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joined Feb 5, 2020

It's always the good girls that are into the weirdest stuff.

joined May 18, 2019

Nah not the secret freaky girl, I'm on my knees I couldn't stop laughing at Baiser and Sulfurs reaction bruh

joined Jan 22, 2014

Magenta, please stop pleasuring your twat, and show us what your La Verita form can do!

last edited at Jul 26, 2023 7:01PM

joined Sep 11, 2019

I feel like the darkness from the first vs. Imatitio contributed to this

joined Jun 1, 2016

I remember an old saying...The quiet purest ones are often the most kinky ones

I feel like the darkness from the first vs. Imatitio contributed to this

The hair is what gave it away for me.

joined Mar 5, 2019

Okay, so, Magenta being a closet sadist actually makes PERFECT SENSE with regards to her healing powers. ignoring the aftercare potential alone, she heals people so they can go through and endure more. Setting them up to fall down again.

joined Aug 10, 2016

I remember an old saying...The quiet purest ones are often the most kinky ones

I remember a different but similar saying, "The pink ones are the lewd ones"

last edited at Jul 26, 2023 8:56PM

joined Apr 27, 2014

It is back!!! So Magenta is worse than the others? I mean, more powerful, or more twisted, whatevs. This manga is so awesome, even for someone who doesn't like BDSM like me!

Wait, why s Magenta a sadist now? Can one not wear latex and stuff and not be one? I am guessing it's the huge needle...nvm xD

last edited at Jul 26, 2023 9:03PM

joined Aug 1, 2011

And the costumes aren't supposed to change their personality, right? ^^;

they aren't but looking at Azul, it was her coming to terms with her masochism that unlocked her La Verita, and you can say she is a pretty different person than she was at the start. So this may just be Magenta's latent dom and/or latent sadist finally coming out into the open.

I'm not so sure about that. We saw Azul's masochistic side long before she unlocked La Verita. This seems closer to Baiser's first La Verita form, which was more her power going out of control and is implied to have been a trap set by the mascot.

joined Oct 24, 2018

Gotta love how Baiser and Sulfur suddenly forgot about their rivalry and stepped aside to fangirl and watch Magenta La Verita lol

joined Sep 15, 2020

I couldn't stop laughing throughout this entire chapter this shits just too GOODDD

joined May 12, 2020

Hellooooooo Nurse!

joined Jan 1, 2019

As always, it's been a pleasure reading a new chapter. DID NOT SEE THE 'FALLEN NURSE' COMING. I new SOMETHING was gonna go weird but THAT... LOL.

joined Nov 24, 2016

Arthur, King of the Britains: "RUN AWAY!!! RUN AWAAAYYYY!!!"

last edited at Jul 27, 2023 12:25AM

joined Apr 2, 2018

This is so... (⁠(⁠(⁠;⁠ꏿ⁠_⁠ꏿ⁠;⁠)⁠)⁠)

I don't even have words to describe this. (insert meme of the lawyer asking the client not to comment here)

joined Jan 3, 2015

Is that an evil star on her navel?

joined Oct 14, 2014

oobh i got plany off time

Edit: I think Magenta will have two La Verita forms, with one being an "evil" healer and the other being a "good" damage dealer

Wait I just noticed the star is a stand-in for a womb tattoo, which is really funny

last edited at Jul 27, 2023 2:48AM

joined Jan 30, 2017

I love where this is going.

joined Dec 21, 2021

I'm pretty sure this isn't her true La Verità, this probably was causes by that previous transformation caused by Berserker Baiser.

joined Feb 18, 2013

Yeah, this totally tracks. I'll bet she has this "dark" form because her motive isn't entirely pure or something like that.

joined Dec 20, 2018

I did not see that one coming, but it's certainly very Magenta.

joined Jun 20, 2014

ah yes. the 'dark' power-up before the true power-up xD

joined Aug 11, 2022

...I wonder if Magenta still has some magic taint from chapter 35 like the other comments suggested or if Magenta has some kind of secret kinky sadism side coming out that no one knows about....!?

La Verita' forms (The truth???):

Sulfur (Blitz Angel/Lightning angel)
= Chinese-like dress with straight forward determination/ Electric element./close combat, rings that can move to punch with pseudo fists or boosting magic / Pure respect of being a hero/magical girl.

Azul (The VERGLAS maiden)
= Shrine maiden with tank build/ waster Ice-like element/Rebound,reflect like ability, robe flexible / Gain it through accepting herself and her kinky M side.

Magenta...(Fallen Medic)
=Fallen nurse(Lewd Nurse outfit)..../ Either healing type...possibly status effects/ seems to have one black wing on her left side and her twin tail hair looks similar to chapter 35....also that black star on her stomach/womb area....

The other 3 new magical girls (insert info/description/skills/magic here)

(Enormeeta Side)

3 star cat form=strong but cause damage to user.
(La Verita' = Strong as fuck state):

Standard horny lust magic booster ability= magic level/stars increase when turned on.
(La Verita= Night spider's web).

Leberblume & Loco Musica (Combination skill/magic| No La Verita yet)
Nero Alice (Doll house, doll creation controll, minor reality warp| No La Verita yet)

Sister Gigant (Unknown if she has La Verita?? Might be hiding or holding stronger magic power as suggest in ch.48?)

last edited at Jul 27, 2023 12:12PM

joined Aug 1, 2011

Standard horny lust magic booster ability= magic level/stars increase when turned on.
(La Verita= Night spider's web).


Nero Alice (Doll house, doll creation controll, minor reality warp| No La Verita yet)

That's actually something I've been meaning to comment on for a while now, because Baiser and Nero's are very much non-standard.

Pretty much every magical girl we've seen has had fairly static powers. That is, they do one thing, or a small set of closely related things. Kiwi creates bombs in her base form and is a lightning bruiser in her upgraded forms, Leber can wrap people up in shadows, Sulfer hits things real hard. You get the idea. Baiser and Nero's powers, on the other hand, are much broader than that, allowing them an incredibly wide range of effects, limited mostly by their own imaginations and available materials.

The thing that really highlights how odd their abilities are is the fact that we've seen two different, normal, takes on Baiser's powers, first in the form of Lorde's hoard and then in the form of Pesca's golems. Both of them summon minions, but those minions are directly created from their powers and fairly consistent in form and function. By contrast, Baiser and Nero transform things in their environment into minions and those minions can have wildly different abilities.

Aside from wondering why Baiser and Nero are so different from everyone else, this also raises a second question in my mind: Since their powers seem to function similarly, is it possible that Baiser also has broader reality warping powers? Her web in La Verita seems to suggest that yes, she does, though it's notable that the web goes back to the standard template of creating a fixed effect directly, rather than manipulating the world around her. Either way, I hope we get more information on how abilities work and why those two seem so different from everyone else.

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