissive character with poly inclinations (yet not aware of it). She is something like a cat, as her avatar shows already.

You're right. This chapter made me furious for a dozen different reasons, but then again Yuni is exactly as you say. It's in character for her to react like that.

Nanase's deal is all wrong no matter how you look at it. Looking for Yuni in her free time, taking her on dates, displays of affection, sex, they don't come natural to her. She was perf happy with things as they were till now, and she's offering to make sacrifices (not big sacrifices like the club, small sacrifices) to win Yuni back. For Yuni, she'll do stuff she wouldn't do otherwise. But the point is: all those things should not be sacrifices!!!! If spending time with a girl and having sex with her is a big concession you make against your natural drive (which is to go do some more voleyball) and only agree to it to humor her, then you shouldn't be dating her in the first place!

Yuni should realize this... but the author herself said that she purposefully put in Yuni every trait she finds annoying in a woman, so it's no surprise that she made the wrong choice.

joined Feb 24, 2023

You're right. This chapter made me furious for a dozen different reasons, but then again Yuni is exactly as you say. It's in character for her to react like that.

Nanase's deal is all wrong no matter how you look at it. Looking for Yuni in her free time, taking her on dates, displays of affection, sex, they don't come natural to her. She was perf happy with things as they were till now, and she's offering to make sacrifices (not big sacrifices like the club, small sacrifices) to win Yuni back. For Yuni, she'll do stuff she wouldn't do otherwise. But the point is: all those things should not be sacrifices!!!! If spending time with a girl and having sex with her is a big concession you make against your natural drive (which is to go do some more voleyball) and only agree to it to humor her, then you shouldn't be dating her in the first place!

Yuni should realize this... but the author herself said that she purposefully put in Yuni every trait she finds annoying in a woman, so it's no surprise that she made the wrong choice.

Why are we giving Nanase such a hard time yet infaltizing Yuni by saying “oh she’s just like that”? Again expecting Nanase who’s still a kid, to be a perfect girlfriend and always know the exact correct choice to make when she has to juggle club, being in the closest, and a overly demanding Yuni who expects her to do all the work? How is that not unfair? And honestly acting like Nanase doesn’t actively WANT to spend time (intimate or otherwise) with Yuni despite being busy with club is complete conjecture, nowhere was this implied. She’s just not a mind reader and can’t keep up with Yuni’s constantly demanding and mood swings, she’s not flawless but she TRIES to make it work, which is a hell of a lot more then fucking Yuni has ever done (besides going to Osaka to see her game and we’ll we know what happened in Osaka).

All of Nanase’s fumbles could’ve easily be solved is Yuni just freakin TALKED to her and not bottle everything up and let herself fester and get easily enabled by Yuuko. Nanase is not a stubborn person and HAS shown she’s able to improve and change if it helps strengthen their relationship

joined Sep 20, 2022

Again expecting Nanase who’s still a kid, to be a perfect girlfriend and always know the exact correct choice to make when she has to juggle club, being in the closest, and a overly demanding Yuni who expects her to do all the work?

If sex with your gf is work to you, maybe you're dating the wrong girl. Just sayin'.

joined Feb 24, 2023

Again expecting Nanase who’s still a kid, to be a perfect girlfriend and always know the exact correct choice to make when she has to juggle club, being in the closest, and a overly demanding Yuni who expects her to do all the work?

If sex with your gf is work to you, maybe you're dating the wrong girl. Just sayin'.

The Nanase that exists in your heads is not real I promise

Yuni apologists are crazy

joined Dec 23, 2018

And honestly acting like Nanase doesn’t actively WANT to spend time (intimate or otherwise) with Yuni despite being busy with club is complete conjecture, nowhere was this implied.

Don't forget a group date on the festival. Nanase invited all girls from her club beside Yuni. And practically sabotaged any development of intimacy between her and Yuni.
(and Yuni gave her the talk about everything, pulling her aside, it's not like she was completely silent not expressing what is wrong and how she feels)

And don't forget their anniversary. Club was over and girls invited Nanase to go with them to hang out. And she answered something like:
"OK, I have nothing else to do".
And she remembered about their anniversary after the midnight and called Yuni. It's not like Yuni was the first thing on her mind after the club was over.

It's not as you said, that it's all conjectured and nowhere implied, as you can see...

last edited at Aug 23, 2023 4:58PM

joined Feb 24, 2023

And honestly acting like Nanase doesn’t actively WANT to spend time (intimate or otherwise) with Yuni despite being busy with club is complete conjecture, nowhere was this implied.

Don't forget a group date on the festival. Nanase invited all girls from her club beside Yuni. And practically sabotaged any development of intimacy between her and Yuni.
(and Yuni gave her the talk about everything, pulling her aside, it's not like she was completely silent not expressing what is wrong and how she feels)

And don't forget their anniversary. Club was over and girls invited Nanase to go with them to hang out. And she answered something like:
"OK, I have nothing else to do".
And she remembered about their anniversary after the midnight and called Yuni. It's not like Yuni was the first thing on her mind after the club was over.

It's not as you said, that it's all conjectured and nowhere implied, as you can see...

Both these things fall under normal human mistakes someone new to a relationship would make, let alone one between girls in a society that disapproves of them. Yuni in a rare moment DOES complain to her about the Festival and Nanase lisyens! And strives to do better! Communication!!!!! And that’s immediately out the window when Yuni puts all the responsibility on Nanase to remember their anniversary during a busy time for her (which she remember EVERY TIME PREVIOUSLY but the ONE time it slips her mind it’s suddenly unacceptable) and instead of communicating, decides to immediately cheat on her, even after she apologizes the next day. Can’t believe she just didn’t turn into the perfect girlfriend overnight

last edited at Aug 23, 2023 5:17PM

joined Dec 23, 2018

.....Can’t believe she just didn’t turn into the perfect girlfriend overnight

Calm down, nobody said that your remarks about their age and inexperience are out of place.
It's their first relationship and they all are making mistakes, it's understandable.

last edited at Aug 23, 2023 5:46PM

joined Jul 29, 2017

.....Can’t believe she just didn’t turn into the perfect girlfriend overnight

Calm down, nobody said that your remarks about their age and inexperience are out of place.
It's their first relationship and they all are making mistakes, it's understandable.

There’s a tendency among commenters to regard mistakes and misbehavior due to age and naïveté as not counting as mistakes and misbehavior.

joined Dec 23, 2018

.....Can’t believe she just didn’t turn into the perfect girlfriend overnight

Calm down, nobody said that your remarks about their age and inexperience are out of place.
It's their first relationship and they all are making mistakes, it's understandable.

There’s a tendency among commenters to regard mistakes and misbehavior due to age and naïveté as not counting as mistakes and misbehavior.

There is a person who knows from personal experience that the age of 25 is the turning point when someone takes complete responsibilities for their actions and behavior.
Everything before that counts as immaturity and is easily forgivable or not so harshly (or fully) judged.

joined Apr 6, 2019

All of Nanase’s fumbles could’ve easily be solved is Yuni just freakin TALKED to her and not bottle everything up and let herself fester and get easily enabled by Yuuko.

I understand the argument for communication and I know many who just like you think that talking to your partner and telling them your needs is the panacea for everything.

But I hope you understand that having to constantly beg for sex to a partner who is cold like a block of ice and has absolutely no desire for your body can become very humiliating—and will in time turn your feelings sour.

joined Jul 29, 2017

.....Can’t believe she just didn’t turn into the perfect girlfriend overnight

Calm down, nobody said that your remarks about their age and inexperience are out of place.
It's their first relationship and they all are making mistakes, it's understandable.

There’s a tendency among commenters to regard mistakes and misbehavior due to age and naïveté as not counting as mistakes and misbehavior.

There is a person who knows from personal experience that the age of 25 is the turning point when someone takes complete responsibilities for their actions and behavior.
Everything before that counts as immaturity and is easily forgivable or not so harshly (or fully) judged.

That’s hilarious. 25, huh?—no more, no less. Be sure to notify the professional psychological societies of your astounding research discovery.

joined Feb 24, 2023

All of Nanase’s fumbles could’ve easily be solved is Yuni just freakin TALKED to her and not bottle everything up and let herself fester and get easily enabled by Yuuko.

I understand the argument for communication and I know many who just like you think that talking to your partner and telling them your needs is the panacea for everything.

But I hope you understand that having to constantly beg for sex to a partner who is cold like a block of ice and has absolutely no desire for your body can become very humiliating—and will in time turn your feelings sour.

Again I’m not sure if I missed this or what but I just cannot recall anytime Yuni outright asked Nanase for sexy times and most of her requests were just standard intimacy like holding hands/hugging etc, stuff normal couples do public that they’re forced to conceal which is the point of frustration. Sexual advances are something totally different and (usually) done in private, so I don’t think Nanase would have a problem with it, there was never a moment where Nanase is some sex repulsed prude who turns down Yuni repeatedly, the question isn’t even brought up in the first place, does Nanase even know sex is on the table here? Have they done this before previously?

last edited at Aug 23, 2023 8:59PM

Jeanne Mathison
joined May 24, 2019

There is also one detail from the beginning, when Yuni chan slapped Fuuko, and Fuuko says:

"Compared to the kiss we had, or to the kiss THEY had, I definitely felt more honesty and passion from Yuni-chan's slap"

Fuuko saw their kiss and took the pic. She noticed a lack of passion between Nanase and Yuni. It gave her the additional reason to act and start to conquer Yuni.

There is also a situation when Yuni had sex with Fuuko, and she is rubbing and touching her and she compares how she felt Nanase and Fuuko separately.
Nanase was toned, and Fuuko soft (to touch, but there is a possibility that it was about their characters too, one rigid and closed, one soft and open)

Yeah, Nanase is very stiff and strict, not so generous to touch Yuni.
And Fuuko is very open to touch her.

Reading again all these old chapters, the problem with Nanase is transparently obvious, isn't it?

The teen years are a time of lust and passion. Fuuko acts like a typical teenager in love: she wants to touch her loved one and do sexual things. Nanase? The only thing she wants to touch are volleyballs. Where's her libido?

And...we should not forget that Fuuko did not answer Yuni why she loves her, they were interrupted by forceful entrance of Nanase.
She literally entered, grabbed Yuni like her possession (and Yuni liked it!) and took her away from Fuuko.

I wanted to hear the answer so badly... but I guess the writer wants to keep us in suspense lol. It most certainly is an important plot point.

There are situations left open, there was no real closure between Yuni and Fuuko.

This is probably what bothered me the most in this chapter. Yuni acted as if Fuuko wasn't there. Even if she decided to follow Nanase, she shouldn't have ignored her like that. It really made me mad. >:L But the writer herself admitted that Yuni was "everything annoying in a woman" rolled together, so this kind of attitude comes as no surprise.

And there is real question how the sex between Yuni and Nanase will happen and what it will look like?
Is Nanase capable to give Yuni the passion she needs?
Can it change "overnight" from complete disinterest by Nanase into mindblowing sexual passion between them?

If I'm reading the story right, Nanase hasn't even gotten the point yet lol. Right now she's thinking everything will be fixed with more attention, dates, gifts and compliments. She still doesn't understand Yuni's frustration at all.

It would be great from author to show us more "skin to skin" events between Yuni and Nanase, that we can complete the pic.
There were only vague flashbacks of sexual exchanges between Nanase and Yuni and not so passionate kiss exchanges. Really not much physical contacts between them.

Nanase never initiates anything (she doesn't seem to have a sex drive even though she's at the age of adolescence) and Yuni is the poster girl of passive-reactiveness (a total bottom sub who wants to be sexxed up all the time but doesn't say it because it's embarrassing). They are a very incompatible pairing.

Did Nanase really had a GF all that time or just called Yuni her girlfriend and was satisfied with it?

The latter. Nanase is like a character from a yuri manga from forty or fifty years ago: she thinks it's all about platonic feelings, looking into each other's eyes and sighing.

When she "claimed" Yuni in this chapter, Nanase acted so dominant and overpowering (I'm tempted to say manly lol) you'd think she finally woke up and saw the light. Yuni certainly seems to believe it. Me, I have my doubts. If Yuni expects Nanase to bang her on a regular basis from now on, I suspect Yuni is going to be very disappointed.

joined Dec 13, 2020

What a shitty development.
I kind of liked Yuni even when everyone hated her (I could relate to her confusions and insecurities) but this time she's hit the bottom of the barrel.

joined Jun 27, 2022

I love how this series subverts, indeed denies and makes a mockery of, the inevitable Dynasty commenters’ attempt to sort characters into “the worst one” (who is the cause of all the problems) and “the best one” (who has done nothing wrong and suffers unjustly).

Insert 3 x Spider-Mans pointing at each other meme here.

EDIT: lol Not that that ever stopped anybody (see below).

This series does not deny nor mock anyone discussing the moral standing of it's characters. The only thing trying making a mockery of people discussing something they are passionate about are comments like yours and and mostly anyone here arguing. And did you really think that your remark would stop anyone talking about the moral standing of our beloved sumbags?

This series is all about 2 people acting at their worst while Nanase isn't perfect either but saying she's on level of Yuni or Fuuko is hilarious. So ofcourse people would have a discourse about whose the worst one. Yunis is, even Sensei mentioned it :').

And that some commenters (not you) excuse a 17-18 years old actions by suggesting she has the cognitive ability of a toddler who doesn't know how to act like a decent human being is the funniest thing I have read here so far.

I think the fact that people are so vigorously discussing a dumb fictional story like this shows how good it actually is. Thanks to the beautiful art and spicy content mind you.

Everyone is free to interpret and enjoy this however they want like how we are all free to comment on it. And if anyone is bothered by it, I don't think a forum is the right place for you then.

last edited at Aug 24, 2023 3:02AM

joined Dec 23, 2018

It would be great from author to show us more "skin to skin" events between Yuni and Nanase, that we can complete the pic.
There were only vague flashbacks of sexual exchanges between Nanase and Yuni and not so passionate kiss exchanges. Really not much physical contacts between them.

Nanase never initiates anything (she doesn't seem to have a sex drive even though she's at the age of adolescence) and Yuni is the poster girl of passive-reactiveness (a total bottom sub who wants to be sexxed up all the time but doesn't say it because it's embarrassing). They are a very incompatible pairing.

This! This part of the quote about Yuni is VERY IMPORTANT:
"a total bottom sub who wants to be sexxed up all the time but doesn't say it because it's embarrassing"

-it's the key detail about her character and the reason why she is receiving so much hatred. If she is possible poly in denial, we can't judge her for being poly and call her "bad".
And we can't judge her for being submissive. It's continuously a part of her character and consistent part of development of the story.

But there IS something "bad" (as people call it) in Yuni, and it's a part of her great denial.
She is using a few "cleansers of her conscience" to justify her desires in denial:

-Yuni is putting responsibility only on Nanase, which is not quite right because both of them are in this tango (and incompatible as you said). Both of them are pulling wrong moves causing negative passive or active reactions to each other.

-she said to Fuuko: " I will have sex with you FOR THE MONEY"-
it's typical "conscience cleanser" where she denies again her desire as HER OWN, to sleep with Fuuko, and she puts responsibility "on the money" this time.

-The most dangerous "cleanser of conscience" which Yuni is using, is the game of "silent yes" or "reluctant no" (which should not exist at all because no means no and that game brings confusion and puts many women in potential danger. At least, it should never be played with strangers).
That game of "reluctant no" or "silent yes", is usually played by females who don't want to look easy if they say yes clearly, or by cheaters who love to lie to themselves that they were "forced", so their conscience is clear. Their "forbidden" desire is justified and they are not responsible for it.

So, Yuni's submissiveness is kind of her "shield" where she feels comfortable to cover her ("embarrassing") desires and put all responsibility on others.
That's the reason why she could be poly (in denial) and very interested to have sex or relationship with more than one person.
She is definitely in denial. This replacement of responsibilities on others on or circumstances is clearly showing it.
And it clearly is showing immaturity of her age, which is another reason for not feeling responsible for her actions (which are mostly passive reactions in her case, as she is total bottom sub)

last edited at Aug 24, 2023 5:19AM

joined Jul 29, 2017

I love how this series subverts, indeed denies and makes a mockery of, the inevitable Dynasty commenters’ attempt to sort characters into “the worst one” (who is the cause of all the problems) and “the best one” (who has done nothing wrong and suffers unjustly).

Insert 3 x Spider-Mans pointing at each other meme here.

EDIT: lol Not that that ever stopped anybody (see below).

This series does not deny nor mock anyone discussing the moral standing of it's characters. The only thing trying making a mockery of people discussing something they are passionate about are comments like yours and and mostly anyone here arguing. And did you really think that your remark would stop anyone talking about the moral standing of our beloved sumbags?

This series is all about 2 people acting at their worst while Nanase isn't perfect either but saying she's on level of Yuni or Fuuko is hilarious. So ofcourse people would have a discourse about whose the worst one. Yunis is, even Sensei mentioned it :').

The fact that you think anything you say here refutes what I said rather than embodies it is what’s hilarious.

Everyone is free to interpret and enjoy this however they want like how we are all free to comment on it. And if anyone is bothered by it, I don't think a forum is the right place for you then.

But if someone is amused by narcissistic moralizing, this is exactly the right place to be.

joined Feb 24, 2023

But if someone is amused by narcissistic moralizing, this is exactly the right place to be.

Very strange, how do you expect/want us to engage with this content? The dubious, extremely morally grey behavior of these characters is a big aspect of this story and therefore so is discussing it and trying to make sense of it

joined Jul 29, 2017

But if someone is amused by narcissistic moralizing, this is exactly the right place to be.

Very strange, how do you expect/want us to engage with this content? The dubious, extremely morally grey behavior of these characters is a big aspect of this story and therefore so is discussing it and trying to make sense of it.

I personally don’t think “everyone behaving badly” counts as “morally grey,” but you have your fun, by all means.

EDIT: Put another way, as my original post said, I don’t think that ranking these characters on a scale of morality from “best” to “worst” contributes very much to “making sense of this story.”

last edited at Aug 24, 2023 8:07AM

joined Dec 23, 2018

does Nanase even know sex is on the table here? Have they done this before previously?

There is only one vague flashback where Nanase is naked on her knees (like she is on top of Yuni), in chapter where Yuni and Fuuko are in hotel room in Osaka, going on it.
Yuni is touching Fuuko and comapres her with Nanase (to her Fuuko is soft to touch, Nanase was toned)
Probably they have done it before the story begins. They are already about 2 or 3 months in relationship (secretly) when the story starts.

If they have done it already it means in 6 months it was just once!

last edited at Aug 24, 2023 12:11PM

joined Apr 2, 2023

Yuni is so fickle wtf. Right now I don't know if I want her to end up with Fuuko or not. She will probably come to realize how great Fuuko is while she is with Nanase.

joined Jan 1, 2022

I think Fuuko is a hero because she's hot and manipulating people is badass. She's the Odysseus of this story.

Yuni's actions make perfect sense here and she's 100% making the right play. She wants to have her cake and eat it too, so why wouldn't she rush into Nanase's arms? It's not like Fuuko will give up on her. Yuni wants to have BOTH Nanase and Fuuko obsessed with her, and this is a step in the right direction.

Nanase is the only one acting irrationally here. She should dump the cheating bitch and get with her volleyball friend. She's blaming herself because she didn't pay Yuni enough attention, but that's stupid. God damn, have some self-respect.

joined Oct 14, 2014

Why is everyone in this damn forum assuming every teenager is some sort of brainless horndog? I started reading 18+ yuri when I was 11, but I didn't develop a sex drive until I was like 20. That's right. My entire puberty was bereft of horny. It's not that abnormal to have a low sex drive even if you're legitimately in love with someone, and for ace people it is indeed a task that requires effort to have sex at all generally.

This is, again, a problem of compatibility, and it's kind of amusing seeing these dumb kids in the manga completely miss this concept over and over.

joined Oct 2, 2021

^^ Not only kids that miss this concept

joined Oct 3, 2018

I think Fuuko is a hero because she's hot and manipulating people is badass. She's the Odysseus of this story.

Yuni's actions make perfect sense here and she's 100% making the right play. She wants to have her cake and eat it too, so why wouldn't she rush into Nanase's arms? It's not like Fuuko will give up on her. Yuni wants to have BOTH Nanase and Fuuko obsessed with her, and this is a step in the right direction.

Nanase is the only one acting irrationally here. She should dump the cheating bitch and get with her volleyball friend. She's blaming herself because she didn't pay Yuni enough attention, but that's stupid. God damn, have some self-respect.



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